People might want to quit their job for a variety of reasons, like they are unhappy with the workplace environment, they are not happy with the management, they feel overworked and not compensated well, and so on. Whatever your reason may be, it will always be a good idea to have a sit-down talk with your supervisor or employer and draft a resignation letter sample for formality purposes.

Need great Sample Resignation Letters? We have a few that you might like and might be able to relate to and use for when you need to draft one. Scroll down to check out all of our samples.

Resignation Letter Format Template

resignation letter format template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Resignation Letter Format for Bank Employee Template

resignation letter format for bank employee template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Free Teacher Resignation Letter for Another Job Template

free teacher resignation letter for another job template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Email Resignation Letter Without Notice Period Template

email resignation letter without notice period template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Resignation Letter for Family Reasons Template

resignation letter for family reasons template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Coaching Resignation Letter Template

coaching resignation letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


Early Retirement Resignation Letter Template

early retirement resignation letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Two Weeks Notice Resignation Letter Template

two weeks notice resignation letter

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


Free Board Of Director Resignation Letter Template

free board of director resignation letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages
  • PDF


Membership Resignation Letter Format Template

membership resignation letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Resignation Letter Going Back to School Template

sample resignation letter going back to school template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US, A4


Formal Resignation Letter Formats

Formal Resignation Letter in Word

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 39 KB


Director Resignation Letter Formats

Company Director Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 140 KB


Director Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 49 KB


Job Resignation Letter Formats

Teacher Job Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 314 KB


New Job Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 20 KB


Acceptance of Resignation Letter

Acceptance of Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 59 KB


HR Acceptance of Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Resignation Letter Email Template

Resignation Acceptance Letter Email Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


Resignation Cover Letter Email Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


What to Include in a Resignation Letter?

Your resignation letter serves as the process documentation for your decision to leave your job. This is where you would usually give a brief reason for your resignation. You need not explain the details of your departure since these can be discussed in person with your supervisor or HR Manager. It is important to keep your resignation letter brief and concise.

What you write in your resignation letter matters a lot so you have to be careful with your choice of words and how you lay them down in order to sound professional about the decision. Some tips you may incorporate in your letter-writing task are:

  • Notice. When it comes to resignations, abruptness is not an option. You need to properly let your employer know about your plans of leaving before you start drafting your letter. Set up a quick chat with your supervisor/HR Manager first.
  • Straightforward. You need not to sugar coat anything when it comes to your letter. Be straight to the point by telling them in the first few lines that you are going to leave your post. This also helps to keep your letter sample brief.
  • Be thankful. Expression of gratitude is a must no matter what you have experienced in the company—good or bad. Whatever the case may be, there has been learning along the way and opportunity to have worked in the company still lives.
  • Offer help. Resignation processes are never easy for both the employee and of course, the employer. They have to look for a replacement and train them to do your work. Be sincere when you offer that you are more than willing enough to help them out should they need any during the transition process.
  • Peruse through your employment contract. This is important to ensure that everything will go smoothly and that violations have not been encountered as it is a legally binding document. You need to get through your resignation process properly.
  • Formal and professional tone. Language to be used must be simple and must use any slang and jargon. Remember that your letter is an official documentation and will go on your personal file in the company.
  • Avoid negative statements. Your resignation letter is not an avenue for you to rant should you have awful experience with the company with regards to pay, management, colleagues, etc. Your feeling of hatred is highly likely to be unavoidable, however, you do want to keep your relationship with your boss, supervisors, and colleagues, at very the least civil. The likelihood of your next employer asking for a sample reference or recommendation letter from your previous company is pretty high so wanna ensure that you end things positively with everyone in the company.

Remember that you do not want any wrong choices you have made about your resignation to come haunting you in the future. This is why checking out our article about Resignation Letter Format Samples will give you more ideas on how you can format your resignation letter and be on point about it.

Auditor Resignation Letter Template

Statutory Auditor Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 37 KB


Sample Bank Resignation Letter Formats

Bank Job Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 33 KB


Bank Manager Resignation Letter Template

bank manager resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Company Resignation Letter Formats

Software Engineer Resignation Letter Template

software engineer resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Teacher Resignation Letter Formats

School Teacher Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 28 KB


Engineering College Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 32 KB


Doctor Resignation Letter Formats

Medical Doctor Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 34 KB


Employee Resignation Letter Formats

Employee Resignation Letter Example

employee resignation letter example

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 2 KB


Formatting a Resignation Letter

The format of Resignation Letters and Sample Resigning Letters will vary depending on whether it is a formal or informal resignation. However, a typical resignation letter will include the following:

  • You will usually see two letterheads: one sample letterhead includes the information about the quitting employee and the second one contains the information of the person being addressed in the resignation letter.
  • In between the letterheads is the date when the letter was drafted or sent.
  • Proper salutation should be in order. Use the correct job title or honorifics (Dr., Mr., Ms., General, Atty., etc). Also, make sure to spell the name correctly in order to avoid confusion on who the recipient of the letter is.
  • The first few lines of your first paragraph should already establish that you are sample planning to quit your job. This is also where you state the proposed effective date of your resignation.
  • The next paragraph is where you will express your gratitude to the employer for the opportunity and the chance to impart your skills to the company.
  • The last paragraph of your letter should end on a good note. Offering help for the transition process such as helping them to look for a replacement and training the replacement on your last few days in the company will be a great end to your resignation letter.
  • Include a closing greeting such as “Respectfully yours,” or “Sincerely yours.”
  • Affix your signature—handwritten signature for a hard copy letter or typed signature for an electronic/a digital letter.

The Importance of Resignation Letters

Whether an employee enjoys/love his/her job so much or otherwise, time will come when a need to quit the job will arise whatever the reason may be. You can check Sample Resignation Letters before you make that initial step to formally leave his/her job as this is the start of a proper resignation. Writing one may be seen as a difficult task but remember that this proves to be an important document whether one is required by an employer or not as it will always be appreciated by your employer if you give them a heads up rather than just walking out the door without prior warning. You can also practice by making Sample Two Weeks Notice Letters in Doc.

So why do we consider resignation letters important? Here are some of our reasons:

  • A resignation letter is considered to be a polite way of letting your employer/supervisor that you are about to leave the company.
  • It gives the impression that you valued your stay with the company and that you respect the company.
  • It gives you an opportunity to tell your employer/supervisor that you are thankful for the guidance, trust, and opportunity.
  • It can be used as a supporting document or proper documentation that you left your job without encountering problems.
  • It helps to ease the resignation process and it also lets you make a graceful and professional agenda exit from the company.

Executive Resignation Letter Formats

HR Assistant Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 31 KB


Hotel Resignation Letter Formats

Hotel Job Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 24 KB


HR Resignation Letter Formats

HR Executive Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 63 KB


HR Manager Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 24 KB


Medical Resignation Letter Format

Medical Representative Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 32 KB


Manager Resignation Letter Formats

Sales Manager Resignation Letter Template

sales manager resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 2 KB


General Manager Resignation Letter Template

general manager resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Nurse Resignation Letter Formats

Nursing Job Resignation Letter Template

nursing job resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Why Do People Quit Their Job?

There are plenty of reasons and factors why an employee will consider quitting his/her job. Some are easy to address in a way that an employee might actually consider staying in the company. There are also issues which are hard to deal with, especially if the reason for leaving is due to events outside of work, such as family and education. But what are the common reasons why an employee will quit his/her work?

  • Boss-related reasons such as not being a good leader, not listening to employees, not providing enough sample feedback, or just being a bad boss in general. A boss is someone an employee should be looking up to, not someone who they should despise.
  • The work is either too difficult or too boring for the employee. It is important to note that employees want to enjoy what they do at work. If it’s not challenging or too much to handle, they definitely will not enjoy the work plus, this actually hinders the opportunity for growth.
  • Colleagues and work environment. Interaction and relationships with the work colleagues matter to the security and comfort that an employee will feel in the workplace. Should they feel that they do not fit in with their workmates or if it seems as if they are not a good match for the culture, employees might decide to leave the job.
  • Financial stability of the company is also a factor. If the employee feels like the finances of the company are very unstable, they would not want to stay as this means that they will also be unstable soon enough.
  • Compensation is also one of the biggest factors why an employee chooses to leave a company. If an employee feels like they are doing to much work for very little compensation, they could get burned out and consider finding a better paying job. You may check out Compensation Plan Templates should compensation plans intrigue you.
  • Employees appreciate it when their employers notice or give them praise for the work performance they have given. Even if it seems like they are just doing contributing a small portion to the whole success of the company, showing appreciation gives the employee an assurance that they are doing a good job. If they do not feel that they are significantly contributing, it might lower their self-esteem and they might resort to quitting their position.
  • When an employee is constricted, they might think about quitting. Employees want to feel that their employers trust them enough to perform their duties and responsibilities on their own. Pointing out that you make them accountable for their own work gives them a sense of empowerment.

Educators and people in the medical field can refer to Sample Teaching Resignation Letter and Sample Nursing Resignation Letters should they decide to leave their jobs for any of the reasons stated above. If an employee is starting a family, she might want look for Sample Maternity Resignation Letters that she can use.

The reasons that are mentioned here are just some of the common causes why an employee might quit his/her job. Other factors might be they might be moving out, health concerns, or other personal reasons.

Sample Professional Resignation Letter Formats

Professional Assistant Manager Resignation Letter Template

professional assistant manager resignation letter

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 29 KB


Standard Resignation Letter Formats

Standard Notice of Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


Teacher Resignation Letter Formats

Teacher Job Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 33 KB


Teacher Resignation Letter Template

teacher resignation letter template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 2 KB


Sample Angry Resignation Letter Formats

Professional Angry Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 34 KB


Angry Employee Resignation Letter Template

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 47 KB


When it comes to quitting your job…

  • Be prepared. A two weeks notice is best to ensure that nothing is missed during the resignation process and there will be ample time for the company to look for a replacement.
  • Find out what you are getting. Try to ask your HR about the benefits you may get from quitting, any compensation package with regards to separation, and whether the unused leaves are convertible to cash.
  • Consider asking for a recommendation or reference letter before your end date. You can ask your boss or one of your colleagues to write you one.
  • Ask for skill recommendations and endorsements for your professional social media accounts such as LinkedIn.

Key Take Away

Always remember that resignation letters need not be long. In fact, it is preferred that these letters be brief and straight to the point. However, they should contain and relay information in a way that a positive relationship is maintained between you and your employer. This why it is best to start with samples and templates. Referring to these will help to make the drafting of your very own resignation letter easier and faster. Having Sample Resignation Letters and Resignation Letter Format Templates to refer to will also help in knowing what format you should use.

To give a brief executive summary of what has been discussed, we have the following:


  • The purpose why there is a need for you to resign.
  • The proposed end date (bet to pick a date that is more or less two weeks away from submission of the resignation letter.
  • An expression of thanks to the boss for the opportunity and the learnings.

Remember to…

  • …not say anything negative or include negative statements of purpose because you want to keep your former employee to become part of your strong connection and network.
  • …not go into detail. Detailed explanations should be for conversations with your supervisor/HR Manager.

When you were accepted in the job you are currently quitting, you signed a contract or had an agreement with your employer as a formality of the employment. Sending a resignation letter is also a means of formality that you want to end your contract or your sample agreement with the company. It will also be beneficial as your letter can be used as an official document to show that you have previously worked in the company in any case a company you will be applying for will ask for a proof of employment.

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