Being a nurse is a noble career. As a nurse, you are tasked to take care of many patients and assist different doctors every day. Moreover, before you become a full-fledged nurse, you need to study a lot, do on-the-job training, and pass the board exam. There are many responsibilities and challenges a nurse should carry. However, all of these are worth it, especially the high demand for nurses, both in the local and international scene.

With this, many nurses send in their resumes with cover letters. If you’re a nurse who aspires to have a great career ahead, our website offers nursing sample cover letters to help you achieve your career goals.

Nursing Student Cover Letter Sample

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Size: 3 KB


Graduate Nursing Student Cover Letter Example

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Size: 6 KB


Sample Nursing Student Cover Letter

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Size: 56 KB


Practical Nursing Cover Letter for New Graduate

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Size: 213 KB


Graduate Nursing Student Cover Letter Sample

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Size: 170 KB


What Is a Nursing Cover Letter?

A nursing cover letter is a formal document attached with a resume. Basically, the cover letter contains an individual’s intent to apply for a nursing job. Moreover, the details of the cover letter should include the following:

  • Personal information
  • Reasons/Purpose of the letter
  • Credentials
  • Working experiences
  • Positive affirmations
  • Closing remarks
  • Signature


Remember that a general cover letter varies depending on its purpose. For instance, academic cover letters are used by individuals who aspire to have a career in the academe. Don’t confuse yourself with the different types of cover letters. Just make sure you’re getting the cover letter you need.

Importance of a Nursing Cover Letter

A nursing cover letter is important because it helps employers know a nursing applicant directly. Employers will have an easier time in assessing different nursing applicants because they can immediately read and have a brief background about the applicant. Furthermore, a nursing applicant can give more information about his/her intent of having the job. Through a cover letter, the nursing applicant can explain more the areas in his/her resume that needs clarification. The contents to be written in a resume is limited, which is why having a cover letter is beneficial.

School Nursing Student Cover Letter

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Size: 29 KB


New Graduate Nursing Student Cover Letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 29 KB


Tips for Writing a Nursing Cover Letter

In writing a nursing cover letter, a good and lasting impression should be emanated in your letter. Take note that cover letters for resume will be a determining factor whether a nursing applicant lands the job or not. Therefore, to create a good nursing cover letter, follow these tips.

  • Right template. Choose the suitable template for your cover letter.
  • Brainstorm. It’s good to prepare the things you need to write in your cover letter. Recall your working experiences and achievements. List them all down so you will have a guide when you start writing the contents of your letter.
  • Outline. Make sure to outline the contents of your letter. Let’s say, on the first part of the letter, you’re going to introduce yourself and state the reasons why you’re writing the letter. Outlining the contents makes your letter organized and systematic.
  • Be direct and concise. Don’t beat around the bush. Be direct to the point. Employers are not interested in knowing all your life experiences. Only state matters that are necessary and needed in your cover letter.
  • Review. Always proofread your cover letter. Don’t let any errors ruin your chance in landing your dream career.

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