It is perplexing how, in today’s world, an emoji with hearts for eyes is enough to send shivers down someone’s spine. It’s not that a heartfelt message cannot be exchanged over instant messages, but there is an unexplainable feeling of ripping open an envelope with words woven together just for you, with each stroke of the pen as a tribute to you. Love letters may sound like something our grandparents exchanged back in pre-technology days when the Internet was just an idea yet to be born, but it is a means of correspondence—and more importantly, an art form—that deserves to be revived.

Short Love Letter

Sweet Short Love Letter

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  • Doc

Size: 19 KB


Short Romantic Love Letter

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Size: 25 KB


Short Cute Love Letter

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Size: 32 KB


Short Love Letter to Wife

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Size: 32 KB


Love Letter for Parents

Short Love Letter for Parents

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Size: 74 KB


Simple Love Letter for Parents

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Size: 42 KB


Love Letter to Boyfriend

Love Letter to Ex-Boyfriend

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Size: 68 KB


Long Love Letter to Boyfriend

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Size: 69 KB


Love Letter to Girlfriend

First Love Letter to Girlfriend

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Size: 60 KB


Apology Love Letter to Girlfriend

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Size: 53 KB


Love Letter to Your Girlfriend

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Size: 26 KB


Love Letter for Husband

Romantic Love Letter for Husband

File Format
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Size: 47 KB


Birthday Love Letter for Husband

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Size: 105 KB


Love Letter for Future Husband

File Format
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Size: 286 KB


What Is a Love Letter?

A love letter is a written expression of your feelings for someone. A love letter can range from being a brief, simple message to a lengthy Alexander Hamilton-esque essay explaining your love and feelings. Love letters could contain any range of emotions and could send across any message. In the words of Betty Redice, a love letter can “move through the widest range of emotions—devotion, disappointment, grief and indignation, self-confidence, ambition, self-reproach and resignation.”

To Whom Do You Send a Love Letter?

While it may seem like love letters are exclusively for romantic partners (or former romantic partners, for those who are writing a goodbye kind of love letter), it is important to remember that love letters are written for this purpose: to express your feelings of love, and love is a universal emotion. Therefore, love letters are sent to

  • romantic partners,
  • former romantic partners,
  • potential romantic partners,
  • father,
  • mother,
  • sisters,
  • brother,
  • friends, and
  • teachers.

Yes, love letters are commonly linked to couples, but a quick trip down the historical lane will show you that some of the most heartwarming, swoon-worthy love letters were those exchanged between friends, especially soldiers who used to fight side by side with each other.

Why Should You Write a Love Letter?

When sending a kiss emoji over instant message or a quick “i luv u” through text is easier, the question you might now be asking is, “Why should I devote my time and energy into writing a love letter?” It may be a demanding task, but if the recipient is worth the trouble, why not? Here are some reasons why a handwritten love letter would move your loved one far more than a text sent through the same device you play mindless games in would:

Love Letters Can’t Be Deleted

Granted they can be shredded, torn, and burned, but the one thing that can’t be done to them is to delete them like some “waddup” message you might find buried in your inbox or message thread. With a physical love letter, the reader can pore over the message, hold it close, and imagine that the writer was there in their arms, and stow it in their nightstand only to unfold it and read through the words they might have already memorized.

And in the event of a failed romance? Well, there is something satisfying about torching the remnants of a failed love.

Love Letters Carry More Than Just the Message

They say that our sense of smell is the strongest of all senses in pulling up memories. Especially in long distance relationships, a love letter sprayed with the perfume of your loved one is an intimate way of making the letter uniquely between both of you. A letter written, sent, and sprayed with a scent with an intimate inner meaning carries not only the love and feelings of the writer, also with it journeys thousands of memories shared only by two people.

Anniversary Love Letter

Anniversary Love Letter to Boyfriend

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  • Doc

Size: 72 KB


Anniversary Love Letter to My Wife

File Format
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Size: 54 KB


Long Love Letter

Cute Long Love Letter

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Size: 83 KB


Long Love Apology Letter

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Size: 26 KB


Long Love Letter for Her

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Size: 67 KB


Long Love Letter for Him

File Format
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Size: 59 KB


Short Love Letter

Romantic Short Love Letter

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Size: 18 KB


Short and Sweet Love Letter

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Size: 19 KB


Short Love You Letter

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Size: 16 KB


Sweet Love Letter Example

Sweet Love Letter for Him

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Size: 24 KB


Sweet Love Letter to Husband

File Format
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Size: 90 KB


Sweet Love Letter For Her

File Format
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Size: 33 KB


Love Letters Don’t Demand for Instant Replies

Unlike with a flirty yet witty message sent over instant messaging, when you write a legitimate love letter, you don’t need to bite your nails all day, wondering if you made a mistake by clicking the send button. You won’t have to be tormented by the all infuriating Seen. A love letter took time to write and it takes time to reply to. Besides, when writing a love letter, your biggest worry would probably be whether or not the intended recipient received the letter.

Love Letters Feel Sincere

Your love letter is probably the only one that person will be receiving that day—or maybe they’ll get ten? No matter, the bottom line is that they won’t be receiving as many love letters as they would a text or an instant message. Thus, it would be safe to assume that there wouldn’t be too many distractions your letter would be competing against. Also, the reader understands the time, effort, and guts to compose and send a love letter. They will surely appreciate the gesture!

Love Letters Have No Autocorrect

A love letter is a love letter the way it is. You don’t get to right-click and find a synonym. A love letter will be a personal expression of your feelings and emotions and would be more meaningful.

When Should You Write a Love Letter?

Love letters are indeed a gesture that would likely be highly appreciated by the receiver, but when should you write one?

  • To Celebrate

Be it a birthday, anniversary, or some other occasion, your significant other will surely appreciate you taking the time to write them a letter expressing how much you love them on this special day.

  • To Comfort

We all have bad days and sometimes, the littlest gesture from a special someone could make the biggest difference between gloom and light. A brief letter reminding them that you are there for them and that you love them would probably provide the glimmer of hope they’ve been searching for all day.

  • To Congratulate

Share in the joy your significant other feel with their achievements by writing them a love letter expressing how proud you are of them for achieving whatever milestone—major or minor—that they have.

  • To Thank

Oftentimes, we take for granted the very air that allows us to breathe. Similarly, we forget to show appreciation to the very people who make our days worth waking up to. A simple letter showing your appreciation for the nice things that your loved ones have done is sure to put a smile on their faces.

  • To Apologize

Indeed, sorry does seem to be the hardest word, but sometimes, it is what needs to be said. Whatever it is you may have done (or forgot to do), sincerely apologize with a heartfelt letter to prevent your disagreement from fully blowing out.

See the Sample Love Letters we have available for all occasions should you need inspiration for a beautiful and moving letter.

Best Love Letter Example

Best Proposal Love Letter

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Size: 24 KB


Best Birthday Love Letter

best birthday love letter

File Format

Size: 25 KB


Best Love Letter for Him

File Format
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Size: 15 KB


Love Letter Example for Him

Cute Love Letter for Him

File Format
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Size: 43 KB


Birthday Love Letter for Him

File Format
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Size: 50 KB


Sad Love Letter for Him

File Format
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Size: 24 KB


Love Letter Example for Her

Love You Letter for Her

File Format
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Size: 17 KB


Love Letter for Her Birthday

File Format
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Size: 74 KB


Romantic Love Letter for Her

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 18 KB


Short Love Letter for Her

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 23 KB


How to Write a Love Letter

Contrary to popular belief, a good love letter doesn’t have to sound like Shakespeare himself whispered the words into your ears as you write each word with a quill on a parchment paper. Writing a love letter isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Here are some simple tips that could help you translate your feelings into words:

  • Be sincere

Plato said that in the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. It would probably not matter to your recipient how eloquently you write or how wide your vocabulary is. As long as you mean every word you say, they are surely to appreciate your effort.

  • Think of Why You’re Writing

Are you writing to say thanks? To apologize? To say goodbye? Or are you writing simply to express your love? Whatever your reason is, know it before you start writing. It would be so much easier for you to come up with the words when you know what the words you’re looking for are.

  • Emotional Vulnerability Is the Name of the Game

This is your chance to express what you need to get off your chest—make use of it. Open up to the other person and be honest with them.

  • Write a Rough Draft

Before writing your letter in the paper you are going to send, write it in another piece. This is so that you could review the letter to ensure that your ideas are organized and your message is clearly conveyed. This is to make sure that you don’t end up confusing the recipient of the letter.

  • Think It Over

Sometimes, a love letter is not appropriate, especially one written to declare feelings or was written in a moment of anger or hurt. This is another purpose of the rough draft. Sleep on it first, and once you’re thinking clearer, read the letter again and decide if it is appropriate to send.

  • Handwrite

This is a declaration, not a resume. Also, don’t forget to write legibly.

Don’t be intimidated by the idea of writing a love letter. You don’t have to be a writer or a poet to touch someone’s heart with your words. Remember that the most important element in a love letter is sincerity. See the Sample Love Letters we have available in the site to use as guidelines.

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