Social justice, personal growth, helping the poor and downtrodden—all of these are valid examples for reasons why most of us join a nonprofit organization. Whatever the reason for joining an organization, there must surely be a certain organizational vision that has drawn a person to apply for membership in an organization in the first place. Similarly, when such vision or reason ceases to become relevant to the member, then that is the time that the member will consider quitting or leaving an organization.

The best way to stop being a member from an organization is by tendering a membership resignation letter. If you are currently thinking of writing one, then you need to pattern your letter according to a proper format. For your guidance, we have collected easily downloadable membership resignation Sample Letters for you to select from!

Free Church Membership Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Club Membership Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Free Board Membership Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Church Membership Resignation Letter Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


Club Membership Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 432 KB


Sample Union Membership Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 10 KB


Society’s Membership Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 199 KB


Various Reasons for Writing a Membership Resignation Letter

There are several reason why a member of any organization—be it educational, profit, or nonprofit—and some of those are the following:

  • when a member could no longer afford the membership fee of the said organization;
  • when a member no longer finds the goal list and visions of the organization personally meaningful or useful;
  • when a member is going to relocate to a new place that hinders him/her from performing his/her functions as a member of an organization;
  • when a member is preoccupied with various pending concerns, which necessitates his/her resignation from his/her organization.

Types of Organizations

The following are examples of organizations that a member may resign from for whatever reason:

  • Human Trafficking Prevention Organizations
  • Feeding Program Organizations
  • Crisis and Disaster Control Organizations
  • Charitable Institutions
  • Worker’s Unions/ Labor Unions
  • Environmental Preservation Groups
  • Mental Health Awareness Organizations
  • Suicide Prevention Hotlines/Groups
  • Other nonprofit organizations
  • Farmer’s Union

Speaking of resignations, you might also be interested in our huge collection of Formal Resignation Letter Samples. Moreover, if you are planning to resign from your job, you may check out our Professional Resignation Letter Samples. You may access these by clicking on their corresponding links.

Gym Membership Resignation Letter in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


Sample Board Member Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 9 KB


Things to Remember in Making a Membership Resignation Letter

  • Write in detail the reasons for your resignation. Since most organizations are either nonprofit (social work) or created for the mutual benefits of all its members, then it follows that one member’s resignation might affect the organization’s operations as a whole. That is why, when writing you resignation letter, you need to be able to give a valid excuse for such resignation. For sample reference, you can check the abovementioned examples of reasons for membership resignation.
  • Remember to give a specific time and date when your resignation will take effect. Of course, you need to be sensitive and considerate of your organization’s needs and goals, you do not leave immediately. You need to give them enough time to replace you with another recruited member or to adjust their organizational plan sample and projects in order for the tasks that were initially assigned to you to be delegated to the rest of the organization’s members.
  • Lastly, remember to be polite and observe a formal tone in your resignation letter. Address your organization’s leader formally by using titles such as “Ms.,” “Mrs.,” and “Mr.”

Aside from membership resignation letters, we also have samples of a more general and widely applicable resignation letter format such as the ones found on the following link:

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