High school education may be taken lightly by some. For most, this is the time when they can stretch their wings and experiment with various ideas and self-concepts. However, the wiser students are aware of the fact that one’s high school education and achievements play a huge role in their future career success. It is for this reason that prospective high school students aim high by setting their sights on top-notch high schools.

In order to ensure that they get accepted in the excellent high school that they are aiming for, a good recommendation letter would definitely help their endeavor. If you are someone asked to write such a letter, feel free to refer to our high school recommendation Sample Letters on this page.

Sample Private High School Recommendation Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 204 KB


High School Student Recommendation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


High School Recommendation Request Letter Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


High School Counselor Recommendation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


High School Recommendation from Coach

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 66 KB


What Is a High School Recommendation Letter?

A high school recommendation letter is the type of recommendation letter that is written with the intent of helping a prospective high school student in getting accepted in the high school that he/she is applying to.

What Is the Importance of Getting in the Right High School?

Basically, a high school recommendation letter is only written because a particular student aims to reach for the stars. The key to building a bright future is by starting from the foundation—the bricks and mortar of a child’s education. High school is the perfect time for a person to develop effective study habits, academic integrity, holistic values, and even leadership skills. Typical class-B high schools would simply teach children subjects, whereas good high schools are famous for building excellent and conscientious characters. That is why, most students who gets to study in a good high school would have higher chances of getting accepted in top-notch colleges or universities, and further down the road, these good educational foundations would pave the way for a bright career.

Aside from the high school recommendation letters that we have on this page, you can also check out our collections of Recommendation Letter for High School Students and School Recommendation Letters. You may access these templates by clicking on its corresponding links.

High School Scholarship Recommendation Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


High School Teacher Recommendation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


High School Recommendation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


High School Job Recommendation

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 35 KB


College High School Recommendation

college high school recommendation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Who Can Write a High School Recommendation Letter?

Not just anyone can write a high school recommendation letter. It is not appropriate for friends, cousins, or mere neighbors to write this recommendation letter. The person who will write this letter must be a person with sufficient authority in making objective claims regarding the prospective students stellar qualities. The following are the most common examples of person who can write a high school recommendation letter:

  • The previous school teachers of the prospective student
  • The previous guidance counselor of the primary school where the prospective student has graduated from
  • The current or previous tutors or mentors of the prospective student

Why Use Our High School Recommendation Letter Templates?

  • Flexible (can be edited easily)
  • Easily downloadable
  • Can provide you with the standard format of recommendation letters
  • Can provide you with examples of high school recommendation letters and its content


Speaking of recommendation letters, you may also be interested in our collection of Leadership Recommendation Letters. To access these templates, simply click on the link provided.

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