As much as people want to believe in forever, some things have to come to an end. Some relationships don’t last as long as you hope it would. It’s not every day you get to find someone you have a connection with. No matter how much you work on it, things just don’t work out as planned. You just have to accept that the best thing for you is to go your separate ways. Breakups are hard, that is why some people use goodbye letters to make things easier. When it comes to business and legal affairs, official letters make the separation legitimate and documented. That’s why accountants and attorneys send disengagement letters to their clients.

Diving into Disengagement Letters

When the relationship agreement between the client and the service provider ends, proper documentation must be observed. When a certified public accountant or lawyer wants to end the relationship, they must send their clients a disengagement letter. A legal letter is what you use to notify your clients that you will no longer be working with them and that your relationship has officially ended. Depending on how things were between the letter sender and the client, the content could mean different things. If things ended nicely, the letter could go like, “it was a pleasure working with you.” But if things didn’t go so well, this could be a CYA letter. This letter also serves as a tool for CPAs and attorneys to reduce general liability.

Inclusions of a Disengagement Letter

Letter sending is a form of communication that people have been using since the time of ancient Mesopotamia. As time flew by, the format and content of letters also changed. When a message is between two professionals, it should obviously follow a professional letter format. But other than the composition, the content of your letter should only consist of things relating to your professional relationship. Here are some parts you should have in your disengagement letter.

Dates and Deadlines

Since your letter serves as the termination letter, having the exact date of termination would be necessary. If you signed any contract, you should include the date the deal ends in your letter. This makes any transaction after said dates invalid. If there are documents that need submitting, you should also inform your clients about the deadlines. If any legal struggle happens after these dates, you can be sure that you have something to show to avoid more liability.


Even when things have ended, that doesn’t mean you should stop giving a helping hand. Your clients don’t know all the processes, so giving out a few pieces of advice could mean so much. If you are an accountant, you can probably predict if your client’s finances will go through some rough waters. You can give them some tips if ever unwanted situations occur. You can even give them names of people to run to when they need help.

Wishes and Invitations

After every relationship, you don’t want to be that guy who thinks negatively about the other person. It’s always best to end things on a positive note. In your disengagement letter, you should include your well-wishes for your former client. This part can also be where you can invite them to come to you again for any other legal or financial transactions. This could be your gateway to getting new clients and luring former clients back to for your services.

10+ Disengagement Letter Samples in PDF | DOC

Not every partnership lasts a long time. Some are only as long as the contract requires. It’s inevitable for accountants and attorneys to want to terminate the service of representation for some clients. One of the most practical ways to get the relationship discontinued is through a disengagement letter. This kind of letter is extremely formal, so you need to get it right. Not only does it serve as a method of communication, but it also acts as the official document for the termination of the basic agreement. To give you more insight on what disengagement letters are, here are 10+ disengagement letter samples you should check out.

1. Disengagement Letter Format Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 13.3 KB


2. Sample Disengagement Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14.2 KB


3. Disengagement Closing Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2.4 KB


4. Disengagement Letter in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25.5 KB


5. Client Disengagement Letter Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 22.9 KB


6. Disengagement Letter Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7.6 KB


7. General Disengagement Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19.1 KB


8. Formal Disengagement Letter Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 401.1 KB


9. Basic Disengagement Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 693.0 KB


10. Disengagement Letter in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4.9 KB


11. Simple Disengagement Letter Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5.8 KB


Writing a Disengagement Letter

When ending a trust relationship with your client, you need to stay formal and professional. That is why your disengagement letter should carry a sense of professionalism. You can’t just tell your clients it’s over without a proper explanation and closure. To write an effective disengagement letter, you need to be aware of specific tips and tricks.

1. Identify the Subject Matter

For your letter to be effective, it needs to be direct to the point. It would help if you got right to it. Any sidetracking and unnecessary comments can make your letter misleading. Inform your clients directly that the letter will be about your most recent discussion about the termination of your representation. Keep it simple to make sure your clients understand what you are trying to say.

2. Give Final Reminders

Since the disengagement letter serves as the final method of communicating with your client, you need to include any final reminders you have for them. This means you need to inform your client if there is any legal or  business document that needs submitting before a given deadline. It would help if you also reminded them of the status of the case.

3. Summarize the Fees

At the end of it all, you need to remember that this is your job. You need to get paid for the services you have offered. It’s all about business in the end. You need to send a record of all payments you have received and an service invoice of things that still need paying.

4. Reaffirm the Termination

You must fully establish that you have terminated your service as the representation of your clients. Even if this means repeating this in your document. It would help if you also outlined all the things this entails. Give your clients a list of privileges they can no longer use and other things like that.

5. Suggest to Save Copies

It would help if you also suggested to your clients to save copies of all the documents you gave them in the past. This way, they would already have a copy of the document free of charge.

6. Describe Any Measures

Lastly, you must reassure them that every transaction and conversation you had is safe. No information gets released at the end of the client relationship. You inform your client of all the measures you took to protect their interest and privacy.

Even after a relationship ends, your former clients must still have trust in you. That is why it is essential to have a comprehensive disengagement letter. If your letter doesn’t piss them off, then you did a good job.

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