Education is important that is why children are sent to school to learn. And to ensure that students really learn, they are required to attend school regularly. New lessons and different activities are taught in school every day. It would be difficult to miss a single day of school or the child will have a lot of catching up to do. But there will be instances when an absence is necessary, especially if one is sick. A school absence letter notifies teachers of the need for the student to take a leave from their classes. Our topic in this article is all about school absence letters. Here, we will show you how you can write a good absence letter with the use of the samples below as your reference.

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Download School Absence Letter Bundle

School Absence Letter to Principal

Maria Gonzalez
789 Oak Street
Springfield, IL, 62704
April 3, 2024

Mrs. Susan Parker
Lincoln Elementary School
456 School Lane
Springfield, IL, 62705

Dear Mrs. Parker,

Subject: Absence of Emily Gonzalez on April 10-12, 2024

I am writing to inform you of the upcoming absence of my daughter, Emily Gonzalez, who is in the 5th grade in Ms. Thompson’s class. Emily will be absent from school from April 10 to April 12, 2024, due to a family commitment.

We are attending a family reunion in another state, an event that was planned several months ago and involves multiple generations of our family. This gathering is significant for our family, and Emily’s presence is greatly valued.

We understand the importance of regular attendance at school and have ensured that Emily will catch up on any missed assignments or classwork upon her return. We will communicate with Ms. Thompson to obtain the necessary materials and assignments for Emily to work on during her absence, if possible.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Please let us know if any further information or paperwork is required to facilitate Emily’s excused absence from school.

Thank you for your attention to this request and for your support in ensuring Emily’s academic responsibilities are managed during her time away.


Maria Gonzalez
(217) 555-1234

Letter of Absence From School Due to Travel

Michael Robinson
234 Pine Road
Orlando, FL, 32801
April 3, 2024

Mr. Henry Allen
Orlando High School
678 Education Blvd
Orlando, FL, 32803

Dear Mr. Allen,

Subject: Absence of Sarah Robinson from May 1 to May 15, 2024

I am writing to notify you of the upcoming absence of my daughter, Sarah Robinson, a sophomore at Orlando High School, due to travel. Sarah will be traveling with our family to Europe from May 1 to May 15, 2024, for an educational trip.

This trip presents a unique opportunity for Sarah to gain firsthand experience of different cultures, languages, and historical sites, enhancing her understanding of the global environment which aligns with her current coursework in history and languages.

We are committed to ensuring that Sarah stays up to date with her schoolwork. We have already discussed with her teachers about obtaining assignments in advance, and Sarah is dedicated to completing all necessary schoolwork during our travels.

Please consider this letter as a formal request for her excused absence during the specified period. We appreciate the school’s support in facilitating her educational journey and ensuring that this travel opportunity minimizes the impact on her academic responsibilities.

Thank you for understanding and assisting in coordinating Sarah’s academic needs during her absence. We are confident that this experience will be highly beneficial for her educational growth.


Michael Robinson
(407) 555-6789

letter of absence from school due to travel1

School Absence Letter For One Day

Thomas Anderson
321 Willow Lane
Columbus, OH, 43220
April 3, 2024

Ms. Elizabeth Green
Columbus Community School
456 Education Way
Columbus, OH, 43221

Dear Ms. Green,

Subject: One-Day Absence of Alex Anderson on April 5, 2024

I am writing to inform you that my son, Alex Anderson, a third-grader in Mr. Johnson’s class at Columbus Community School, will be absent for one day on April 5, 2024. This absence is due to a medical appointment that could not be scheduled outside of school hours.

We understand the importance of attending school and have ensured that this appointment is necessary for Alex’s health and well-being. We will ensure that Alex catches up on any missed work or assignments from his day of absence.

I kindly request that Alex’s absence on April 5th be excused and that any necessary arrangements be made to help him make up for the missed school day. We appreciate the school’s understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this situation. Please let us know if any further information is required.


Thomas Anderson
(614) 555-7890

school absence letter for one day

School Absence Letter From Parents

Natalie and David Chen
856 Elm Street
Denver, CO, 80203
April 3, 2024

Dr. James Carter
Mountain View Elementary School
1122 Summit Ave
Denver, CO, 80204

Dear Dr. Carter,

Subject: Absence of Lucas Chen on April 10, 2024

We are writing to inform you of the absence of our son, Lucas Chen, who is in the 4th grade at Mountain View Elementary School, on April 10, 2024. Lucas will be undergoing a minor dental surgery on this day, which necessitates his absence from school.

We have arranged for this procedure during school hours because of the surgeon’s limited availability and to ensure that Lucas receives the necessary treatment without undue delay. We understand the importance of Lucas’s regular attendance and are committed to minimizing the disruption to his education.

To ensure continuity in his learning, we will coordinate with his teacher, Mrs. Thompson, to obtain any assignments or classwork he may miss during his absence. We will also ensure that Lucas completes these tasks promptly upon his recovery.

We kindly request that Lucas’s absence be marked as excused and would appreciate any support the school can provide to help him catch up with any missed lessons or activities.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. Please let us know if there is any additional information you require or paperwork we need to complete.


Natalie and David Chen
(303) 555-1234

school absence letter from parents

Browse More Templates On School Absence Letter

1. Free School Absence Request Letter Template

free school absence request letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Free Formal Excuse Letter for Absence Template

free formal excuse letter for absence

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • MS Outlook


Tips For Writing a School Absence Letter

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Writing a school absence letter is important for properly documenting a student’s absence and ensuring clear communication with the school. Here are some tips to write an effective absence letter:

1. Be Prompt

Write and submit the absence letter as soon as possible, preferably before the absence occurs or immediately after.

2. Use a Clear Subject Line

If you’re sending an email, use a clear subject line, like “Absence Excuse for [Student’s Name], [Date(s) of Absence].”

3. Address the Right Person

Address the letter to the appropriate person, usually the student’s teacher or the school principal. If unsure, a general “To Whom It May Concern” works as well.

4. Keep it Brief and Specific

Clearly state the reason for the absence and the specific dates the student will be absent. Avoid unnecessary details.

5. Mention Any Related Documents

If the absence is due to a medical appointment, mention that a doctor’s note can be provided upon request.

6. Offer to Catch Up on Missed Work

Express willingness to work with the teacher to ensure the student catches up on any missed assignments or lessons.

7. Request Discretion if Needed

If the reason for absence is sensitive, you can ask for discretion and thank the teacher or principal for their understanding.

8. Include Your Contact Information

Provide your contact information for any follow-up questions or clarifications.

9. Proofread

Review the letter for any spelling or grammatical errors to maintain professionalism.

10. Close Politely

End the letter with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name.

3. Free Leave of Absence Letter Template

free leave of absence letter

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • MS Outlook


4. School Medical Absence Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 526 KB


5. Sample School Term Absence Letter Template

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 5 KB


Why Do You Need Absence Letters For School?

Absence letters for school are important for several reasons, serving as a crucial communication tool between parents and the educational institution. Here’s why they are needed:

1. Official Documentation

Absence letters provide official documentation of a student’s absence, which is important for record-keeping purposes. Schools often require a written explanation for absences to track attendance accurately and identify any patterns that may need intervention.

2. Excused Absences

To differentiate between excused and unexcused absences, schools require a valid reason provided in writing. Excused absences, supported by an absence letter, typically do not negatively impact a student’s attendance record or academic standing.

3. Communication and Transparency

They foster open communication between parents and the school, ensuring that teachers and administrators are aware of any issues or circumstances affecting a student’s attendance.

4. Compliance with School Policy

Many schools have specific policies regarding absences, including the need for a written explanation after a certain number of days missed. Providing an absence letter helps comply with these policies, avoiding potential penalties or misunderstandings.

5. Academic Considerations

Absence letters can alert teachers to the need to provide make-up assignments or tests, helping students to stay on track academically despite their absence. This is crucial for maintaining the student’s academic progress.

6. Health and Safety

In cases of illness, absence letters can inform the school of contagious conditions, prompting necessary health and safety measures to protect other students and staff.

7. Legal Requirements

In some jurisdictions, there are legal requirements regarding school attendance. Absence letters can serve as evidence that parents are aware of and are managing their child’s absence responsibly, meeting legal obligations.

8. Supporting Special Circumstances

For absences due to bereavement, family emergencies, or other significant events, absence letters provide context that helps the school offer appropriate support and understanding to the student during challenging times.

In summary, absence letters are a vital part of school communication, ensuring that students’ attendance records are accurately maintained, supporting students’ academic journey, and fulfilling legal and sample policy requirements. They bridge the gap between home and school, promoting a cooperative approach to managing student absences.

6. Basic Unofficial Absence Letter from School Template

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  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


7. Medical Leave of Absence Letter Example

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  • PDF

Size: 591 KB


8. Request for Excused Absence Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


9. Leave of Absence Request Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


10. Formal Student Absence Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


11. School Absence Letter Outline Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 174 KB


12. Excuse Letter for School Absence Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 352 KB


What Is a School Absence Letter?

School absence letters notify teachers of a student’s absence. The student’s parents or the student themself write the letter and address it to their class advisor. It is a formal letter that provides the reason why the student did not show up for school. It also works as an apology letter for being absent in school. Teachers receive the letter when the student gets back to school or while the student is absent. There are also occasions when a letter notifying the school of student’s upcoming absence is sent ahead of time. A school absence letter is used when a student is sick or due to an illness, upon the parent’s request, for personal reasons, for religious reasons, or to see a doctor. On the other hand, a letter of absence from school for vacation is used when a student needs to go away for leisure with the family.

How to Write a School Absence Letter

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Writing a school absence letter is pretty easy, despite being a formal one. But who said that formal letters are difficult to write? Well, here are simple steps that will help you get that letter template started.

1. Complete the Address Block

The address block is where you write the recipient’s name and other relevant details. In an absent note for school, it’s the homeroom teacher. But the format will depend on what you want to use. It’s your letter anyway so you have control over it. Just make sure that you don’t get too casual.

2. Use a Formal Greeting

It is advisable to greet your recipient using their last name. For example, “Dear Mrs. Smith,” or “Dear Mr. Adams.” It would be an appropriate and formal greeting to start your letter. You can also check out references from simple letter templates that you can find online.

3. Explain the Reason for the Absence

Your explanation will be in the body of the letter. The body of the letter usually consists of 3-5 paragraphs. Of course, in letter writing, it is advisable to keep your letter short and simple. You would want that done in a school absence letter. So your first paragraph should introduce yourself, and your second paragraph should provide the reason for the absence. The same content goes regardless if you’re writing an absent letter for college or an absent letter for work.

4. Thank Them for Their Time

Thank the recipient for their time. You can also add the sentence, ” Hoping for your kind consideration,” before ending your letter. It’s usually added in request letters, recommendation letters, letters of intent, etc. It’s generic, but it works.

5. Proofread

Go over your letter and correct any spelling and grammar errors that you find. Proofreading should be done no matter what document you write to ensure that it’s error-free!


What are the reasons for writing a school absence letter?

Although absenteeism is highly discouraged in school and work, there are still instances when it is inevitable.  Students miss school for several reasons, and number one on the list is due to an illness. Sick students are required to see a doctor and stay at home to rest. This is also done to prevent other children from getting sick. Other reasons include a scheduled check-up with the doctor, personal reasons, attending a family gathering (often a reunion or a funeral), religious purposes, going on vacation, having to look after younger siblings, nobody can send the student to school, etc.

Are all reasons valid?

With all the reasons mentioned above, not all of them are valid. The teachers and the parents discuss the matter thoroughly so that they can reach an understanding. Although the school and the teachers cannot really stop the student from being absent from school, they can advise the parents of the consequences and provide the best action plan for the matter.

What happens if a student does not provide an absence letter upon returning to school?

Students can sample report back to school without presenting an absence letter. However, they will be asked to explain themself to the teacher or the principal. They will be excused or given a chance to catch up in class, depending on their reason for missing school.

A well-written sample letter can help convey one’s message and feelings to another. It’s an ancient communication tool after all that continues to exist during this present day and time. When writing any kind of letter, make sure to write a clear and understandable message. It’s all you need to get things done.

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