When it comes to negotiations, you have to make sure that the people involved understand all of the terms and conditions that were established. The way to do that is to write it down on paper. You can do so with contracts. However, to make the agreement less lengthy and simpler, you can make use of a letter of agreement.

Making use of letters of agreement help make the negotiation more solid and ensure that everyone is on the same page. It helps to prevent the parties involved from making any assumptions as it can help let them know what their responsibilities are. It also helps to make the responsibilities of each person involved known.

Letter Agreement on Repayment Schedule Template

letter agreement on repayment schedule template

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Size: A4, US


Letter of Agreement Master Professional Services Agreement

letter of agreement master professional services agreement template1

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Size: A4, US


Rental Agreement Letter

Rental Agreement Consent Letter

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  • Doc

Size: 27 KB


Rental Agreement Extension Letter

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Size: 34 KB


Payment Agreement Letter

Car Payment Agreement Letter

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Size: 63 KB


Payment Plan Agreement Letter

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Size: 20 KB


Job Agreement Letter

Job Offer Agreement Letter

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  • Doc

Size: 44 KB


Job Contract Agreement Letter

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Size: 60 KB


Acceptance of Job Agreement Letter

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Size: 21 KB


Salary Agreement Letter

Salary Advance Agreement Letter

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Size: 16 KB


Salary Exchange Agreement Letter

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Size: 46 KB


Salary Reduction Agreement Letter

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Size: 52 KB


Rent Agreement Letter

Rent Increase Agreement Letter

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Size: 41 KB


Rent Payment Agreement Letter

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Size: 30 KB


Rent Agreement Cancellation Letter

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  • Doc

Size: 28 KB


What Is a Letter of Agreement?

A letter of agreement is a type of letter that shows the details of a formal agreement between two or more parties. It is less formal than a contract but it still covers the arrangements that were made between the parties involved. It outlines all the agreements and can clarify all of the terms and conditions. It helps to protect the parties involved, so putting as much detail needed and relevant to the agreement is very essential. It is a great alternative to the lengthy contracts and is also faster to write. This is used in a variety of situations and it becomes a binding contract once the parties involved sign the letter, and if there are any witnesses present during the letter-signing, they should also affix their signature in the letter. This aids as an added protection for everyone involved.

What Is Included in a Letter of Agreement?

A letter of agreement does not follow certain rules when it comes to how you write it but it will have a certain outline that will include the following:

  • the nature of the situation or circumstance that needs the usage of a letter of agreement;
  • the description of what the product/service provided;
  • the cost, if any, of the product or service and terms of payment;
  • the timeline of the deliverables; and
  • copyright concerns, if applicable.

When to Write a Letter of Agreement?

A letter of agreement is usually used between the following:

  • Individuals who have just started their business or are initiating to establish a relationship with another business can make use of letters of agreement. It ensures that all the parties involved in the agreement will always remain on the same page.
  • It is also used for situations where an employer wants the employee to understand the working terms and conditions of the company.
  • If there is a need for you to define any contribution that has been made by an investor or client.

There are multiple reasons why a letter of agreement might be drafted. It is useful in the sense that it can be used instead of using lengthy and wordy contracts. It is also very crucial to ensure that all the necessary details needed with regards to the agreement between the parties should be established in order to avoid misunderstandings. You cannot be vague, confusing, or indefinite in your letter as it may make the letter invalid.

Agreement Letters vs. Contracts

We have been telling you that agreement letters can be used in lieu of using contracts, but what is the difference between the two? In all honesty, there’s not much difference. Contracts pertain to something that is related to an offer with an accompanying acceptance with ground rules that are needed to be followed. We can actually say that a letter of agreement is a form of a contract since it does exactly what a contract does, and just like contracts, you have to take into consideration any legalities since it can easily be considered as invalid.

Contract Agreement Letter

Employment Contract Agreement Letter

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Size: 28 KB


Business Contract Agreement Letter

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Size: 29 KB


Contract Termination Agreement Letter

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Size: 30 KB


Company Agreement Letter

Company Property Agreement Letter

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Size: 17 KB


Software Company Agreement Letter

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Size: 70 KB


Business Agreement Letter

Business Partnership Agreement Letter

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Size: 25 KB


Business Agreement Termination Letter

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Size: 34 KB


Termination of Agreement Letter

Termination of Rental Agreement Letter

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Size: 20 KB


Termination of Tenancy Agreement Letter

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Size: 59 KB


Loan Agreement Letter

Employee Loan Agreement Letter

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Size: 30 KB


Types of Agreement Letters

An agreement letter can be specified according to to the purpose it will be used for since these letters can be used for a wide assortment of situations where an agreement letter is considered to be needed. With this said, here we briefly define some types of agreement letters that may be used for specific situations.

  • Rental Agreement Letters
    This can be a letter that can be used by a landlord to his/her tenant, which may include the minimum number of months that should be rendered in the property, the payment terms, amount and frequency of the payments.
  • Payment Agreement Letters
    When an individual (debtor) owes money from someone else (creditor), the terms of payment such as installments, how much needs to be paid per installment, and modes of payment may be laid down in the agreement letter.
  • Volunteer Agreement Letter
    When organizations hire volunteers, they should have given a volunteer agreement in order to give the volunteer an idea about what he/she needs to do as a volunteer and if there are any forms of compensation such as allowance, free meals, etc.
  • Employee Agreement Letter
    Once an employee has been hired, the employer should be responsible for giving the employee a rundown of what are the ground rules in the workplace and what are considered to be offenses that might get the employee terminated or dismissed from his/her job. Employment agreement letters will help to briefly lay down all of this information as a means to making the employee easily comprehend.
  • Termination Agreement Letter
    This may be used as a means of letting an employee know that he/she has done an offensive action(s) that calls for the need that he/she be terminated from the workplace and that the contract that was signed with regards to the job offer is now considered as null and void. This may also be applicable for a termination of rental agreement where a tenant may tell the landlord his/her specific reasons for leaving the property.
  • Business Agreement Letters
    Whether for business ventures, partnerships, or sponsorships, an agreement letter may be used to lay down what the company will offer.
  • Financial Aid Agreement Letters
    When an individual is in need of financial assistance, an agreement letter may be utilized in order to establish the total amount needed for financial aid.
  • Service Agreement Letter
    When a business provides a service for a client, a service agreement letter may impose that the business is allowed to do certain actions for specific situations.
  • Vendor/Supplier Agreement Letter
    This is usually used to inform suppliers about the ground rules that needs to be followed for an event and what product/service is needed for the event. It will also mention the details about each product/service should be handled during the event.

There are a whole bunch of agreement letter types that you can make use of. The important thing to remember when it comes to these letters is the complete details of the agreement to ensure a smooth and fast transaction.

Agreement Cancellation Letter

Sales Agreement Cancellation Letter

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Size: 25 KB


Lease Agreement Cancellation Letter

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Size: 25 KB


Rental Agreement Cancellation Letter

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Size: 3 KB


Agreement Extension Letter

Rental Agreement Extension Letter

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Size: 34 KB


Employment Agreement Extension Letter

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Size: 909 KB


Agreement Renewal Letter

Rent Agreement Renewal Letter

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Size: 47 KB


Lease Agreement Renewal Letter

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Size: 72 KB


Agreement Acceptance Letter

Lease Agreement Acceptance Letter

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Size: 32 KB


Rental Agreement Acceptance Letter

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Size: 23 KB


Agency Agreement Letter Format

Agency Agreement Termination Letter

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Size: 101 KB


Agency Agreement Letter Sample

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Size: 1 MB


Agreement Letter-Writing Tips

You now have gained knowledge about what agreement letters are all about, when to use them, and a few types of agreement letters that are commonly used. We now give you a few tips regarding how you can write one. Since they are considered to be legal documents, it needs to be drafted in an intelligent and careful manner putting into consideration the words you will be using for the agreement.

  • Your letter should be strong and solid. You should know the clauses that you need to include in your letter.
  • Do not be vague when it comes to these letters. If you are vague, you are harming not just yourself but the other concerned parties as well.
  • Pay attention to even the most minute of details such as the date of the agreement, description of what the agreement is about, the names of the people involved in the agreement, and other details that might be considered as essential and relevant to the agreement.
  • The duties and responsibilities of each member involved must be stated. Even the most simple of duties and responsibilities should be written in order to clarify all the responsibilities of the parties. This helps to avoid any dispute that may arise that is due to the agreement.
  • Witnesses will also play an important part. Their liability should also be stated in the agreement letter as this will help the letter be more solid and be more secure.
  • Do not hesitate to ask for professional help should you be having difficulty when it comes to laying down the terms and conditions of the agreement. This aids in making sure that everything is stated/mentioned accordingly.
  • Ensure that everyone involved with the agreement affixes their signature in the letter as an establishment that everything has been fully understood. You may also opt to have it notarized by a lawyer in order to make it all the more legally binding.
  • Make sure to use simple language to ensure that legal terms will be easily comprehended by the parties involved as well as third-party members. Avoid the usage of slang terms as this is a legal document.

An agreement letter is a communication of sorts written on a piece of paper. It fulfills the exchange of promises in order to complete the action or particular relationship established given that all promises and agreed policies/rules are discussed in detail. Everyone can write one—from individuals to businesses.

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