No, the CD is not dead. Far from it, in fact. And even if you aren’t buying CDs anymore, you’ve probably got a whole of them lying around that, for sentimentality’s sake you don’t want to get rid of. Digital diaries, photo albums, music: all these things and more have found their way to the ubiquitous compact disk over the years, and unless you want to forget where you put what (they all look the same, don’t they?) it’s time to get organizing. And here’s just the thing to help you out: funky CD and DVD Label Templates, because being organized can be cool too.
These premium examples will have your media collection sitting pretty in no time. If paper labels are not your cup of tea, you can burn the labels onto the backs of your disks; this way, you know they are never coming off. If you’re going to be mailing CDs, consider pasting on your Address Label onto the jewel case; there are plenty of label templates available for that very purpose.
Cd Label Template Example

Cd Label Sample Template

Simple Cd Label Template

Cd Cover Template

Cd Label Template Free

Free Templates for Easy Organization
- Whether for CDs or DVD label templates, you can find them all right here, and these samples are completely free of cost.
- Download in the format of your choice: Word or Excel.
- Customize and personalize to your specific needs before hitting Print, and you have an original label that is perfect for your CD collection.
Cd Label Template Download

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