Getting into a good college can be quite a challenge. Another challenge about being in college? The finances. Sure, getting a college degree can help you land better job opportunities but they can be quite expensive. This is why people apply for scholarships to help out with paying for their college education. Scholarships are often funded by the school alumni. There are also organizations and companies who also sponsor scholarships for students who need the financial assistance.
If you are one of the lucky ones to be granted a college scholarship, congratulations to you! Make sure you do not forget to send a scholarship thank-you letter to your donor. They are helping you out with this milestone in your life, so as a recipient of their generosity, a simple thank-you letter would be enough to show them how much you appreciate what they are doing for you. Take all the time you need in crafting a good one to let them know how much their good deed has changed your life. Remember that expressing gratitude is a good practice and it will contribute to your success in the future.
To help you come up with a good thank-you letter for your donor, we will give you a few tips to follow as well as a few sample scholarship thank-you letters that you can refer to when you start writing your thank-you letter.
Scholarship Thank-you Letter Sample
Scholarship Thank-you Letter Template
Scholarship Thank-you Letter to Donor
Scholarship Thank You Letter Format
Scholarship Thank-You Letter Format
Who Can Write a Sponsorship Thank-You Letter
One thing to remember why you should be writing a sponsor thank-you letter is for the simple reason that it is ethical and that it is the right thing to do. It is not just an ordinary means of telling the sponsor that you are thankful but it is also a means of acknowledging that their efforts definitely did not go to waste.
People who write sponsorship thank-you letters most of the time are students and people who are doing a research. Typically, the students who receive a scholarship grant are those who are well-performing and have a good academic record. However, there will be times that these scholarships are granted to those who are in dire need of financial assistance.
Suggestions for Your Scholarship Thank-You Letter
Someone’s good deed, whether it be for a scholarship or another, should never go unnoticed. It should be acknowledged accordingly. A scholarship grant is definitely life-changing for someone who is looking to having financial assistance for their studies. It is a lot like thanking someone for a birthday gift they have given you. The main goal of a scholarship thank-you letter is to show your donor that you greatly appreciate all of the contributions they have made for the institution or the organization that has granted you the scholarship.
Here we have a few suggestions about scholarship thank-you letters.
- Your letters need not be lengthy at all. You just need to directly express how thankful you are for the scholarship. Convey your message briefly and concisely. Keep your letter to at most one page and keep it simple.
- Make your tone all throughout the letter as sincere as possible.
- Sponsorship thank-you letters are considered to be business letters by nature. It is important that you make use of proper business letter format.
- You can actually include your academic resume. Whether the scholarship grant you got is for local studies or for international studies, including your resume would be a great idea as it would give the donor a good idea of who they sponsored.
- Do not get too excited about expressing your thanks. You might get a bit carried away and that is okay. We understand how you feel. Just make sure you do not forget to proofread your letter to avoid unnecessary mistakes with spelling and grammar. Ask someone to help you make the necessary edits as proofreading your own work can be quite challenging.
- Do your research. Research about your donor/s and make sure you get the address and name/s right.
- Write your letter in a simple manner and do not overthink what you want to say.
- Start it with the two most important words for this letter—Thank you.
- Let the donor know how much the scholarship means to you. Let them know what the impact of their financial investments is for your future career.
- If you choose to handwrite your letter, make sure you keep your handwriting. However, you should remember that typing your letter will make it easier for you to correct any mistakes you make while writing your letter. Whereas if you are handwriting your letter, once you make a mistake, you will have to write it all over again.
- You can let the sponsor know whether you are comfortable with the possibility of them sharing your letter.
- If you want to, you may include a post-script. In this part of your letter, you may let the donor/s know just how much you admire him/her/them. This side note may be tiny but it will surely make the donor/s feel good.
Scholarship Thank-You Letter Example
Sample Scholarship Thank You Letter
Thank You Letters to Scholarship Donor
Sample Thank-You Letter for Scholarship
Thank You Letter for Scholarship
Basic Scholarship Thank-You Letter Format
- Start with your own letterhead. In your letterhead, your address and contact details should be included. If you have a personal letterhead or a personal stationary, you may use these.
- This should be followed by the date when you crafted your letter.
- Follow the date with the information of the institution, organization, or individual/s who sponsored your scholarship. Make sure you spell out names correctly and use the correct titles if ever it is applicable.
- Start with a simple salutation such as Dear. Remember to include titles, suffixes, and prefixes.
- In the first paragraph of your letter, immediately explain why you are writing the letter. Mention that you are a recipient of the scholarship that they have sponsored and that you are a student of the school they are sponsoring. However, in mentioning details about the scholarship, do not mention anything that is related to the amount of money that you are getting from the scholarship.
- In the next paragraph, give the donor an idea about who you are. Mention any research or programs that you participate in. You can also let them know what your plans are after you graduate from the college or university.
- Close your letter by reiterating how grateful you are for receiving the scholarship grant. Let them know how thankful you are for their contributions to the scholarship program.
- Do not forget to have a closing greeting and leave three spaces for your typed name. Above your typed name, affix your signature if you are sending the letter via direct mail. However, if you are sending your letter as an email, your typed name can serve as your signature or you may also make use of a digital version of your signature if you have one available.
Remember, those scholarship donors are generous and caring people who give their undying support to help out students like you have the chance of being able to achieve their dreams by means of financial support for their education. They will typically not ask the recipients for anything in return. However, giving them a thank-you letter gives them the assurance that they have helped you one way or another. Your thank-you letter will serve as a reassurance that what they are doing might seem simple to them, yet it is life changing for students just like you.
Key Takeaway
Remember that the funds you are getting from your scholarship come from real people who have feelings. They may not be asking for much from their recipients but your thank-you letters will be greatly appreciated. You may not know it but sponsors like it when students try to interact with them through letters.
- Write concisely.
- Use a formal writing style.
- Check the grammar and spelling all the time.
- Be gracious.
- Be reassuring to your donor.
Keep in mind that not everyone who applies for a scholarship grant qualifies for the program. Remember that you are one of the lucky ones to be granted such opportunity. This means you were one of the standout applicants they had. Your hard work when it comes to your academic performance, your etiquette, and can-do attitude have helped pave the way to getting that scholarship. The letter you will be sending will let the donor know that the scholarship is that important to you that you actually took your time to thank the people involved with the scholarship and present yourself in a professional manner.
Now that you now have a better idea about scholarship thank-you letters, we hope that we have helped you out with writing your thank-you letters. If you are still a bit confused about how you should go about your thank-you letter, do not hesitate to check out the sample letters we have. These letters will also help you come up with a thank-you letter that will be memorable for the donor of your scholarship.
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