Everyone has to write a resignation letter at least once in their lifetime. Resignation means quitting from a job position. It is a standard norm to notify the employer before you quit your job as an employee. A correctly written resignation letter should have a professional writing approach. It should maintain a proper letter writing format, and it should come with the appropriate reasoning behind the resignation. For your purpose, you can use the  Resignation Letter Format Example. Using these samples will make the job easier.

letter of resignation bundle

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Employee Resignation Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Employer’s Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter].

After much consideration, I have decided to [mention the reason for leaving, e.g., pursue another career opportunity, focus on personal reasons, or simply leave it as a decision for personal growth]. This decision was not made lightly, and I deeply appreciate the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during my time with the company.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will do everything in my power to hand over my responsibilities effectively. I am willing to assist in training my replacement or to provide support in any other way that can help minimize the impact of my departure.

I have truly enjoyed my tenure at [Company Name], and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a talented and dedicated team. I look forward to staying in touch, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of [Company Name]. Please let me know how I can assist during this transition period. I wish the company continued success and growth in the future.


[Your Name]

Formal Resignation Letter

John Doe
123 Maple Street
Springfield, IL 62701
[email protected]
(555) 123-4567

June 20, 2024

Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
ABC Corporation
456 Elm Street
Springfield, IL 62702

Dear Jane Smith,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Software Engineer at ABC Corporation, effective July 4, 2024.

I have enjoyed working at ABC Corporation and am grateful for the opportunities I have had during my tenure. The support and encouragement from my colleagues and the management team have been invaluable, and I appreciate the professional and personal growth I have experienced here.

Please let me know how I can assist in ensuring a smooth transition. I am willing to help train a replacement and complete any outstanding projects to the best of my ability.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be part of ABC Corporation. I look forward to staying in touch and wish the company continued success.


John Doe

Resignation Letter with Notice Period

Emily Clark
789 Oak Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
[email protected]
(312) 555-7890

June 20, 2024

Michael Brown
Operations Manager
XYZ Enterprises
101 Pine Street
Chicago, IL 60602

Dear Michael Brown,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Marketing Coordinator at XYZ Enterprises, effective July 20, 2024. This provides a notice period of 30 days, as stipulated in my employment contract.

I have enjoyed working at XYZ Enterprises and am grateful for the opportunities I have had during my tenure. The support and encouragement from my colleagues and the management team have been invaluable, and I appreciate the professional and personal growth I have experienced here.

Please let me know how I can assist in ensuring a smooth transition during this notice period. I am willing to help train a replacement and complete any outstanding projects to the best of my ability.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be part of XYZ Enterprises. I look forward to staying in touch and wish the company continued success.


Emily Clark

Letter of Resignation Teacher

Sarah Johnson
456 Birch Road
Seattle, WA 98101
[email protected]
(206) 555-1234

June 20, 2024

David Lee
Greenwood High School
789 Pine Street
Seattle, WA 98102

Dear David Lee,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as an English Teacher at Greenwood High School, effective July 20, 2024. This provides a notice period of 30 days, as stipulated in my employment contract.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Greenwood High School and am grateful for the opportunities I have had to work with such dedicated colleagues and inspiring students. The support and encouragement from the administration and the community have been invaluable, and I appreciate the professional and personal growth I have experienced here.

Please let me know how I can assist in ensuring a smooth transition during this notice period. I am willing to help train a replacement and complete any outstanding projects to the best of my ability.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be part of Greenwood High School. I look forward to staying in touch and wish the school continued success.


Sarah Johnson

Browse More Templates On Letter of Resignation

Sample Nurse Resignation Letter

sample nurse resignation letter

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Nursing personnel can use this sample resignation letter to create their professional as well as formal resignation letters. Resignation letter needs to be crafted with precision, showing proper and justified reasoning for resignation. You can also see more on Email Resignation Letter.

Sample Basic Resignation Letter

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This is a sample for a basic resignation letter. If you do not know how to write a professional resignation letter, you are advised to use this letter sample for your purpose.

What to Include in a Resignation Letter?

what to include in a resignation letter

When writing a resignation letter, it’s important to keep it professional and to the point. Here’s what to typically include:

  1. Date: Start with the date at the top of the simple letter.
  2. Addressee Information: Address the letter to the appropriate person, usually your direct supervisor or HR manager. Include their name, title, company, and company address.
  3. Statement of Resignation: Clearly state your intention to resign from your position. It’s best to be direct and straightforward.
  4. Effective Date of Resignation: Specify your last working day. This should align with the notice period stipulated in your contract or company policy, typically two weeks.
  5. Reason for Leaving (Optional): You can include a brief explanation of why you are leaving if you feel comfortable doing so and think it’s professional.
  6. Offer to Assist with the Transition: Offer to help during the transition period, whether it’s training a replacement or finishing up projects. This can help maintain a positive relationship with your employer.
  7. Express Gratitude: Thank your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment. Mention specific experiences or skills you’ve gained, if applicable.
  8. Closing and Signature: Conclude with a formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature and printed name.
  9. Contact Information: It might be helpful to include your personal contact information if it has not been previously shared, in case they need to reach you after you’ve left the company. You can also see more on Formal Resignation Letter.

Sample Resignation Letter For Personal Reasons

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Available in PDF format, this sample resignation letter is useful for any corporate personnel who wants to apply for resignation to pursue a better job or due to some other reasons. You can also see more on Informal Resignation Letter.

What not to include in Your Resignation Letter?

When writing a resignation letter outline, it’s important to maintain professionalism and focus on key points. Here are things you should avoid including in your resignation letter:

  1. Negative Comments: Avoid criticizing the company, your colleagues, or your superiors. Keep the tone positive and professional.
  2. Reasons for Leaving: While you may choose to briefly mention your reason for leaving, avoid going into great detail, especially if the reasons are negative.
  3. Emotional Statements: Resignation letters should be formal and businesslike. Avoid overly emotional language or expressions of anger, frustration, or sadness.
  4. Complaints or Grievances: If you have unresolved issues or complaints, address them separately with HR or in an exit interview, not in your resignation letter.
  5. Personal Information: Do not include personal information that is not relevant to your resignation, such as details about your health, family, or financial situation.
  6. Future Plans: Avoid detailing your future plans, especially if you are moving to a competitor. It’s enough to state that you are leaving and, if you choose, to mention a general reason (e.g., “for personal growth” or “to pursue other opportunities”).
  7. Excessive Flattery: While it’s good to express gratitude, avoid excessive flattery which can come off as insincere.
  8. Lengthy Explanations: Keep your resignation letter concise and to the point. There’s no need for lengthy explanations or narratives.
  9. Legal Threats: If there are legal issues, address them separately through the appropriate channels. A resignation letter is not the place for this.
  10. Unprofessional Language: Ensure your language is professional and free from slang or inappropriate terms.

By keeping these points in mind, your resignation letter format will remain professional and respectful, leaving a positive impression as you transition out of the company.

Retirement Resignation Letter Sample

retirement resignation letter sample

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Many individuals decide to take voluntary retirement before reaching the age of retirement. They can use this resignation letter sample for that purpose. Available in PDF format, this sample is easy to be downloaded.

Tips For Writing a Resignation Letter

tips for writing a resignation letter 1024x530

Writing a resignation letter is a significant career step. Here are some tips to craft a respectful and professional resignation letter:

  1. Keep It Professional: Regardless of your reasons for leaving, maintain a professional and courteous tone throughout the letter.
  2. Be Concise: Your resignation letter should be brief. Clearly state your intention to resign, your last working day, and include a brief thank you.
  3. Give Adequate Notice: Follow your company’s policy regarding notice periods. Typically, two weeks is standard, but your contract may specify differently.
  4. Express Gratitude: Thank your employer for the opportunities you had during your employment. Mentioning specific positive experiences can leave a good impression.
  5. Offer to Assist with the Transition: Whether it’s training a replacement or finishing certain projects, offering help during your remaining time can ease the transition for your team.
  6. Avoid Negativity: Even if your experiences weren’t all positive, a resignation letter isn’t the place to air grievances. Focus on the positive aspects of your tenure.
  7. Don’t Discuss Your Next Move: It’s not necessary to share where you’re going next. Keep the focus on your current role and the transition.
  8. Proofread Your Letter: Before sending, check for errors. A well-written letter reflects well on you and your professional demeanor.
  9. Follow Up in Person: If possible, speak to your manager before submitting your sample letter. A personal conversation about your resignation can be more respectful and can help manage any immediate concerns.
  10. Prepare for the Next Steps: Be ready for an exit interview or to discuss how your responsibilities will be managed after your departure. You can also see more on Work Resignation Letter.

Professional Resignation Letter Sample

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Before writing your resignation letter, you must know how to craft professional resignation letters. You are suggested to download this PDF sample for that purpose. Print it and customize it to use as a formal resignation letter.

Job Resignation Letter Sample

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Involuntary Resignation Letter Sample

involuntary resignation letter sample

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Uses And Purposes Of Resignation Letters

At some point in time in our professional lives, we decide to resign from a job post or responsibility that we were managing. Different people take resignation for various reasons. Commonly, in the professional sector or corporate sector, people decide to resign when they get a better job opportunity. In such cases, it is a standard norm to write a formal letter of resignation to the current employer. Many people decide to quit jobs due to some disputes or due to many other reasons. For all these things, Resignation Letter has to be crafted with precision, showing proper reasons for seeking the resignation.

Who should Use Resignation Letter Samples?

Anyone can use these resignation letter samples. To use them, you only need to download them. Resignation letter samples are available in PDF or DOCX downloadable formats. They can easily be customized and printed as well. To write a resignation letter with precision, using these samples is a wise choice. It makes things better and simple for you. Different people have to write resignation letters at various points of time in their lives. Not just corporate professionals, resignation letters are written by those who handle some voluntary jobs, like managing the responsibilities of a club or an estate and much more. You can also see more on Temporary Resignation Letter.

Writing a letter of resignation is a common thing, though many of us do not know how to write such letters. These letters should maintain a professional tone of writing. They must not sound rude or indecent. To keep the format perfect and to write resignation letters using a professional tone, consider using these Resignation Letter Samples.

What is the best day to resign?

The best day to resign is typically at the week’s start, giving your employer time to sample plan for your transition and ensuring a full notice period without stretching into another week.

How do you resign gracefully?

To resign gracefully, inform your manager in person if possible, provide adequate notice, offer assistance during the transition, and maintain professionalism and positivity until your last day.

Do you send resignation letter to HR or manager?

You should primarily send your resignation letter to your direct manager as a sign of respect and professional courtesy, then forward a copy to HR for their records and procedural needs.

What not to say when you resign?

Avoid criticism of colleagues, airing grievances, discussing new job details, or expressing negative experiences at the company.

What not to put in a resignation letter?

Skip complaints, personal criticisms, emotional statements, and overly detailed reasons for leaving. Keep the tone professional and the content concise.

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