There are special circumstances when a pregnant woman would be strongly advised by her physician to stop going to work while she is pregnant. In these cases, a pregnant woman is left with no other choice than to tender her resignation in order to ensure the safe delivery of her baby.

If you are currently thinking of tendering a resignation letter due to pregnancy, it is best that you pattern your letter according to a standard format. Here at, we have provided you with various pregnancy resignation Sample Letters that you may download easily and use as your guide in letter-writing.

Resignation Letter Due to Pregnancy

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Pregnancy Related Resignation Letter

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Resignation Letters

A resignation letter is a formal letter that an employee hands to her/his employer when he/she decides to leave his/her job. The submission of this letter is a standard operating procedure for resignation in most companies. There are several reasons why an employee may decide to leave his job and some of those are the following:

  • retirement because of old age,
  • he/she has found another job offer from another company,
  • family reasons,
  • health reasons, or
  • maternity/post-maternity complications.

What Is a Pregnancy Resignation Letter?

A pregnancy resignation letter is a type of resignation letter that is usually given by a pregnant woman whose pregnancy has a lot of complications. Oftentimes, a doctor or physician will advise a woman to desist from working even months before she is supposed to conceive her child. It is for this reason that a woman-employee would resort to resignation since they are only allowed to have a month or two-month leave after conceiving their child and not before it. The most that they are allowed when pregnant is to be absent for a few days of rest.

A pregnancy resignation letter can be drafted by the pregnant woman or by anyone whom the pregnant woman is close to provided that the she will affix her signature on the resignation letter.

Other than pregnancy resignation letters, there are also other types of resignations that necessitates the creation of a specific kind of letter as well. One example would be the Immediate Resignation Letters, which is given when the resignation is done abruptly and without enough time for notice. To know more about the formats of other resignation letters, check out our collection of Job Resignation Letters that you may access by clicking on the link provided.

Pregnancy Resignation Letter Example

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Pregnancy Resignation Letter in PDF

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Pregnancy Resignation Letter Sample

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  • DOCX

Size: 4 KB


The Format and Content of a Pregnancy Resignation Letter

  • Formal greeting (regardless of the fact that you may be close friends with your manager or employer, you must maintain a formal tone in your resignation letter since this is a professional document).
  • Clear statement of intent to resign due to pregnancy (you can include here the specific anomalies/causes that has resulted to complications in your pregnancy. You can also mention the name of your doctor/physician who advised you to stop working while you’re pregnant. If possible, it is best that you also attach in your letter the document/doctor’s letter that contains the advice to stop working).
  • Statement of the specific date when resignation takes effect.
  • Statement of your gratitude toward the company (if you think it is necessary and true, you can add how thankful you are for the opportunities for growth that the company has afforded you).
  • Formal closing (like all professional letters, address your manager/employer with courteous remarks and closing phrase).


Now that you’ve learned the basics, you may start drafting your pregnancy resignation letter now! For more reference on resignation letter formats, refer to our Professional Resignation Letters by clicking on the link provided.

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