Research studies have shown that appropriate onboarding levels up new hire commitment, diminishes the delay prior to full work performance is fulfilled, lowers stress, and increases job satisfaction and retention levels.  So, your company should have an effective program to fully support your new hires with information and the practical remedies they must have to get started with their work. In this article, we will provide some beneficial tips that you should learn and apply while writing a new hire announcement letter for your company’s employee onboarding.  Plus, we include letter samples that you can use. Please continue reading!

FREE 3+ New Hire Announcement Letter Samples

1. New Hire Announcement Letter Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 780 KB


2. Editable New Hire Announcement Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 80 KB


3. Employee New Hire Announcement Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Printable New Hire Announcement Letter

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB



What is a New Hire Announcement Letter?

A new hire announcement letter is a written document to bring a formal announcement to a new employee or when on-boarding a new person to work in the company. It is important so that you are able to inform your new hires about their acceptance or approval on their job application, or simply, let them know about their new employment

How to Write a New Hire Announcement Letter 

What are the main goals and objectives that you need to include in your new hire announcement letter? You need to consider this question to effectively write a simple letter for a new hire announcement. Below are important ways you can do while preparing this document:

1. Type your heading and opening statement

At the left side of your page, include the name of the business firm or company, the person you are addressing as well as the address of the person or the organization. Then, type the formal opening statement by addressing the new employee or new hire.  

2. Write main points in the content 

Keep a formal and respectful tone while writing the main points including the names of people or company, their new job positions, work tasks and responsibilities, starting date of work, etc. Include the objectives of your announcement letter and encourage others to fulfill similar objectives like to help the company and the new employees improve their work skills and expertise and grow with the company.

3. Be polite and humble 

Aside from being formal, you should be polite and humble when writing an announcement letter. So, use simple, clear, and straightforward words. Avoid inserting complex ideas, terms, phrases, and sentences.

4. Show your gratitude and encourage your new hires

For the last paragraph of your letter, show your deep gratitude by expressing your heartfelt thanks and appreciation to your new employees. Also, add an encouraging statement or quote to motivate them, as you welcome them in their new journey towards working in your company. In this way, you will provide a positive and motivating impression to your overall letter.


How to write a new hire announcement?

When you write a new hire announcement, you need to include the new employees’ complete legal names, starting date of work, work position in the company, name of department head or supervisor, specific work responsibilities, a short description of their educational or professional background, and office location. 

What are the important points to say when introducing a new employee?

Start by showing your excitement and gratitude while having an introduction to the new employee’s full name, and job title. Inform your new employee and the others that he or she will be training with the team lead or department head so that he or she may have a good transition into the new role he or she is being assigned to.  

How to welcome a new employee via email?

Write “Dear” along with the new hire’s name. Then, write a welcoming message to him or her. Demonstrate your appreciation that you’re happy and looking forward to working with him or her. Include a starting date of and the time duration of his or her job in the company.

How to effectively write an announcement?

You must be direct and concise in writing your terms and phrases. Keep things simple and short. Include the important matters in your announcement. Avoid writing irrelevant topics.  

Based on the book “Onboarding: Getting New Hires off to a Flying Start,”  to ensure staff retention, increase work productivity, and maintain strong engagement and motivation, a company employer or HR department head should design an appealing onboarding program to create both direction and expectations, especially in training the new employees for their job.  One way of welcoming and motivating your new hires is to write a good announcement letter for them. To help you in writing your letter, you can click and download our letter templates here! 

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