To resign from the job you need to write a formal resignation letter, and mention if you are serving the notice period as mentioned in company rules if any. In case you are not serving the notice period, or have plans to request for a waiver that too needs a mention in your letter. Here are template forms for the best letter suggestions.You may also see Sample Resignation Letters.

Notice Period Resignation Letter

notice period resignation letter

When you have to resign, and you are serving a notice period, then you may tell about this in your letter using this template. Here you mention about your understanding of the notice period and wish to resign.

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Designer Notice Period Resignation Letter

designer notice period resignation letter

A simple format of the resignation letter in simple words and short briefing is this one. Here also you mention that you are resigning, and tell about serving the notice period if any.

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Job Resignation Letter with Notice Period

job resignation letter with notice period

When you are resigning from the job, and tell your own notice period in it, and if in case cannot serve the notice period, then also mention the same, then you use this template.

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Sample Notice Period Resignation Letter

sample notice period resignation letter

The sample notice period resignation letter is a sample actually, and you may take ideas to design your own resignation letter by following this one. Write in simple steps as you include your details.

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Resignation of Employee Notice Period

resignation of employee notice period

As the employer you may use this template to tell your employee if you accept the notice period in the resignation letter or not, and how do you wish to continue.

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Waiver of Notice Period Resignation Letter

waiver of notice period resignation letter

The waiver of notice letter template can used for resigning and at the same time requesting the authority to waive off the notice period which actually has to b followed as per company norms.

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Serving Shorter Notice Period Letter

serving shorter notice period letter

The shorter notice period letter is the one you use to resign from the job, when you are serving a shorter notice period than the one needed as per office rules.

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Two Weeks Notice Period Resignation Letter

two weeks notice period resignation letter

When you resign with just 2 weeks of notice period from your end irrespective of the company norms of any notice period at all, then this template is apt for you.

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Notice Period Letter Bundle

notice period letter bundle

The bundle of notice period letter in various styles which you may get from a template bank is here, and here you will get the various styles of resignation letters with or without notice period.

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