Rental agreement letter is a type of legal document that binds two parties, the landlord and the tenant, with the rental agreement. The terms being implied on this letter are usually imposed by the land owner.

What is the purpose of a rental agreement?

As mentioned above, the purpose of this agreement is for both parties (landlord and the tenant) to comply with the terms and conditions being implied. This will clear out the expectations and through acknowledging it, both parties are now legally obliged to respect and follow the signed Sample Letters agreement. This is a legal written document and if either of the party breaks the settlement, will face serious legal issues.

Rental Agreement Termination Letter

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Warning Letter for Rental Agreement Violation

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Sample Rental Agreement Termination Letter

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Apartment Rental Agreement Letter

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB



Types of Rental Agreement Forms

  • Rental Leasing Agreement

This is to be signed by the tenant before it occupies the facility.

  • Rental Violation Warning Letter

This will be handed to the tenant who violated the agreement. This is a written warning.

  • Rental Agreement Termination Letter

After several violation warnings and the tenant still failed to comply with the rules and regulations, the land owner will be forced to terminate the contract, as this is an indication of abuse from the tenant.

What Are the Important Things to Be Considered in Writing a Rental Agreement?

Information of the Tenant

It is important to know the

  • full name of your potential tenant and
  • former or current address.

And include it on the agreement letter, as the information is basically vital to any legal agreement.

Information of the Landlord

Same goes with the first one on the list. Only it’s the dealer or the landlord’s information.

Terms and Conditions

Carefully think over the rules and regulations. As for this, it will make clear understanding of your expectation toward the person who will be renting your facility. Use this against them, if they disrespect your rules.

You should include the expected amount of the rent and its schedule, depending on your preference; it could be every 15th or 30th.

Signature Areas

It is important that you include a signature area, both for the tenant and the landlord. The content of this area should be,

Signature above written full name


Make sure you are writing the updated date. This is important for documentation purposes. Through this, you will be guided as to when the agreement started.

If the tenant failed to compromise with the agreement and you want them to leave the premises, then let them sign a Sample Lease Termination Letters. With this, you will be able to legally remove the tenant and resistance on the their part will result to more legal concerns.

Rental Agreement Letter Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Rental Lease Agreement Letter

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Format of Letter of Rental Agreement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Rental Agreement Letter in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 132 KB


But with the increasingly high expense of the facilities’ maintenance and sometimes it’s hard to cope up with it, you can also have the option to raise the rent. We need to acknowledge the tenants and have them sign the Sample Rent Increase Letter. As with this, it will make the increase legally accepted.

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