n this era of text or instant messaging and social media love letters are rarely written. However, a beautifully written love letter, especially a handwritten one, could be the most affectionate way to show attachment with your soulmate. So, never hesitate to write a Sample Love Letter. It could be a perfect gift when written nicely depicting all your feelings through words. There are plenty of ways to express your feeling for your soulmate through letters. Through the internal link anchor text available here, you could select the perfect love letter template to get relevant guidance to write to your life partner. A nicely written love letter can make your relation cozier and can even amend many problems between you and your partner.

Apology Love Letter

apology love letter

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This love letter template will guide you to write a letter seeking apology to your soulmate when you couldn’t attend a party or celebration where he or she had personally invited you. This letter contains an explanation for not appearing in time, and at the same time, the letter also depicts how important the occasion was since you were personally invited.

Anonymous Love Letter

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Expression of love is important, but that may be a difficult task if the opposite person doesn’t have any idea about your state of mind. So, you could use this template as a perfect guidance to write a nice love letter staying anonymous. Staying anonymous you can propose to your dream girl through a letter like this one.

Birthday Love Letter

birthday love letter

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Birthday is the perfect occasion to express love to your beloved. But expression should be through coziest possible words. This birthday love letter template will guide you to write nicely expressed love letter for her.

Boyfriend Love Letter

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Time comes when you may need to end your relation. In that occasion too, you should show your everlasting feelings for your girlfriend. This template can guide you to write an explanatory letter why the relation needs an end.

Christmas Love Letter

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Christmas is the season for celebration. This is also a perfect instance to amend your broken relation with your partner. Express your deep feelings for your partner and show your seriousness in the relation with him or her. Christmas love letter template is there to help you write a nice letter to your partner that is sure to melt your partner’s heart too.

Classic Love Letter

classic love letter

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This love letter template will guide you to express your deepest feeling for your soulmate whenever you like. Letter written in this manner is sure to increase his or her affection for you.

Deep Love Letter

deep love letter

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This sample love letter uses the most sophisticated wordings that can be applied to show your wholehearted feelings for your soulmate. This letter is sure to move him or her. The template shows you how to use words and phrases in the letter to show your affection.

Emotional Love Letter

emotional love letter

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Expressing your deep emotions in words sometimes seem tough, but this template will guide you to express all your emotions for your soulmate. Through the use of perfect wordings, you’ll be able to show your unexpressed feelings vividly.

Famous Love Letter

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Give a chance to the creative person in you to express all his feelings for lady love through nicely written letters. These will be the perfect love letter for her. Courteously written with a poetic gesture, she will like to preserve these letters and read again and again.

Funny Love Letter

funny love letter

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Love letters can be humorous too. Admit your love with some funny incidents, examples, and words. This is the best way to come closer to her heart. She will love to read this type of love letter again and again.

Historical Love Letter

historical love letter

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This love letter template will show you how to express your long lasting love for him or her that have motivated you to face every impediment in your life. You may possess very close attachment with him or her but unable to express due to any hesitation. Use this template and express your strong feeling for your partner.

Missing You Love Letter

missing you love letter

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Missing you love letter template will enable you to write to your soulmate how much you are missing him or her. Your feelings and emptiness will be expressed through every word.

Proposal Love Letter

proposal love letter

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This love letter template will help you to propose in a unique way to your beloved. Proposing through a letter like this one is not please him or her, but will also help you to express your long accumulated feelings for your partner.

Painful Love Letter

painful love letter

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Sometimes physical distance from your soulmate may be too much distressing for you. You feel deserted, but you can take help of painful love letter template to express your painful feelings for your soulmate. Writing a letter to your partner that would make him or her feel has a higher value for your partner.

Romantic Love Letter

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Size: 6 KB


Nothing can be as good as writing a special romantic love letter to your girlfriend whom you love so much. You may feel nervous or may not be able to express your feeling to your soulmate orally. Romantic love letters will fill up that gap. You can be able to express your presence state of mind, about your relationship with her and your future with her through romantic love letters.

Sad Love Letter

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Sad love letter template is the best way to express your pity for not getting your soulmate near you. You miss her every moment and want to meet her personally which may not be possible right now. Write sad love letters is the best possible way with the help of this template. These will perfect love letters for him.

Valentines Day Love Letter

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Size: 31 KB


A letter to your beloved on the occasion of Valentine’s day is a nice idea. This will make your valentine’s gift more attractive to your partner. Writing a letter with the help of Valentine’s day love letter template will make your letter more impressive one.

Vintage Love Letter

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Size: 140 KB


There was a time when lovebirds spend lots of time in creating perfect love letters. Use this vintage love letter template to write love letters to your partner, which will be a nice way to express your love to him or her.

Sweet Love Letter

sweet love letter

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Size: 5 KB


Sweet love letter template shows unique ways to express your love for your partner. With perfect wordings and poetic rhythm, you can write a beautiful love letter to your partner. He or she will love to read it again and again.

Who Can Use Love Letters?

Anyone who wants to propose to his or her loved one or anyone who wants to convey his or her deep-rooted love for the soulmate can write love letters. There is no age, sex, culture or religion as far as writing love letters are concerned. It is a medium for a free expression of your love. So, you can use love letters whenever you like.

How to Write a Love Letter?

Writing a love letter is an art. You need to invest some time to write an impressive love letter to your loved one. Use of perfect words is a must in order to express your feelings for your beloved. A wrong word or paragraph may spoil the entire letter. So, you need to use right process to write a love letter. The templates given here provides perfect guidelines for writing love letters. As a writer, you must follow the following steps to write a nice love letter depicting your mood and state of mind .

  • Everybody has moments when a deep feeling for the loved ones comes automatically. Raise that feeling, all your attention is to be focused on that one individual, and you need to be completely absorbed and lost in your love. During that period, experience the physical and passionate feelings of that moment as deeply as possible. This is the perfect moment to write a letter to your soulmate.
  • Use your memories to guide you. If your loved one is physically distant away and you are feeling very lonely, the feeling will draw sufficient emotion to write a nice love letter.
  • Write at the beginning why you are writing this letter. You should make this matter clear that it is going to be a love letter. Also, be confident while expressing your feelings of any form. More you show confidence, more attractive your letter will be.

What are the Important Tips for Writing a Love Letter?

The templates given here are the most authentic tools for writing love letters. You should use them logically depending on the situation for which you are going to write the letter. Apart from this a few tools are worth using, which are as follows.

  • Use a designer paper instead of white paper for writing a love letter. Colorful pages bear more closeness with the person whom you are writing the letter.
  • Use a black pen and write in your own handwriting.
  • Use an envelope to hand over the letter by hand.
  • Always be cautious about the use of words and spellings.

Which Occasions are Perfect for Love Letters?

Actually, there is no specific occasion to write love letters. You can write a letter to your soulmate whenever you think feasible. The templates are given here practically covers every occasion when you can write a beautiful love letter to be cherished by your beloved forever. Even, right before or after marriage individuals can exchange matrimony love letters to have more attachment with the spouse. The purpose of a love letter is to represent your feelings for your partner. Thus, love letters make two persons closer and make them truly committed to their relationship. A love letter written in your own hand has always a different value to your beloved or to a person whom you are proposing.

What are the Purposes of Love Letters?

In a relationship, many types of favorable and unfavorable events take place at different points of time. Sometimes you may feel extremely romantic or sad, sometimes you may feel nervous while proposing to your girlfriend or you may feel lonely for not seeing your loved one for a few days. Again, at a certain point of time, you may have to take the toughest decision to end the relationship. So, letters can be used in all these occasions. The templates given above shows different occasions when you may find writing a love letter is the best option to express yourself candidly.

How Can Love Letters Amend Spoiled Relationships?

Love letters have recreated lost romanticism between a couple at innumerable instances. A relationship at the verge of divorce gets new life when a husband creates a missive of a request in his own hand. A love letter bears true memories of old days and explores intimate moments which are capable of strengthening an almost broken romantic bondage. Hence, writing a love letter in own handwriting can do a miracle for spoiled relationships.

A love letter is one of the modest and most cherished ways of expressing and showing your partner how you feel about him or her. While it may seem like an intimidating job, especially for those who don’t have a habit of writing, it’s much easier than it actually seems. Instead, it affects are magical, through the internal link anchor text available here, you can create some of the nicest letters you have ever written. The templates given here makes the job of writing a letter easier, faster and impactful.

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