Once your job has become boring, routine, or you’re just having a very bad experience with the workplace in general, it might be time for you to consider quitting. When it comes to this, you have to make sure that you make your exit as graceful as possible. The first step to doing this is by writing a good resignation letter sample.

A good letter format does not necessarily need to go into details about the resignation. Rather, it gives an overview of the reasons for resignation in a manner that will help to make your employer understand why you need to leave. Take a look at the Sample Resignation Letters that we have for you.

Free Simple Resignation Letter Template

File Format


Free Resignation Letter Template for Personal Reason

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Free Employee Resignation Letter Template

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Early Retirement Resignation Letter Template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
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Two Weeks Notice Resignation Letter Template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
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Immediate Resignation Letters Template

Immediate Effect Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 66 KB


Immediate Notice Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 4 KB


Sample Employee Resignation Letters Template

Response to Employee Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 139 KB


Employee Job Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 168 KB


Acceptance of Resignation Letter Template

Resignation Acceptance Reply Letter Template

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Size: 18 KB


Resignation Notice Letters Template

Job Resignation Notice Letter Template

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Size: 63 KB


Resignation with Notice Letter Template

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Size: 58 KB


Resignation Withdrawal Letters Template

Resignation Withdrawal Acceptance Letter Template

resignation withdrawal letter

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Size: 53 KB


Professional Resignation Letters Template

Professional 2 Week Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 176 KB


Professional Nursing Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 165 KB


How to Start Writing a Resignation Letter?

Once you’ve made up your mind about resigning from your current job, you may now start drafting your resignation letter. If you are having problems identifying the right words to say to your employer, you can check out some of the tips we have below to help you get on track:

  • Maintain professionalism. Despite the fact that you are leaving, remain courteous, formal, and professional about opening your letter. Start with the usual, “Dear [Employer’s Name].”
  • Do not beat around the bush. Be straight to the point with your intention of resigning. Some employees actually just write a resignation letter in the hopes that they are going to be offered a better post and a higher salary. If this is not your goal, then be clear about your sample plan. It is best that you sound confident in your letter.
  • Allow your employer to adjust to the changes. Giving your employer a notice is ideal as this gives ample time for adjustment, especially if there is a need for you to train the employee who will be replacing you. A minimum of two weeks notice is preferable. You may check out Two Weeks Notice Samples and use it as a reference regarding how you should state your two weeks notice.
  • You may or may not state your reasons for leaving. Leaving out a reason may be ideal most especially if you are just resigning because you do not like being a part of the company anymore. If you do want to share your reason, keep it short. There is no need to go into full detail about why you need to go. If you feel like there is a need for you to share your reason, you may check out Resignation Letter with Reason Samples to know how you will insert your reason/reasons to your letter.
  • Always offer help with the transition period. This is ideal especially for positions which are not easy to fill. State clearly that you will be happy enough to help out with training the new hire should they need it and ensure an easy transition process.
  • Be grateful. Tell your employer thank you that you have been given the opportunity to become an employee and that they trusted you to work for them. Mention how the job has greatly influenced you and your career choices. It will make your employer feel like they did you an unforgettable favor.
  • Wrap up your letter positively. You do not want to be remembered as the negative employee so show them that you are committed and that you are grateful for what they have done for you.
  • Proofread. Remember to read it several times before turning it in. You want to avoid grammatical and spelling errors, whether you choose to send the letter personally or through email. You can use Sample Email Resignation Letters if you need help making a resignation email.

Resignation Letter Formats

Resignation Acceptance Letter Format

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Size: 86 KB


Director Resignation Letter Format

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Size: 140 KB


Resignation Letter for Teachers Template

Resignation Letter for School Teacher Template

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Size: 63 KB


Basic Resignation Letters Template

Basic Job Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 38 KB


Company Resignation Letters Template

Company Resignation Announcement Letter Template

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Size: 89 KB


Corporate Resignation Letters Template

Corporate Officer Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 87 KB


Formal Corporate Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 656 KB


Sample Office Resignation Letters Template

Office Clerk Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 166 KB


Officer Job Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 15 KB


Why is There a Need to Write a Resignation Letter?

There’s a wide variety of reasons why a resignation letter is considered to be an important document to draft before deciding to leave your job. We listed some of them below:

  • A resignation letter is considered to be a formal letter document that serves as your announcement to the HR and your immediate supervisors that you are planning to leave your job.
  • Leaving your job without letting your employers know is considered rude. Turning in a resignation letter is the total opposite. Your employer may not like the fact that you are leaving the company, but it is better than to just leave them hanging and wondering why you had to leave.
  • It proves to be a good opportunity to tell your boss that you greatly appreciate and value your stay in the company. You have been hired because they have considered you as a good fit for the company. It’s high time that you tell them you appreciate what they have done.
  • Once you start applying to other companies, you will be submitting a ton of requirements. One of these requirements might be a proof of employment. Your resignation letter will serve as a document that proves your employment from a previous company and that you were able to leave the company without any problem whatsoever.
  • You want to leave your job on a positive note. Remember that you might just need your former employer to write you a recommendation letter (see Sample Employer Recommendation Letters) or reference letter (see Sample Work Reference Letters).

What is an Immediate Resignation Letter?

The norm when it comes to resignation is to give your employer a minimum of two weeks notice before you end your stay with the company. This helps in ensuring that you will be able to finish any project work that are still in progress and properly clear your computer from personal and confidential files. There will be circumstances though that will require you to leave your job immediately. Immediate resignations are not favored but there are times when these are considered to be necessary especially if the reason is valid.

Immediate resignation letters or Resignation Letters No Notice express that the employee cannot render a minimum of two weeks and that the need to leave the job is urgent. These letters also tend to clarify how to handle the last paycheck, benefits, files, and the remaining unfinished work. Primary contact information will be stated in order to maintain communication between you and your employer. Despite the urgency of the situation, a professional and formal language should be maintained to ensure that you still leave your company on a good note.

Director Resignation Letters Template

Company Director Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 422 KB


Director of Nursing Resignation Letter Template

director of nursing resignation letter2

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Size: 126 KB


Employee Resignation Letters Template

Board Employee Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 262 KB


Casual Employee Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 206 KB


Job Resignation Letters Template

Job Change Resignation Letter Template

job change resignation letter1

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Size: 157 KB


Sample Model Resignation Letters Template

Model Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

model resignation acceptance letter

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Size: 76 KB


Model Involuntary Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 85 KB


Can You Send Resignation Letters Through Email?

The simple answer to this question is yes. Emails are easy to write and send, and have actually become a primary means of communication within the workplace, especially in the corporate workplace setting. With just a glimpse of the subject line, your employer will be able to know that you are going to resign from the company. Through the use of emails, it will also be an easy task list to let your closest colleagues know that you are going to be leaving the company soon.

Before you send an email resignation letter, you should first check with your HR department if this format of resignation is allowed. If this is allowed, you can use Sample Email Resignation Letters as a guide. Remember to also leave information about how your employer can reach you and discuss the pay and benefits that you are entitled to.

How to Write Resignation Letters for Teachers?

If you are a teacher, resigning from your teaching post may sometimes be necessary in order to pursue a master’s degree or other forms of further studies .

In writing a teacher resignation letter, you have to make sure that you go through some Sample Teacher Resignation Letters. Keep your resignation letter upbeat and positive. You can draft two letters during this resignation process: one for your resignation letter and one informing the parents about possible changes.

  • For you resignation proper, be direct with what you want the administration and colleagues to know and ask them for a recommendation/reference letter that talks about your performance as a teacher.
  • For the general letter to the parents, let them know that everything will be well with a new teacher should you be resigning in the middle of a term, and express that you are excited for what is to come for you and your students.

Reasons Why Employees Resign

Employees resign for many different reason, ones that influence employees to check out Sample Resignation Letters — they vary from personal reasons to reasons concerning the management review of the company. Some of the most common ones are the following:

  • Job security. When an employee sees that the turnover rate in a company is high, then he/she might think that there must be something wrong with how a company is handling their employees. With this observation, an employee might resort to quitting his/her job.
  • Compensation. Employees want to be fairly compensated for the work that they are contributing to the company. If employees feel that they are not well-paid, they might explore and find other companies who they think will be a better fit for them.
  • Bad work environment. Factors contributing to this are the bosses, the growth opportunity and the overall culture of the company. Bad bosses tend to not be good at making their employees feel important which can be linked to poor growth opportunity which can, in turn, make the culture of the company not suitable for the liking of the employee.

Polite Resignation Letters Template

Graceful Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 27 KB


Standard Resignation Letters Template

Standard Resignation Letter Template

standard resignation letter

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Size: 52 KB


Standard Notice of Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 89 KB


Sample Apology Resignation Letter Format

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Size: 159 KB


School Resignation Letters Template

Primary School Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 78 KB


School Teacher Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 160 KB


Sample Resignation Letters Template

Resignation Letter with Short Notice Period Template

resignation letter short notice period

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Size: 250 KB


Sample Resignation Acknowledgement Letter Template

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Size: 20 KB


What Should You Do Before Quitting Your Job?

Quitting your job will always be the easy way out especially if you have been unhappy with what you have been doing. But careful planning should be a top priority to ensure that you are secure with your decision to quit. Here are some of the things you should think about before quitting:

  • Ensure that you have enough money to support yourself and your family, if you have one. This is to make sure that you can afford to be jobless for a period of time while transitioning or looking for a new job.
  • Let your family know of your plan to resign. It is an easy task to resign if you are living on your own but it’s a totally different story if you have a family or are supporting someone. This will help you out in making a sample planning about the things you need to do while you are still transitioning.
  • Think about a timeframe and what you can do within the set timeframe. How long do you plan to be on a break? What are your goals? Do you have a new job position in mind?
  • Are you open to the thought of having a temporary job while searching for a new one? This is for security purposes especially if you do not have enough cash or savings to burn while you are out of a job analysis.

These are just some of the things you need to consider before you quit your job. There might be a lot more depending on your situation.

Off to a Fresh Start!

After you have reviewed Sample Resignation Letter for New JobSample Best Letters of Resignation or Sample Professional Resignation Letters and finalized your own resignation letter, keep in mind that quitting your job might seem like the end but you should also think that you might just be right in front of a better opportunity. It will always be a dreadful task to quit a job especially if you have been comfortable with it and have already learned to like it. But, there’s no need for you to be devastated about resigning.

Always remember that when a door closes, a new one opens! This means you can always have a fresh start. Yes, it may be hard because you have to start all over again but you should also think of the positive things like new learning and new scope of work environment. Take time to think about what you really want and it just might come knocking at your door at the most unexpected times.

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