Introducing oneself has been a custom or a tradition for a very long time. In school, from nursery up until college, we are asked to introduce ourselves in class. In family gatherings and social gatherings, we are introduced to the rest of the family and to other people to be able to mingle with them or start a conversation. We introduce ourselves to people whom we want to associate with or to be people whom we will be working with for quite some time.

Introductions also makes it possible for employees to know about their applicants and decide whether they are qualified for the job. More than just providing one’s name, a well-written introduction letter gives one and advantage over all the other applicants. Here, we will get to learn about introduction letters. We have also prepared introduction letter examples that you can use as sample reference. Feel free to check them out below!

Business Introduction Sample Letter Template

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  • Pages

Size: A4, US


New Restaurant Introduction Sample Letter Template

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  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Company Introduction Letter to Client Template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Free Self Introduction Letter For Job Template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Business Introduction Letter to Prospective Clients Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Education Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 164 KB


Sample Letter of Introduction For High School Students Template

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Product Introduction Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


Student’s Sample Letter of Introduction Template

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Size: 6 KB


Sample Parents Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 75 KB


Business Letter of Introduction Example

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Size: 3 KB


Self Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 19 KB


Sample Company Introductory Letter Format

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Size: 81 KB


Letter of Introduction To Classmates Template

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Size: 13 KB


Employee Introductory Letter Template

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Size: 81 KB


Sample Property Management Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 23 KB


Lawyer Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 42 KB


Editable Company Introduction Letter Template

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  • DOC

Size: 124 KB


University Sample Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 238 KB


Introduction Letter to Clients for New Employee Template

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


What Is an Introduction Letter?

The existence of letters has been recorded since the time of ancient India, ancient Egypt and Sumer. Letters were used a form of self education among the people and as way for them to practice reading. In the 18th and 19 century, letters were used to formally introduce visitors and other visiting dignitaries. They come along with visiting cards to let the hosts know about their visitors.

Interacting socially with people whom you do not know or has not been properly introduced to you is not something that one would do back in the days and until the present. Also, writing a letter of introduction to someone is not something you cannot easily do before. Your status in society matters so you will need to request a patron with a high status in society to write a letter of introduction about you to that person.

In the present, introducing oneself can be done in a lot of different ways, including the use of introduction letters. A letter of introduction is more popularly known today as a formal letter that is used not only to introduce oneself, but also to introduce one’s business, to tell of one’s professional attainments and qualifications, one’s academic qualifications and many more. The sample letter serves many purposes and are used for different kinds of occasions by different individuals. Its use has continued to flourish through the ages, which should have fade away with time.

Other related articles that you will definitely find useful are Professional Introduction Letter Employment Introduction Letter , and Introduction Letter to Clients .

Uses of an Introduction Letter

There are many things to which an introduction letter is used on and they are provided in the list below.

  • A very obvious use of an introduction letter format is to introduce oneself to another entity for the sake of formally telling people who they are, what they do and what they are capable.
  • If you are an applicant, you would probably need to write an introduction letter as a way of telling that employer about your skills, education, talent, achievements and qualifications for the job. Most employers find these letters convenient and may be used as basis for deciding whether you are fit for the job vacancy or not.
  • Business need to introduce their products and services to other business analysis in order to gain their trust and become their clients. Large scale business send letters of introduction letters to potential business partners or clients to let them know that they exist and what their business is all about.
  • An introduction letter is also used to express one’s interest in the company or the job vacancy that the company need to get filled or occupied.
  • Most applicants write introduction letters as an opportunity to level up their sample application and get a better chance of being interviewed. They do this by making their introduction letter as interesting as possible to draw attention to their resume, which increases their chances of being called for an interview.

The use of an introduction letter may be limited only to introducing someone or something, but the reasons for doing so vary from one individual to another. This makes it a tool that offers a lot of uses and opportunities who are able to master the tricks and use it to their advantage. Want to learn more about introduction letters and other related topics? Then you might want to check out titles, like Self-Introduction Letter Samples and Templates and Company Introduction Letter Samples & Templates. Find them and more on our website.

Company Portfolio Letter of Introduction Template

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Size: 2 MB


Sample Company Introduction Letter to New Client Template

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Size: 64 KB


Law Office Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 179 KB


Sample Company Profile Letter of Introduction Template

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Size: 2 MB


Sample Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 85 KB


New Job Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 443 KB


Letter of Introduction for a Job Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Introduction Letter to Your Professor Template

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 11 KB


Service Coordinator Introduction Letter Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 23 KB


Sample Letter of Introduction to School Administrator Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


Sample Introduction Letter for an Online Course Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 579 KB


Parts of an Introduction Letter

Why is it important to learn about the different parts of a letter? Every part of a letter essential to making it look professional and impressive. Everything that there is relies on both the contents of your letter as well as the message that you want to convey. The following are the parts of an introduction letter.

Address Block

The address block part of a letter is where you will see the complete details of the applicant as well as the recipient of the letter. These details, include the name, address and contact details of the applicant and the recipient. It is a must that the complete details about the recipient is written correctly as this will greatly affect the first impression you will be giving and lose your chances of getting that interview. These two address blocks are separated by a double space or the date in between them. The details of the applicant should be written first and the details of the recipient should be written below the applicant’s.


As mentioned above, is positioned in between the applicant’s details and the recipient’s details. The date written on your letter should not be the date when you have created it, but it should be the date when the letter is submitted. The date should also not be abbreviated and should be written in its complete form. An example is August 8, 2018.


This usually starts with the word ‘Dear’ followed b the designation of the recipient. If you know the recipient, then you can address them by their last name, like Mr. Smith or Mrs. Doe. You are officially starting your letter by greeting the person reading it first. Sometimes, ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN’ is the greeting used, in situations where the name and designation of the recipient is not provided. This greeting is followed by a semi colon, instead of a comma.


The body of the letter makes up the largest part of your introduction. It mostly consists of 3 to 4 paragraphs each containing its own set of information. What should each paragraph of the letter contain? Let us further discuss each paragraph and determine how they should each be written.

  • First paragraph – Most people use this paragraph to introduce themselves, including the mention of their names, age address and the institution where they graduated or studied. But if you have your name on the address block it would be redundant to do so. This is where you grab the attention of your reader. Focus on important information such as the position or vacancy you are pursuing and your strengths, which you can demonstrate through some core competencies.
  • Second paragraph – After successfully grabbing the attention of your reader, you wold want them to get hooked with your introduction letter so that they would continue reading. Write your second paragraph to do just that. How? Write about your professional experiences, your achievements, your work analysis performance and the things that you think define the success you have been achieved so far. Some readers would prefer to have these things written in bullet form so that it would be easy to read.
  • Third paragraph – The third paragraph is where you write about the company. This includes how you knew about them and what you know about them. This will give you knowledge of what the companies goals and objectives are, as well as give your reader a good impression by doing your homework.
  • Fourth paragraph – This last paragraph is a a quick research summary of the skills and competencies that you offered. This is also the part where you can suggest having a meeting or do a follow up by phone in a couple of days.

Complimentary Close

Before finally ending your letter, you will need to formally say goodbye to your reader through a complementary close. There are formal and informal ways of closing your letter. Since an introduction letter is a formal letter, you will need to use formal closer, like ‘Sincerely yours’,’Yous truly’, or ‘Respectfully yours’. These are the common ways on your can formally say goodbye on your letter, but you are actually not limited to just that.

Signature Line

Below your complimentary close is where the signature line is located. It is where you write your name in print and in full and then affix your signature on top of your name. take not that you must always affix your signature on top of your name on any formal or business letter, including an introduction letter.


On your letter, the enclosure is written at the bottom part of the page. The word enclosure is followed by a colon and then the document enclosed with the letter. For example, Enclosure: Resume. Nothing else should follow after the enclosure part.

These parts are also present in other types of letter so it would be an advantage for you if you have enough knowledge about it. Whether it be a business letter, a thank you letter, application letter or a recommendation letter, these parts will be present and are mostly used for the same way.

Is There a Difference Between a Letter of Introduction and a Cover Letter?

There is a slight difference between an introduction letter and a cover letter. These two types of letter are often used interchangeably and are believed to mean the same thing. No one is to blame as they are both similar and a lot of different ways and can only be differentiated on very few things. They have use or follow the same format, they have almost the same contents and the same parts of the letter, and they are both used when applying for a job. So, how do they really differ?

Let us start with an introduction letter. As defined above, it is where you introduce yourself and get the reader to continue reader your letter. You express here your interest in the company and any vacant positions that they have available. You write a couple of details of your work experience, previous work history, achievements, work performance, characteristics, qualifications, and your strengths and weaknesses. Your introduction letter includes details about you that are provided into more detail on your sample resume or information about you that cannot be found on your resume.

If you have noticed, everything mentioned about an introduction letter is just the same as that of a cover letter. Well, it is a yes and a no. They are basically the same though, from the contents and all. But what makes them different is that a cover letter does not go into detail about about you as an applicant, but it still serves to introduce you to the hiring manager. It only expresses the interest of the applicant for the job analysis, but does not include their qualifications, achievements and all the other specific details that are written in an introduction letter. A cover letter is also written in response to a posted job vacancy or position. Due to the minimal information it provides, a cover letter cannot stand on its own and needs to be submitted together with a resume.

Their differences are really subtle, but it pays to know what their difference are. Other related articles you may find interesting are Self-Introduction Letter Samples and TemplatesRules for Writing an Introduction Letter, and Tips for Making Your Business Introduction Letters Stand Out.

How to Format an Introduction Letter?

When it comes to formatting, strict guidelines are followed in making an introduction letter as well as all other types of formal or business letters. using the correct letter format may not really impress your reader, but it shows how professional your work scope is which reflects the kind of employee you will be. So here are things that you need to know to when formatting your introduction letter.

  • There is actually a standard format followed for an introduction letter, but some companies prefer a specific type of format. In this case, you will need to ask their guidelines for the type of format they want to be used. If they don’t use any specific format, then proceed with using the standard formal letter format.
  • Set your paper size and orientation to the correct one as this will affect how your letter will look like. The preferred sample paper size is 8.5×11 inches and the referred paper orientation in is in portrait.
  • Make sure that you introduction letter does not exceed one page.
  • The margin should be set to 1 inch on all four sides. This will give your letter a framed and more professional look.
  • An introduction letter may have heading or an address block. The heading is placed at the center top of the document with the applicant’s name and address and an address block for the recipient. There are also letters where both the applicant’s and the recipient’s information are written in address block sample form at the left hand side of the document.
  • There should be a space or two in between the address blocks and the date, the salutation and the address block, in between each paragraph, in between the last paragraph and the complimentary close, and in between your complimentary close and signature line.
  • Your entire page should also be set in a single space format so that it will look all neat and not topsy-turvy.
  • The preferred font styles are Times New Roman, Calibri, an Arial with a font size of 10 or 12.
  • The entire letter should be aligned in left.
  • The signature affixed on your letter should be hand written, especially if you are going to submit your application in person.

The formatting for an introduction letter and other forms of formal letters stay the same no matter how many things changed. Simply following the formatting guideline above will help you get started with your letter. You may also want to check out other related titles, like Sample Business Introduction Letters and Uses of Letter of Introduction.

Email Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 226 KB


Graphics Services Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 8 MB


Service Company Sample Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 102 KB


Construction Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 94 KB


Trading Company Introduction Letter Template

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Size: 423 KB


Formal Letter of Introduction for a Job Template

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Size: 78 KB


Portfolio Letter of Introduction Template

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Size: 207 KB


Sample Mentor Introduction Letter Template

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 15 KB


Sample of Personal Letter of Introduction Template

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Size: 4 KB


Sample Letter of Introduction Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 190 KB


How to Write an Introduction Letter?

If you have never written an introduction letter before, then you would probably be scared of the thought of having to write one. Back then, writing formal letters, such as an introduction letter is such a hassle but later on I realized its not that bad. Just follow the simple steps below.

  • Create a draft or an sample outline of your letter. The draft will make your work easy and convenient to do since you will have a guide on the things to include on your letter, as well as which parts need content to be written.
  • Gather the information that you need for your letter. These information include the name of the hiring manager, the company address, the job vacancy, and the qualifications for the job.
  • Do your research about the company so that you will have an idea on what they do and what their goals and objectives are.
  • Write your information and the recipient’s information on the upper left side of your working sheet. Make sure that they are aligned to the left.
  • Write the date when you will be submitting your sample application and not the date when you wrote it.
  • Choose a greeting or salutation that is appropriate for your letter. If you know the name of the hiring manager then you can use it to have a more personalized greeting.
  • Now, start working on the body of the letter. It is the largest part of the letter and is mainly the one that the recipient will read. Make your content as interesting as possible, while at the same time still related to main topic of the letter. This part is made up of 3 to 4 paragraphs. The contents of each paragraph is explained above.
  • After the last paragraph, enter two spaces and then write the complimentary close followed by your printed full name and signature.
  • Proofread your work. Make sure that there are no spelling errors and grammar errors on your letter. It would be ashamed to have such errors on your work. This will make your letter look unprofessional and you may lose your chances of getting that interview because of that.

With a lot of practice and references, you will surely be able to come up with a useful, impressive and interesting introduction letter. If you need more references, you can surely find them on our website. We have there articles, like How to Write a Self-Introduction Letter and Sample Professional Cover Letters.

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