People in professional job life require job offer decline letters as most of the candidates apply for multiple jobs at a time. When they get job offers from more than one company, they have to decide and decline job offers which are less beneficial to him. The following decline offer letter samples are professional and they contain both negotiable and non-negotiate decline letters.  You May also See Rejection Letters

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Decline Job Offer Letter Template

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This is a formal letter to decline a job offer and it generally originates from the person to whom the job is offered and is addressed to the Human Resource department. It has a polite tone and it clearly states the reason for which the person cannot accept the job offer. It also keeps the job open for negotiation if the reason and criteria of dissatisfaction get resolved.

Sample Decline Offer Letter Template

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This is a courtesy sample letter to express your decision to decline a job offer in a polite tone. It states the reason why you chose some other job offer over it and still how you consider the company a great place to be in. It expresses gratitude for letting you sit for the interview and make time for it from their busy schedule.

Sample Job Offer Declination Letter Template

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This is another formal job offer decline declaration letter. The criteria for which the job offer could not be accepted are non-negotiable. It is a kind of thank you letter with a clear explanation why the job offer is good but due to some other reason another job offer is better than this. As the reason for the decline is non-negotiable, it expresses gratitude for consideration and asks them to move on to the next best candidate.

Decline Offer Thank You Letter Template

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Simple Decline Offer Letter Template

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Standard Job Offer Decline Letter Template

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It is most useful for the candidates who have received multiple job offers or those who are satisfied with their current employment. The letter clearly states the reasons for his declining the offer letter and those reasons could be negotiated by the company further or they could be non-negotiable. Through such decline letter, the candidate can establish a good relationship with the company if he chooses to move to the company in future. It also shows the professional attitude of the candidate who clearly stated his problems and the company might agree to give him a better offer in future.

Targeted Audience

The targeted audiences for such decline offer letters are directly the management people in Human Resource department of a company  analysis. It is directly addressed to the person who offered the job offer letter to the candidate. It can also be for the interviewer or team leader who took the interview of the candidate and examined his skills. Whoever it may be, the point of such letters is to establish a good relationship going forward with management people so that he can benefit from that relationship in future.


One of the most important benefits of such letter is the negotiation of terms to betterment. Job decline letters clearly state the reasons for not accepting the job offer. Any company can negotiate those terms and conditions in favor of the candidate. Other than that, a candidate can establish a good relationship with the company and management people for future by expressing his gratitude for allowing him the time to attend the interview. Through such letters, a candidate can cleverly steal a great deal for himself by negotiation and it is always a win-win situation for a candidate if he is satisfied with the present employer or has a better alternative.

Job rejection letter samples are in professional tone with personal touches. They are polite in words and very clear about the rejection reasons. They always express a gratitude for conducting an interview and allowing time for the candidate to sit on it.

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