Words are powerful. Sometimes, a simple sorry or thanks can lift up someone’s spirits and morale. At a young age we are taught to say these magic words, but only when we’re all grown up do we really know the value or magical properties that these words of kindness have.

Our parents used to always teach us to be kind; and when someone has helped you or offered assistance in any small way, it is always polite to say thank you. As we grow older, our methods change from simply saying the word “thanks” to writing gratitude in a letter. If you are in the process of drafting a thank-you letter, then it is best to pattern your letter according to a proper guide or template. For your convenience, we have thank-you letter templates on this page that you may download for free.

Thank You Letters after Interview

Short Thank You Letter after Interview

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Size: 194 KB


Sample Thank-You Letter after Interview

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Size: 408 KB


Thank You Letters for Donation

Sample Thank You Letter for Donation to School

File Format
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Size: 73 KB


Thank You Letter for Funeral Donation

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Size: 170 KB


Thank-You Letters for Scholarship

Thank-You Letter for Scholarship Acceptance

File Format
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Size: 157 KB


Thank You Letter for Scholarship Donor

File Format
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Size: 157 KB


Thank-You Letters for a Job Interview

Professional Thank-You Letter for a Job Interview

File Format
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Size: 125 KB


Thank-You Letter for Job Interview

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Size: 7 KB


Thank-You Letters to Boss

Sample Thank-You Letter to Boss

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Size: 1 MB


Thank-You Letter to Boss after Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 168 KB


Why Saying Thank You Is Important

Expressing gratitude is essential especially after a person or group has helped you, regardless of how small or large the service rendered was. If the assistance given was in the form of cash or kind, the least you could do is craft a beautiful and sincere thanksgiving letter as token of appreciation. It doesn’t cost much to print out a short-sized bond paper, or use a thank-you card.

Even if the person has helped you in the form of immaterial objects such as time, effort, assistance, and volunteerism, you should always express the same amount of gratitude to the person who gave gifts that cannot be seen. A simple “thank you” has a large impact that no amount of money could buy or compensate.

Parts of a Thank-You Letter

A thank-you letter is one of the best ways to express gratitude because it can be kept and stored for a long time. Aside from that, the sincerity of the writer will shine through, especially if the note was well thought-out and written with passion. You have to keep in mind though that in creating whatever kind of letter, you always have to use the tone that is befitting your recipient; if you are talking to a professor, you have to be formal and humble, different as to when you are writing to a close friend.

Most of the time, in a technical sense, even though it is not a formal letter, a thank-you letter has the following parts:

  • Header

Unlike a formal letter that has the full name, designation, or title and company address, a simple thank-you letter could contain only the full name or a nickname or the name of the organization it is addressed to. The more personalized or casual it is, the better. However, when giving thank-you notes to college professors or company CEOs, you have to follow the formal business letter format of a header. Always include the month, day, and year so that the recipient knows that the letter is current and relevant.

  • Greeting or Introduction

Aside from the opening salutations, the greeting or introduction part should contain a brief summary of the entire letter. It should be quick and understandable, regardless of the person’s educational attainment.

For example: Good day! I wrote this letter to express my utmost gratitude for your help during the event.

  • Body of the Letter

The body of the letter goes into further detail about what you are thankful for, why you are thankful, and how you want to repay them (if applicable or in the future) for their service. Talk about why their help was important to you.

  • Closing

Always close with a statement that guarantees the next time when they are the ones in need of assistance, you will do your best to accommodate them as well. Also wish them good luck in their endeavors and thank them once again for their time or service.

Thank-You Letters to Client

Company Thank-You Letter to Client

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Size: 73 KB


Thank-You Letter to Client after Purchase

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Size: 79 KB


Professional Thank-You Letter Samples

Professional Thank-You Letter Format

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Size: 4 KB


Professional Thank You Letter for Post-Internship

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Size: 84 KB


Thank You Letter after College Interview

Thank You Letter after College Interview

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Business Thank-You Letters

Formal Business Thank-You Letter

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Size: 91 KB


Business Meeting Thank-You Letter

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Size: 64 KB


Sample Personal Thank-You Letters

Personal Thank-You Letter to Boss

File Format
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Size: 87 KB


Personal Thank-You Letter for Support

File Format
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Size: 27 KB


Various Types of Thank-You Letters

There are innumerable instances when individuals or organizations have done something that has positively affected us. Because these instances are variegated, it is only logical for you to write a thank-you letter that is appropriate for the action and kindness that you are aiming to applaud or acknowledge. On this page, you can find numerous types of thank-you letters that are carefully crafted in such a way that it can suit different needs.

Thank-You Letter after an Interview

Whether you are being interviewed for an internship, an employment, or a college application, it is always important to bear in mind that the person interviewing you has exerted time and effort in giving you the equal amount of chance in getting whatever position or grant you are applying for.

Giving them a timely thank-you letter can lead to numerous advantages on your part as well as to your interviewer. Here are some of the most notable advantages of giving an interview thank-you letter:

  • It allows you to genuinely communicate your thankfulness for the time and effort exerted by your interviewer on your behalf.
  • It can brighten up the day of your interviewer. Interviewing a large number of individuals on a daily basis can be a taxing job. Imagine how a little thank-you letter can uplift the mood of an interviewer?
  • As simple as it might seem, a thank-you possesses indescribable powers over the human psyche that it can influence an interviewer’s decision-making process, mood, and productivity. Not only would you be doing your interviewer a favor but yourself as well since your interviewer would be more likely to ascribe positive mental associations to his/her idea of you. Hence, it would make him/her more likely to give you a positive response after reading your interview thank-you letter.
  • An interview thank-you letter can also provide you with an avenue to add more information about yourself that you have failed to mention during the interviewing process. There are times when our performance during an interview may not be as successful and profoundly enlightening as we planned it to be. It is in cases like these that an interview thank-you letter would be perfect. It serves as an extension of your self-advertising strategies. That is why, you should write an interview thank-you letter now in order to attain a positive response to whatever objective you have for the interview.


For more reference, check out our collection of interview thank-you letters.


Sample Email Thank You Letters

Email Thank You Letter after Meeting

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Size: 22 KB


Email Thank-You Letter for Job Offer

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Thank-You Letter after Phone Interview

Follow-up Thank-You Letter after Phone Interview

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Size: 5 KB


Thank-You Letter after Phone Interview Rejection

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Size: 4 KB


Sample Internship Thank-You Letters

Thank-You Letter after Internship Interview

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Size: 4 KB


Sample Pre-Internship Thank-You Letter

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Size: 4 KB


Job Acceptance Thank-You Letters

Sample Letter Job Acceptance Thank-You Letter

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Size: 12 KB


Job Acceptance Thank-You Letter Example

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Size: 4 KB


Membership Thank You Letters

Chamber Membership Thank You Letter

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Size: 467 KB


Non-Profit Membership Thank You Letter

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Size: 110 KB


Nursing Thank-You Letters

Sample Thank-You Letter to Nursing Staff

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Size: 247 KB


Nursing Scholarship Thank-You Letter Sample

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Size: 221 KB


Sample Promotion Thank-You Letters

Job Promotion Thank-You Letter

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Size: 4 KB


Promotion Thank-You Letter Template

File Format
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Size: 4 KB


Formal Business Thank-You Letter

As the name implies, this is the type of thank-you letter that is written in order to express one’s gratitude toward another individual, company, or organization within the professional and business setting.

The creation of this thank-you letter can be stimulated by differing reasons. The following are the most common examples:

  • Newly formed business partnerships are always brimming with exciting and hopeful beginnings. It is thus an event that deserves recognition. That is why it would help build the trust between two business partners if they thank their business partners for acceding to the business partnership proposal.
  • Businesses cannot thrive without sufficient amount of customers who are willing to engage in profitable business transactions. That is why, if you are a business owner or manager, your business would be able to attract more clients and retain existing ones if you are able to establish a personalized relationship with them. You can do this through a business thank-you letter expressing your gratitude for their purchases, buying, and recommendation of your business.
  • Lastly, a wise business owner understands the great value of his/her manpower. Employees would be more inclined to offer their absolute loyalty and dedication to their work in a company that values them and their well-being. A thank-you letter to an employee can do just this job of building strong employer-employee relationships.

Thank-You Letters for Donation

The act of giving donations to another individual, organization, or company takes a huge amount of sacrifice. Can you imagine how difficult it is to part with one’s money or property to another person or organization without the assurance of being remunerated or benefited from it? Indeed, if you are fortunate enough to have been bestowed with donations, then it is your moral duty to acknowledge this commendable brand of altruism.

You can do so by sending a thank-you letter for donation. When writing this letter, you need to observe the following guidelines:

  • As much as you want to reach out to the innermost emotions of your donor in order to communicate your deepest gratitude, it is always important to remember that you are still in the formal setting and thus, you must maintain a formal tone in your letter.
  • Explain carefully how you intend to use your donations.
  • When expressing your gratitude, make sure that you do not overdo it.
  • Keep an open tone to your letter by making your donors aware of your goals and visions in order for them to be better able to understand your cause or goals. This will, in turn, make them more inclined to get involved in your goals and action plans.


To have more information regarding this letter, check out our collection of thank-you letters for donation.

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