There are times in our professional lives when we are asked by someone to craft a captivating character reference for them. If you are currently burdened by such an honorable yet daunting responsibility, then worry not for we are providing you with character reference Sample Letters that can guide you in your letter-writing. Simply scroll down below and start downloading.

Formal Character Reference Letter Format

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  • DOCX

Size: 5 KB


Character Reference Letter Format for Job

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  • DOCX

Size: 4 KB


Character Reference Letters

A character reference letter is a type of recommendation letter that is usually sent with the intent of widening the chances of the applicant of getting the slot or position that he/she is aiming for.

This letter is usually drafted by the following persons:

  • a previos employer,
  • a previous manager/supervisor,
  • a previous organizational leader, and
  • a previous professor.


The usual reasons for drafting this letter are,

  • to boost the subject-applicant’s chances of getting hired for a certain job position
  • and to promote the eligibility of a student-applicant for a slot in a certain degree or program in a university/educational institution.

The Difference between a Character Reference and a Professional Recommendation

Compared to the austerity of professional recommendation letters that focuses more on the applicant’s skills, work experience, and relevant educational background, the character reference is more subjective in nature. It is a type of recommendation in which the writer has more liberty such as highlighting the deeper and more human attributes of the applicant (job applicant or student applicant). These human and more abstract attributes can be any of the following:

  • The applicant’s values.
  • The applicant’s good deeds in the past, which may not necessarily be related to the position or slot applied for; nevertheless, it is an indication of the applicant’s wholesome character and upright moral compass.
  • The applicant’s rational and critical thinking skills—a trait that is always commendable no matter what type of position or slot is being applied for. It is always a plus when an applicant is capable of making accurate and logically driven quick decisions.


For more information about the character references, download our templates on this page or you can also browse our collection of Sample Letters of Reference. Simply click on the link provided.

Character Reference Letter Format

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  • DOCX

Size: 4 KB


Character Reference Letter Format Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 176 KB


Parts of a Character Reference Letter

As different as these two letters may seem in content, yet in form it is more or less similar.

Here are the most basic elements that a character reference letter must contain:

  • formal introduction;
  • statement explaining the manner with which the letter-writer is related to or had known the subject-applicant in the past;
  • statement narrating the first impressions the letter-writer had regarding the character of the subject-applicant;
  • enumeration of the positive aspects of the subject-applicant’s character;
  • in-depth explanation of the circumstance in the past that made the letter-writer form such conclusions regarding the subject-applicant’s character; and
  • as closing, the statement of the letter-writer informing the reader that he/she may be contacted via a certain number or via e-mail should the letter-recipient have further inquiries regarding the character of the subject-applicant.


Want more reference for the format of a character reference? Click on this link: Sample Reference Letter Formats.

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