A letter of recommendation for students vouches for the skills and the character of the student. When applying for that scholarship or internship, a letter of recommendation is very useful. Free templates for different styles of letter of recommendation for students are available for download, usually in Microsoft Word format. Although test scores can give one view of how a student is academically, a Letter of Recommendation throws light on the attitude of the student. It gives an overall picture of the student, apart from numbers on a piece of paper. 

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Download Letters of Recommendation for Student Bundle

Recommendation Letter For Student From Employer

Jane Smith
Senior Project Manager
ABC Tech Solutions
1234 Innovation Drive
San Francisco, CA, 94103
[email protected]
(555) 123-4567
June 28, 2024

Dr. Emily Brown
Director of Admissions
XYZ University
4567 University Avenue
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Dear Dr. Brown,

I am writing to highly recommend John Doe for the Computer Science Graduate Program at XYZ University. I have had the pleasure of working with John at ABC Tech Solutions for the past two years, where he held the position of Junior Software Developer.

During his tenure at ABC Tech Solutions, John consistently demonstrated exceptional skills and a strong work ethic. He has been a valuable asset to our team, contributing significantly to various projects and consistently delivering high-quality work. John has shown remarkable problem-solving abilities, a keen attention to detail, and the capacity to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

One of John’s notable achievements was his contribution to the development of our flagship product, TechTracker, where he played a key role in designing and implementing a new feature that improved the product’s efficiency by 30%. This project not only showcased his technical skills but also his leadership and ability to work under pressure. His innovative approach and dedication were instrumental in the success of the project.

In addition to his professional skills, John possesses excellent interpersonal skills. He is highly regarded by his colleagues for his positive attitude, strong communication abilities, and willingness to assist others. John has also demonstrated a commitment to personal and professional growth, frequently seeking feedback and actively participating in training and development opportunities.

I am confident that John will excel in the Computer Science Graduate Program and make a significant contribution to your institution. He has my highest recommendation, and I believe he will be a valuable addition to your program.

Please feel free to contact me at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected] if you require any further information.


Jane Smith
Senior Project Manager
ABC Tech Solutions

Short Recommendation Letter For Student

Michael Johnson
Project Lead
Innovatech Solutions
5678 Progress Lane
Austin, TX, 73301
[email protected]
(555) 987-6543
June 28, 2024

Dr. Sarah Williams
Dean of Admissions
ABC University
7890 Campus Drive
Austin, TX, 73301

Dear Dr. Williams,

I am pleased to recommend Emily Davis for the Data Science Master’s Program at ABC University. Emily worked as a Data Analyst at Innovatech Solutions for the past two years, and she has been an invaluable asset to our team.

Emily has consistently demonstrated exceptional analytical skills and a strong work ethic. She played a key role in the development of our data processing system, significantly improving its accuracy. Her problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and ability to work both independently and as part of a team are commendable.

Emily is also known for her excellent interpersonal skills and positive attitude. She is highly regarded by her colleagues and always willing to assist others. I am confident that Emily will excel in your program and make significant contributions.

Please feel free to contact me at (555) 987-6543 or [email protected] if you need further information.


Michael Johnson
Project Lead
Innovatech Solutions

Recommendation Letter For Student For Higher Studies

Laura Mitchell
Senior Data Scientist
Tech Innovations Inc.
1234 Tech Park
New York, NY, 10001
[email protected]
(555) 654-3210
June 28, 2024

Dr. James Anderson
Dean of Admissions
XYZ University
5678 University Road
New York, NY, 10001

Dear Dr. Anderson,

I am writing to offer my enthusiastic recommendation for David Thompson, who is applying for the Master’s Program in Data Science at XYZ University. I have had the pleasure of supervising David during his tenure at Tech Innovations Inc., where he worked as a Data Analyst for the past two years.

Throughout his time at Tech Innovations Inc., David has consistently demonstrated exceptional analytical skills and a robust work ethic. He played a pivotal role in the development and optimization of our data processing system, significantly enhancing its accuracy and efficiency. His problem-solving abilities, coupled with his keen attention to detail, have made him an invaluable asset to our team.

David’s ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team is commendable. He has shown remarkable leadership potential, often taking the initiative to lead projects and mentor junior team members. One notable project led by David involved the integration of machine learning algorithms into our data analysis pipeline, which resulted in a 25% improvement in predictive accuracy.

Beyond his technical prowess, David is known for his excellent interpersonal skills and positive attitude. He is highly regarded by his colleagues for his strong communication abilities and his willingness to assist others. David is also deeply committed to his professional development, regularly seeking out new learning opportunities and staying abreast of the latest advancements in data science.

I am confident that David’s intellectual curiosity, dedication, and collaborative spirit will make him an outstanding addition to the Master’s Program in Data Science at XYZ University. He has my highest recommendation for admission, and I believe he will make significant contributions to your academic community.

Please feel free to contact me at (555) 654-3210 or [email protected] if you require any further information.


Laura Mitchell
Senior Data Scientist
Tech Innovations Inc.

Letter of Recommendation For Student From Principal

Dr. Linda Johnson
Greenwood High School
7890 Elm Street
Springfield, IL, 62704
[email protected]
(555) 432-5678
June 28, 2024

Dr. Emily Brown
Director of Admissions
ABC University
123 University Avenue
Springfield, IL, 62704

Dear Dr. Brown,

I am honored to write this letter of recommendation for Sarah Miller, a distinguished student of Greenwood High School, who is applying for admission to the undergraduate program at ABC University. I have had the pleasure of knowing Sarah for the past four years as her principal, and I can confidently say that she is one of the most dedicated and talented students I have encountered.

Throughout her high school career, Sarah has consistently demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and a strong commitment to her community. She has maintained a high GPA while taking a rigorous course load, including Advanced Placement (AP) classes in mathematics, science, and English. Sarah’s intellectual curiosity and passion for learning are evident in her exceptional academic achievements and her ability to excel in challenging subjects.

In addition to her academic prowess, Sarah has been an active leader in various extracurricular activities. She has served as the president of the Student Council, where she spearheaded numerous initiatives to improve student life and promote school spirit. Sarah’s leadership skills and ability to collaborate effectively with her peers have been instrumental in organizing successful events such as the annual charity drive and the school talent show.

Sarah is also deeply committed to community service. She has volunteered at the local food bank, organized neighborhood clean-up events, and tutored younger students in math and science. Her dedication to helping others and making a positive impact in her community is truly commendable.

One of Sarah’s most remarkable qualities is her ability to balance her academic responsibilities with her extracurricular and volunteer activities. She manages her time effectively and always approaches her commitments with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Sarah’s resilience, determination, and strong work ethic are qualities that will serve her well in her future academic endeavors.

I am confident that Sarah Miller will be an outstanding addition to ABC University. Her academic excellence, leadership abilities, and commitment to community service make her an ideal candidate for your program. She has my highest recommendation, and I believe she will make significant contributions to your academic community.

Please feel free to contact me at (555) 432-5678 or [email protected] if you require any further information.


Dr. Linda Johnson
Greenwood High School

Browse More Templates On Letters of Recommendation for Student

Leadership Recommendation Letter for Student Template

leadership recommendation letter for student

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Recommendation Letter for Student Scholarship Template

recommendation letter for student scholarship

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Sample Recommendation Letter For High School Student Template

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File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Free Job Recommendation Letter for Student Template

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File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Student Scholarship Recommendation Letter Template

student scholarship recommendation letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Free Leadership Recommendation Letter for School Student

free leadership recommendation letter for school student

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Recommendation Letter for Student Template

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Recommendation Letter for Student From Teacher Template

recommendation letter for student from teacher

Letter of Recommendation for Student Intern Template

letter of recommendation for student intern

Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student Admission

letter of recommendation for student admission


This is a perfect formal for letter format of recommendation for student admission. It has provisions to fill the applicant familiarity, applicant ratings in different sections, degree completion, comparable program and comments or notes about the student.

Letter of Recommendation for Doctoral Student Template

letter of recommendation for doctoral student


This is a letter of recommendation for doctoral students and it states the points to remember before writing such letter, the perfect format and content to follow and a proper checklist to make sure everything is covered.

How To Write a Recommendation Letter for a Student?

how to write a recommendation letter for a student

Writing a recommendation letter for a student involves several key steps to ensure the letter is effective, personalized, and supports the student’s application. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Understand the Purpose and Audience

  • Determine what the recommendation letter is for (e.g., college application, scholarship, internship, job).
  • Know the audience who will read the letter (e.g., admissions committee, hiring manager).

2. Gather Information

  • Ask the student for their sample resume, transcript, personal statement, and any relevant details about the position or program they are applying for.
  • Understand the student’s achievements, skills, character, and goals.

3. Use a Formal Letter Format

  • Use a professional and polite tone.
  • Include your contact information, the date, and the recipient’s contact information at the top.

4. Start with a Strong Introduction

  • Address the recipient formally (e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith,” or “To Whom It May Concern,”).
  • State your position and relationship with the student.
  • Mention how long you have known the student and in what capacity.

5. Provide a Detailed Body

  • Academic Achievements: Highlight the student’s academic performance, mentioning specific courses, grades, or projects.
  • Skills and Qualities: Discuss the student’s strengths, such as problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, communication, and creativity.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: Mention any clubs, sports, volunteer work, or other activities the student is involved in.
  • Personal Attributes: Describe the student’s character, such as integrity, responsibility, and work ethic.
  • Specific Examples: Provide anecdotes or examples that illustrate the student’s abilities and achievements.

6. Conclude with a Strong Endorsement

  • Summarize why you believe the student is an excellent candidate.
  • Offer a confident and enthusiastic endorsement of the student.

7. Provide Your Contact Information

  • Invite the recipient to contact you if they need further information.
  • Include your email and phone number.

8. Close the Letter Formally

  • Use a formal closing (e.g., “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,”).
  • Sign your name and print it underneath.

Student Information Form for Letter of Recommendation Template

student information form for letter of recommendation


This is a form whereby a school can recommend a student for higher studies by mentioning the highlighting qualities. It is a sample form that students have to fill to make the recommender aware of their abilities like future goal, past activities and job experiences, strong points, academic qualifications and so on.

Letter of Recommendation School Student Example

letter of recommendation for high school student2


This is a sample letter of recommendation for high school student. The recommender can follow the example and the format to write his letter for recommendation to help the student achieve his or her objective easily.

Letter of Recommendation for University Student Outline

letter of recommendation for university student


This is a form for recommending students for university admission. It contains fields to write recipient name and other details, the points that the letter will cover, and other declaration of the recommender.

Letter of Recommendation for Student Admission Template

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Letters of Recommendation for Student Example

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Letters of Recommendation for Nursing Student Template

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Letters of Recommendation for Student from Maths Teacher Template

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student from Professor Template

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Letters of Recommendation for Student for Scholarship Template

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Basic Letter of Recommendation for Student Council Template

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student Template

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Athletic Training Letter of Recommendation Form Template

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Business School Recommendation Letter Format

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Character Letter of Recommendation for Student Template

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Clerkship Letter of Recommendation from Professor to Student

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Letter of Recommendation for Internship Student Template

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for PHD Template

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Types of Recommendation Letter

types of recommendation letter

Recommendation letters come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose based on the context in which they are used. Here are some common types of recommendation letters:

1. Academic Recommendation Letters

These are used primarily for applications to higher education institutions or scholarships. They focus on a student’s academic performance, intellectual capabilities, and potential for success in a scholarly environment. Typically, these are written by teachers, professors, or academic advisors.

2. Employment Recommendation Letters

Employment recommendation letters are written to vouch for a candidate’s skills, work performance, and qualifications for a specific job. They are usually written by previous employers, supervisors, or colleagues. These letters provide insights into the candidate’s on-the-job performance and professional demeanor.

3. Character or Personal Reference Letters

Character reference letters attest to the character and personal qualities of an individual. These are often used for legal proceedings, housing arrangements, or adoption processes. Such letters are typically written by close acquaintances, mentors, or community leaders who can testify to the individual’s personal attributes and moral compass.

4. Business Recommendation Letters

These formal letters are used in a business context to recommend a business or a service provider to another firm or client. They focus on business relationships, professionalism, performance, and the ability to fulfill contracts or deliver work.

5. Internship Recommendation Letters

Written for students or young professionals, these letters recommend an individual for an internship position. The focus is usually on the individual’s potential, academic achievements, and any relevant project or classroom experience that makes them a suitable candidate for the internship.

6. Graduate School Recommendation Letters

Similar to academic recommendations but specifically for graduate studies, these letters highlight an applicant’s academic achievements, research abilities, and readiness for graduate-level work. They are usually required as part of the application process for master’s and PhD programs.

7. Promotion Recommendation Letters

These are internal recommendations within a company advocating for an employee’s promotion. They emphasize the employee’s accomplishments, work ethic, and readiness to take on higher-level responsibilities.

8. LinkedIn Recommendations

A modern, digital form of recommendation, LinkedIn recommendations are public endorsements written by colleagues, clients, or employers on the LinkedIn platform. They highlight specific skills and professional experiences directly on a user’s profile.

9. Scholarship Recommendation Letters

Specifically tailored for scholarship applications, these letters focus on a student’s financial need, academic performance, and potential benefits from receiving a scholarship. They often play a crucial role in the decision-making process for grantors.

Each type of recommendation letter has its nuances and focuses on different aspects of a person’s abilities or character, depending on the intended purpose. When writing or requesting a recommendation letter outline, it’s important to understand the specific requirements and expectations associated with the type of letter needed.

Letter of Recommendation for Student Academic Template

letter of recommendation for student academic


Letter of Recommendation for Student Leadership Template

letter of recommendation for student leadership


Letter of Recommendation for Student Residency Template

letter of recommendation for student residency

Letter of Recommendation for Student Volunteer Template

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student Worker Template

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Undergraduate Student Template

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Letter of Recommendation Outline for Student School Template

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Letters of Recommendation for Faculty Template

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Sample Letters of Recommendation for Law School

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Medical School Recommendation Letter Template

medical school recommendation letter

Music Teacher Letter of Recommendation for Student

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Generic Preschool Teacher Recommendation Letter for Student

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Recommendation Letter for College Admission Template

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Sample Recommendation Letter for Engineering Student

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Recommendation Letter for MBA Student Template

recommendation letter for mba student

Request for Scholarship Recommendation Letter Template

request for scholarship recommendation letter


Sorority Recommendation Letter for Student Template

sorority recommendation letter for student

Instances where Letter of recommendation for Students are Needed

Such letters of recommendation are used in the following instances:

  • Applying for a fellowship and internship
  • Applying to graduate school
  • High school student applying for admission to colleges
  • High school student applying for scholarship

General Letter of recommendation for a student is obviously academic in character. However, academic letters may intersect with employment letters in the case of a student who is seeking a teaching position.

Components of Letter of recommendation for student

A good letter of recommendation for students should have the following:

  • Description of the student’s character and skills
  • Description of the student’s character and skills
  • Anecdotes of how the student performed in class, or on tests, or in the laboratory
  • Rewards and honors
  • Leadership skills
  • Dedication to coursework
  • Superlatives in description

What is recommendation letters?

A recommendation letter is a document endorsing an individual’s professional or academic performance and character, typically written by a previous employer, teacher, or professional colleague.

How to end a letter of recommendation?

Conclude with a strong endorsement, offer further contact if needed, add a polite closing like “Sincerely,” and sign your name to affirm your support.

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