Most companies require an employee to render thirty working days of full service after a resignation letter has been filed. This work rendering will still be paid, and the time that it consumes will allow the human resource department to prepare necessary items and documents that are needed for resignation processes.

However, there are instances of resignations that needed a shorter time of service rendering. This may be allowed by the company if an employee has valid reasons and if these reasons are put into writing. Should you be needing a guide in creating a two-week resignation letter, you may use our Sample Letters for your reference in creating one.

 Formal Two Week Resignation Letter Sample

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Two Week Notice Resignation Letter PDF

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Resignation Timeline and Why It Must Be Followed

Work rendering is one of the processes that are needed to be followed by an employee who is already resigning. As said, most companies give a timeline of thirty working days for an employee to still provide his or her services to the company. A few reasons why the duration of the timeline is this long are as follows:

  • the human resource department still needs to process the back pay computation of the employee and it must be forwarded to the finance department ahead of time for processing;
  • the company needs this time to find a new applicant that will fit the position to be vacated by the resigning employee; and
  • should a new employee be already hired to replace the resigning employee within the thirty-day period, the resigning employee can directly teach the new hire about the processes of his or her work and other job functions.

Yet, sometimes, it is needed for the thirty days of service rendering to be shortened. A minimum of two weeks is usually accepted by different companies depending on the reason of resignation. You may use our templates on Resignation Letters 2 Week Notice and our Two Week Notice Email Samples as your references regarding this matter.

Simple Two Week Resignation Letter

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 Why Is a Shorter Rendering Period Needed?

There are a lot of reasons why a person has come to the decision of resignation. Here are a few reasons why an employee needs to render just two weeks of service to the company that he or she is to leave:

  • The new work opportunity requires him or her to report the earliest possible time
  • The employee is already migrating to another place in the country or overseas and he or she needs more time to process all the needed documents
  • The employee is currently experiencing health issues that needs medical attention the soonest it has been claimed

No matter what these reasons are, proper resignation and following the resignation processes shall be practiced especially if you will just follow the two week resignation process. Remember that your resignation may affect the department where you work at or even the entire processes of the business.

Writing a letter of resignation stating that you are to leave sooner as what the company has required you to do is of much importance. You may use our Formal Letter of Resignation Samples and create yours based on the structure and idea presented in the samples available.

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