A cover letter sample, though usually used by professionals who have already experienced working, may also be used by the students. This allows them to boost their chances in being hired in a position where they are competing with people who already have experiences.

Though applaudable academic records and a history of co-curricular activities can give a positive impact on a student’s resume, sending a cover letter is something that should also be considered. You can write a lot of things on your cover letter that cannot be written on your simple resume. Follow the guides below when creating a comprehensive cover letter.

View our Sample Letters for more idea about letter structures.

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Cover Letter For Students Applying For an Internship

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Employer’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [specific internship title] at [Company Name], as advertised [mention where you found the internship listing]. As a [your major] student at [Your University], I have developed [mention relevant skills or courses] that I believe will contribute to the innovative environment at [Company Name].

During my coursework and participation in [mention any relevant academic projects or extracurricular activities], I have gained valuable skills in [mention relevant skills such as problem-solving, analytical skills, or specific technical skills]. For example, in my [mention a project, course, or experience], I [describe what you did and the outcome]. This experience taught me [mention skills learned or insights gained], which I am eager to apply in a practical setting.

I am particularly drawn to this internship at [Company Name] due to [mention what attracts you to this company or what the company does that aligns with your interests or career goals]. I am eager to bring my background in [your field] and my enthusiasm for [relevant topic] to your team.

Attached is my resume, which provides further details about my academic and professional background. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my education and experiences will be beneficial to your team. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name], and I am eager to provide further information during a personal interview. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]

cover letter for students applying for an internship

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Cover Letter For Students With No Experience

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Employer’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am currently a [Your Major] student at [Your University] and I am writing to express my interest in the [specific position] at [Company Name], as advertised [where you found the job listing]. Although I am at the early stages of my career with limited professional experience, I bring a strong background in [mention relevant academic subjects, skills, or personal qualities] and a keen eagerness to learn and contribute.

Throughout my academic career, I have been actively involved in [mention any clubs, societies, or activities], which has equipped me with a multitude of skills such as [list skills—communication, teamwork, problem-solving, etc.]. For instance, during my time with [mention any relevant project or role in student organizations], I successfully managed [describe what you did, emphasizing leadership, organization, or another relevant skill].

Additionally, my coursework has allowed me to develop [mention relevant coursework], where I have learned [specific skills or concepts relevant to the job]. I have also engaged in [mention any relevant class projects or personal projects], where I [describe your role and what you accomplished or learned].

I am particularly attracted to this position at [Company Name] because [mention what you find appealing about the company or the position], and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my unique skills to your esteemed team. I am confident that my proactive approach and unwavering dedication will allow me to contribute positively and learn effectively within your organization.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my background. I am very excited about the possibility of discussing this opportunity with you. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your team.


[Your Name]

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Cover Letter For Students Activity

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Coordinator’s or Teacher’s Name]
[School Name or Organization]
[Address if applicable]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Coordinator’s or Teacher’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in [specific position or activity] that was announced [mention where you found out about the activity]. As a [Your Grade/Year] student at [Your School], I am eager to apply my skills in [mention relevant skills] and my passion for [relevant topic or field] to enhance our [mention specific school club, team, or project].

Through my involvement in [mention any related clubs or activities], I have developed strong [list skills—leadership, organizational, communication, etc.] skills. For instance, in my role as [mention any position or relevant role in past clubs or activities], I successfully [describe what you achieved or initiated, emphasizing outcomes and any recognition received if applicable].

I am particularly excited about this opportunity because [explain why this activity interests you and what you know about it, showing your enthusiasm and knowledge about the role]. I believe that my experience with [mention any relevant projects or responsibilities in school or outside] has prepared me well to contribute effectively to [mention specific goals or projects related to the activity].

I am committed to [mention any goals you hope to achieve or contributions you wish to make], and I am enthusiastic about the chance to bring my [mention key qualities or experiences] to [mention the activity or position]. I am confident that my proactive approach and dedication to excellence will enable me to make a positive impact.

Please find my attached resume for more details about my background. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail and am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [mention the team, club, or school]. Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion and skills to [mention the activity or position] and hope to make meaningful contributions.


[Your Name]

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Cover Letter For Students First Job

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [specific job title] position listed at [Company Name], as recently advertised [mention where you found the job listing]. As a recent graduate from [Your High School or College], I am eager to bring my enthusiasm and dedication to [Company Name] and gain valuable professional experience.

Although I am new to the workforce, my educational background and involvement in [mention any clubs, sports, volunteer activities, or subjects relevant to the job] have equipped me with a solid foundation in [mention skills relevant to the job, such as teamwork, problem-solving, or specific technical skills]. For instance, while working on group projects in [mention a relevant course or activity], I developed [mention specific skills or experiences] which I believe will be beneficial in a [type of work environment] environment.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity at [Company Name] due to [mention what you find appealing about the company or its industry]. I admire [mention any notable projects, values, or leadership approaches the company has] and I am excited about the possibility of contributing to such a dynamic team.

I am eager to bring my background in [mention any relevant academic subjects or personal interests] and my commitment to learning and growing into the role of [job title]. I am confident in my ability to contribute positively and am enthusiastic about the hands-on experience I will gain.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my education and extracurricular involvement. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss my application in more detail and am available at your earliest convenience for an interview. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name] and am eager to bring my energy and curiosity to your team.


[Your Name]

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Browse More Templates On Cover Letter For Students

Nursing Student Cover Letter Template

nursing student cover letter template

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Student Resume Cover Letter Template

student resume cover letter template

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Academic Student Support Cover Letter Template

academic student support cover letter template

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Cover Letter Example for Nursing Students Template

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Size: 29 KB


How To Write a Student Cover Letter

Writing a student cover letter example can be a key step in landing internships, part-time jobs, or even your first full-time role after graduation. Here’s a detailed guide on how to craft an effective cover letter as a student:

1. Start with Proper Formatting

A professional layout is crucial:

  • Header: Include your contact information at the top—name, phone number, email, and date. If you’re sending a hard copy or PDF, add the employer’s contact information and address as well.
  • Font: Use a professional, easy-to-read font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, size 10-12 points.

2. Address the Right Person

Begin with a formal salutation. If possible, address the cover letter to the specific person responsible for hiring. If you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager,” or “Dear [Department Name] Team,” is acceptable.

3. Start with a Strong Opening

Your opening paragraph should grab attention. Introduce yourself, specify the position you’re applying for, and mention how you heard about the job. Briefly state why you’re excited about the role.

4. Highlight Relevant Experience

Since you might not have extensive work experience, focus on:

  • Academic achievements: Discuss coursework related to the job.
  • Projects and assignments: Describe projects that demonstrate skills applicable to the position.
  • Extracurricular activities: Include leadership roles in clubs, sports teams, or volunteer work that showcase soft skills like teamwork, leadership, and communication.

5. Show Enthusiasm and Fit

Explain why you want to work at this particular company. Research the company’s culture, mission, and recent projects to show genuine interest and how your goals align with theirs.

6. Include Soft Skills

Employers value soft skills, especially for students who may not have professional experience. Highlight traits like adaptability, problem-solving, and eagerness to learn.

7. Call to Action

In your concluding paragraph, reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. Politely express your desire for a personal interview to discuss your application further. Thank them for considering your application.

8. Professional Closing

End with a professional closing such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name. If you’re submitting via email, include a digital copy of your signature if possible.

9. Proofread

Before sending, thoroughly proofread your cover letter. Avoid spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If possible, have someone else review it as well.

Sample Cover Letter for Internship Template

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Size: 7 KB


Student Visa Application Cover Letter in PDF

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Size: 45 KB


Sample Cover Letter for Engineering Students Template

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Size: 173 KB


For students, a cover letter that can get the attention of a possible employer has to have the following:

  • Your knowledge about the company. There is nothing more flattering to an employer when an applicant knows the industry where the company belongs and what the company analysis has been doing for the past dates of operations.
  • Your idea about the work that you are applying for. State what you know about the position that you are applying for. Being able to assess the kind of work that you are capable of doing even without prior experience can boost your chances of getting hired.
  • Your skills and abilities. This will make up to lack of professional experience. If your skills and abilities are applicable to the job, there is a big possibility that an employer will hire you.
  • Your desire to work. Show professionalism in your cover letter introduction and let them know why you wanted to work for them and what are the things that you can bring to the table.
  • Your intention to professionally grow. Let the employer know that you are more than willing to do the tasks to be assigned to you and promise to excel at what you do. All you need is that chance to show them that you can be a great addition to their workforce.

You can take a look at our Sample Engineering Cover Letters and Resume Cover Letter Samples for your reference.

Free High School Student Cover Letter Template

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Size: 17 KB


First Year Student Cover Letter Template

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Size: 238 KB


Importance of Student Cover Letter

importance of student cover letter

A student cover letter is a critical component of the job application process, especially for students who may not have extensive professional experience. Here’s why crafting a thoughtful cover letter is particularly important for students:

1. First Impression

A cover letter often serves as the first point of contact between you and potential employers. It provides an opportunity to make a positive first impression and sets the tone for how recruiters view your sample application, distinguishing you from other candidates.

2. Personal Introduction

While a resume outlines your qualifications and skills, a cover letter gives you a chance to personally introduce yourself and explain your interest in the position and the company. It adds a human touch to your application, allowing your personality and enthusiasm to shine through.

3. Demonstrates Communication Skills

A well-written cover letter showcases your ability to communicate effectively. For many employers, strong writing and communication skills are critical, and your cover letter is your chance to demonstrate these abilities directly.

4. Explains Your Motivations

A cover letter allows you to explain why you’re interested in a particular job or industry, which can be particularly important if your past experiences don’t obviously align with the job you’re applying for. It helps employers understand your career goals and how they mesh with their company.

5. Highlights Relevant Skills and Experiences

For students, direct job experience in your field may be limited. A cover letter enables you to highlight relevant coursework, academic projects, volunteer experiences, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate transferable skills pertinent to the job.

6. Shows Initiative and Enthusiasm

Taking the time to write a detailed and tailored cover letter shows initiative and a genuine interest in the position. Employers appreciate candidates who go the extra mile to explain why they are a good fit for the role and how they can contribute to the organization.

7. Opportunity to Address Gaps or Issues

If there are any gaps in your resume, or if you’re changing majors or fields, the cover letter provides a space to address these points positively. You can frame your experiences and the skills you’ve gained in a way that adds value to your application.

8. Aligns Your Profile with the Company’s Culture

You can use your cover letter to align your personal values and professional goals with the company’s culture, mission, and future projects. Demonstrating that you are a cultural fit can significantly boost your chances of moving forward in the hiring process.

9. Closes with a Call to Action

A cover letter ends with a proactive call to action, prompting the employer to move you forward in the hiring process. It’s your chance to request an interview or further discussion, directly inviting them to engage with you further.

In summary, a student cover letter is essential for making a well-rounded job application. It provides context to your resume, demonstrates your professionalism, and shows that you are a thoughtful and motivated candidate.

College of Engineering Graduate Student Cover Letter Template

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Size: 164 KB


International Student Cover Letter Example

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Size: 244 KB


Cover Letter Writing Tips For Students

cover letter writing tips for students

Writing an effective cover letter as a student can significantly improve your chances of landing an interview, especially when your work experience might be limited. Here are some practical tips to help you craft a compelling cover letter:

1. Customize Your Cover Letter

Always tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company. This shows that you’ve done your homework and understand what the company is looking for. Mention specific details about the company and how your goals align with their mission.

2. Start Strong

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and state why you are writing. Be clear about the position you are applying for and how you heard about it. Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company right from the start.

3. Highlight Relevant Experiences

Use your cover letter to highlight and expand on the most relevant experiences listed on your resume. This could include coursework, projects, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities that have equipped you with skills pertinent to the job. Use specific examples to demonstrate how these experiences make you a suitable candidate.

4. Showcase Soft Skills

Many students lack extensive professional experience, so it’s important to emphasize soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Describe instances from school or volunteer activities where you successfully used these skills.

5. Connect Your Studies to the Job

Link your academic experiences directly to the job requirements. Explain how your studies have prepared you for the specific duties of the job. This can include relevant coursework, academic achievements, and any related research or projects.

6. Be Concise

A cover letter should not just repeat your resume in paragraph form. Instead, it should provide new information and be concise—ideally, no longer than one page. Keep your writing clear and to the point.

7. Include Keywords from the Job Description

Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job description into your cover letter. This not only shows that you are a good fit but also helps your application pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that many larger companies use.

8. Express Your Passion for the Field

Convey genuine enthusiasm for the field you are entering. Employers are looking for candidates who are passionate about their work and will bring that energy to their company.

9. End with a Call to Action

Finish your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering your application and express your hope to discuss your application further in an interview. This shows initiative and reinforces your interest in the position.

10. Proofread Carefully

Errors in your cover letter can undermine your application. Proofread your formal letter multiple times to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes. If possible, have someone else review it as well to catch anything you might have missed.

11. Professional Closing

End with a professional closing such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name. If you’re submitting a hard copy or a PDF, include a handwritten signature above your typed name.

By following these tips, you can create a strong cover letter that effectively communicates your qualifications, enthusiasm, and fit for the role you are applying for.

Cover Letter Examples for Students in MS Word

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Size: 4 KB


A cover letter made by students can be for the purpose of either a job application or internship.

For job applications, a resume may not be enough for college students to get hired as the competition for job posts are truly hard. There are a lot of individuals who already have work experiences that are sending their resume to get hired for the same position.

College students usually send their resume to prospective employers a few weeks or months before their final semester ends so that they can already have sure interviews or even works right after graduation invitation. To help with this, a cover letter must be attached to the resume. A cover letter can help you add more credentials to your application so you may qualify for an interview.

Internships are also done by students especially those in their last years of studying. It helps them familiarize with the processes within a real working environment. You can take a look at our Internship Cover Letter Samples so you can have an idea on how to create one should you be applying for on internship on the next days.

Do college students need a cover letter?

Yes, college students should write cover letters to differentiate themselves, showcase their skills and enthusiasm, and explain how their academic experiences align with job requirements.

How do I write a cover letter for a student with no experience?

Highlight academic achievements, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities. Demonstrate soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving, and show genuine interest in the role.

How do you say you have no experience but willing to learn?

“I am eager to leverage my academic background and strong desire to learn quickly. Although new to the field, I am committed to contributing positively and growing within the company.”

How to write a cover letter for a school application?

Explain your academic interests, achievements, and what draws you to the program. Describe how the school’s values align with your educational goals, and express enthusiasm for joining their community.

What does a cover letter look like?

A cover letter includes a header with your contact information, a greeting, introductory paragraph, 1-2 body paragraphs highlighting skills and experiences, a closing paragraph with a call to action, and a professional sign-off.

What is the 1st sentence of a cover letter?

“I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Where you found the job posting], and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team.”

In conclusion, as a student eager to contribute and learn, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my skills and passion to [specific role]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can positively impact your team.

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