You have been working a stable job for the longest time. You even have enough money to get you through the next few years. You already had your fair share of being in the workplace. You now feel that you are ready to retire from work. You want to enjoy more time with your family and maybe you even want to do the things you were not able to do while you were working like travel to different countries. You may also see sample retirement letters.

When the thought of retirement starts coming to your mind, you have to make sure that you are prepared and that you will leave your employer with proper notice. You can do this by coming up with a well-written retirement resignation letter. Handing your employer a retirement letter is considered to be polite and professional. It is also a document that the human resource department can make use of for your file and for processing all the necessary paper for your departure from the company. You can either give it before you discuss matters with them regarding your retirement or you can also do the opposite.

If you are here to look for advice on how you can write a good retirement letter, we are here to lend you a helping hand. Not only that, we have also included a few useful retirement letters to download for free for your convenience. Just keep reading this article to find out more.

Retirement Resignation Letter for Teachers

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Size: 10 KB


Retirement Resignation Letter in Doc

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Size: 4 KB


Retirement Incentive Resignation Letter

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Size: 11 KB


Employee Resignation and Intent to Retire

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Size: 317 KB


Giving Proper Retirement Notice

When it comes to retiring from your employment, you want to make sure that you follow proper protocols. It is not simply saying that you do not want to work anymore and then just walking out the door. Before you even think about writing your retirement resignation letter, you have to make sure that you get to discuss matters first with your boss. So we would like to give you a few important points that you need to remember and apply when you are retiring. You may also see job resignation letter templates.

1. Review company policies about retirement.

You have to make sure that you are familiar with your company policies about retirement and what you will be entitled to after you resign.

2. Enough notice should be given.

Give your employer enough time to make all the necessary processes regarding your retirement. You may have been thinking about your retirement for a few months now but it would not be a good idea to let them know months ahead. A two weeks notice would be enough.

3. Offer help during the transition. 

You probably have been working with the company for quite some time and your position might be quite hard to fill. Training the person who will replace you would be a good idea in order to make sure that operations will go on smoothly.

4. Say thanks.

Do not forget to tell your employer that you are thankful for the opportunity that you were given. Even if you are retiring because of negative factors, resist the temptation to bring it up. Remember to always make your resignation letter polite. Just be thankful for the experience that you have garnered from being with the company.

To know more about the proper ways of resigning from your job, you can check out The Dos and Don’ts of Proper Resignation

Resignation Retirement with Notice Period

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Size: 210 KB


21-Day Retirement Letter

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Size: 165 KB


Retirement Resignation Letter Format

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Size: 16 KB


Writing the Retirement Resignation Letter

We would now like to give you a few quick tips in writing a resignation letter to ensure that you end up with a retirement letter that is polished and professional.

1. Start with a greeting.

A retirement resignation letter, like any other resignation letter, is considered to be a formal letter, so you have to make sure that you stick to a formal letter format. Make sure that you address your employer appropriately. Address your employer by his/her last name (i.e. Dear Mr. Emerson). 

2. Structure your letter with clarity.

You can break up your letter into three sections: introduction, body, and concluding paragraph. Each section need not be long. Two to three sentences per section would suffice.

  • Your introduction or introductory paragraph will talk about your intent to retire from the company. This would also be the part where you will tell your employer when you intend to end your connection with the company. You may also check out sample one-day resignation letters.
  • The body of your letter would be the part that would talk about your time in the company. Talk how you enjoyed being with the company and this is also where you highlight what you have learned from the company. Just make sure that what you highlight are the positive aspects that you have gathered from being with the company. You may also like temporary resignation letter samples.
  • Your concluding paragraph would talk about your aspiration to want to leave the company in a smooth manner. This is also where you would also let your employer know that you are willing to help out with the transition. You may even discuss how you would want to spend your days once your retirement resignation pushes through. Make sure you end your letter on a good note by wishing the company luck in their future endeavors. You may also see sample membership resignation letters.

3. End your letter properly.

End with an appropriate greeting and make sure that you sign your letter. Have your name typed, include your position after your typed name, and sign above your typed name.

4. Include contact details.

After your signature, you may opt to include your contact details such as your mobile/telephone number and your email address. You may also like printable resignation letters.

Make sure that you proofread your letter before you hand it out to your boss. You wouldn’t want to have misspellings and grammatical errors in your letter.

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