As workers in our chosen industries, we are often able to form emotional attachments to the companies that have trusted us and our capabilities enough to hire us. That is why when the time comes that we are urged by some forceful impetus to leave our jobs, we are left feeling an internal turmoil. Indeed, it is quite difficult to just up and leave your job.

The best way for you to part ways with your company is through the sending of a proper resignation letter. Writing resignation notice letters is not an easy task. To ease the difficulty of writing it, you must first learn the resignation letter dos and don’ts. On this page, we can provide you with a variety of resignation letter templates that can acquaint you with the numerous ways you can properly write a resignation letter.

Formal Job Resignation Letters

Job Leaving Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 21 KB


Job Resignation Notice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


Formal Business Resignation Letters

Standard Business Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 34 KB


Formal Board Resignation Letters

Board Member Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 KB


Board Resignation Thank You

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 41 KB


How to Write a Resignation Letter for Personal Reasons?

More often than not, we resign from our jobs due to personal reasons. Human as we are, we always choose to walk on the track that best satisfies our most prioritized needs. Hence, when one is leaving one’s job, it is almost always due to personal reasons.

Here are some of the personal reasons commonly causing workers to resign:

  • Finding better opportunities in other companies
  • Health complications
  • Health complications or terminal illness of loved ones
  • Relocation


Whatever the personal reason may be, you must follow a certain guideline to help you write a proper resignation letter. Below is a brief guideline that you can follow:

  • Resignation letters are formal letters, hence you must start with a heading and a formal greeting.
  • When writing the body of your letter, begin by stating clearly your intention to resign at a particular date.
  • As much as you can, carefully observe the notice period required by your company. This means that your letter must be sent at least 2 weeks before its effectivity.
  • Take the time to thank your employer or manager. For reference, you may check out our thank-you resignation letter templates.
  • If you can, it is always polite and ethical to offer your willingness to coach or train the next person who would fill in your position after you leave it.
  • Lastly, close your letter formally and affix your signature.

Formal Company Resignation Letters

Software Company Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 29 KB


Company Resignation Letter Format

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Formal Executive Resignation Letters

Executive Director Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 140 KB


Sales Executive Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 28 KB


Formal Notice of Resignation Letters

Notice of Employment Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


Short Notice of Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 36 KB


When Is a Resignation Letter Effective?

A resignation letter’s effectivity can be in different dates. It all depends on the person writing it, the rules of the company, as well as the pertinent laws of the state in which the company is under jurisdiction of.

The general rule is that you must observe the proper notice period required by your company. A notice period is the duration of time that stretches between the moment a resignation letter has been submitted and the moment when the resignation would take effect. Logically, employees can always leave their jobs anytime as long as

  • they don’t owe the company any money or
  • they did not sign a contract that requires them to work for the company for a specific number of months or years.


A notice period is an ethical way for both parties not to suffer any negative consequences from a resignation. This is so since a notice period allows employers to have sufficient amount of time to

  • look for another qualified job candidate who can fill in the position of the employee resigning,
  • have the resigning employee train and coach the next person who will fill in his/her position, and
  • prepare all the necessary documents and payments that are due to the resigning employee.


That is why, in order to ensure that you practice good work ethics even at the time when you are about to leave a company, you must be able to do the following:

  • Follow the governing laws of the state regarding proper job resignations if any.
  • Observe carefully the notice period required by your company.
  • In the absence of pertinent state laws and company rules, send your resignation letter two weeks before its effectivity.


For more references, check out our collections of informal resignation letter and maternity resignation letter templates.

Formal Nursing Resignation Letters

Nursing Assistant Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 31 KB


Nursing Job Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 33 KB


Formal Professional Resignation Letters

Professional Business Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 38 KB


Professional Email Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 KB


Formal Short Resignation Letters

Short Notice Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 31 KB


Short Employment Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 25 KB


Formal Two Week Resignation Letters

Simple Two Week Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 34 KB


Two Week Notice Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 31 KB


Formal Teacher Resignation Letters

Preschool Teacher Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 36 KB


Teacher Retirement Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 43 KB


Can We Resign by Email?

If you are planning on sending a resignation letter through email, be prepared to follow a slightly different process as emails are notorious for its slight lack in formality.

Here are some tips you can follow before sending a resignation letter through email:

  • It is important for you to take note of the fact that your manager or employer may be using his/her work email to manage business operations. That is why, you don’t want your resignation letter to be an unwelcome and unexpected stranger that comes knocking on your employer’s inbox.
  • You can avoid disrupting their work flow with your email by personally approaching your manager.
  • Discuss to your manager the reason why you are resigning and tell them when your resignation would be effective.
  • Remember to be polite during your talk so that when you send your employment resignation letter email, it will be a welcome sight as it is a mere formality.

Formal Acceptance of Resignation Letters

Acceptance of Withdrawal Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 26 KB


Manager Acceptance of Employee Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB


Formal Corporate Resignation Letters

Corporate Officer Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 34 KB


Corporate Board Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 48 KB


Formal Employee Resignation Letters

Employee Job Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 35 KB


Formal Email Resignation Letters

Formal Email Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Dos and Don’ts in a Resignation Letter

The act of sending resignation letters is shrouded with a plenty of dos and don’ts. You have to be careful in observing these properly.


  • Always provide a proper and legitimate reason for your resignation.
  • When you are done writing your resignation letter, proofread it first before sending it.


  • Don’t forget to maintain a professional tone in your letter.
  • Don’t ever address your employer or manager in an informal manner. Nicknames and call names are major no-nos. It is important to bear in mind that a resignation letter is a formal letter. Regardless of how close or intimate you may be with your superior, always remain formal.


We also have school resignation letter for those who want to quit their jobs as professors, teaching assistants, guidance counselors, and school administrators.

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