Chronic absenteeism has become a national crisis declared by the United States Department of Education. Accordingly, about 8 million students each year are absent in their classes. Their reasons vary, from disinterest in class up to dealing with mental and health issues. Regardless of the reason, teachers and school administrators aim to understand what they can do to help students. That’s why the student must present a school excuse letter upon getting back to class after the day of absence. Need help in making one? Then read below to view our letter samples and to learn tips on how you can create a excuse letter.

Download School Excuse Letter Bundle
School Excuse Letter From Doctor
[Doctor’s Name]
[Medical Practice or Clinic Name]
[Practice Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Doctor’s Email Address]
[Phone Number]
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing on behalf of my patient, [Student’s Name], who has been under my care since [Date]. Due to medical reasons, [he/she/they] was unable to attend school from [Start Date] to [End Date].
[Student’s Name] was diagnosed with [Briefly Describe Medical Condition, e.g., acute bronchitis, influenza, etc.], which required strict bed rest and medical supervision to manage symptoms and prevent the spread of infection. During this period, [he/she/they] was advised to remain at home and focus on recovery.
It is important to note that [Student’s Name] is currently following a treatment plan, and I anticipate a full recovery by [Expected Recovery Date]. [He/She/They] should be able to resume school activities, adhering to any guidelines we have discussed to ensure [his/her/their] health and well-being.
Please allow [him/her/them] to make up any missed assignments or tests from the aforementioned period. Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact my office at [Doctor’s Phone Number] or [Doctor’s Email Address].
Thank you for your understanding and support.
[Doctor’s Signature]
[Doctor’s Name]
[Title, e.g., MD, Pediatrician]
[Medical Practice or Clinic Name]

School Excuse Letter For Being Absent
Laura Johnson
123 Maple Street
Somewhere, CA 90210
(310) 555-1234
April 23, 2024
Ms. Ellen Martinez
Somewhere Elementary School
456 Oak Avenue
Somewhere, CA 90210
Dear Ms. Martinez,
I am writing to explain the absence of my daughter, Emily Johnson, who is enrolled in the fifth grade at Somewhere Elementary School. Emily was unable to attend school on April 21 and 22, 2024, due to a high fever and flu-like symptoms.
We have taken appropriate steps to ensure that Emily remains up-to-date with her schoolwork. She has already contacted her teachers regarding the missed assignments and is committed to catching up as quickly as possible. We are also ensuring that she rests and recovers fully before returning to school to prevent the spread of illness to other students and staff.
Please let us know if there are any forms or additional documentation that we need to complete on our part or if there are further steps we need to take to ensure her smooth reintegration into the school routine.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.
Laura Johnson

School Excuse Letter From Parents
John and Mary Anderson
123 Family Road
Hometown, State 12345
April 23, 2024
Principal Susan Lee
Maple Grove Elementary School
456 Education Drive
Hometown, State 12345
Dear Principal Lee,
We are writing to inform you that our daughter, Emma Anderson, a fourth grader in Mrs. Thompson’s class, was absent from school on April 22, 2024. Emma was experiencing a high fever and flu-like symptoms, and we felt it best to keep her home to rest and recover, and to prevent the spread of illness to other students and staff.
We have consulted her pediatrician, Dr. John Hart at Hometown Pediatrics, who advised us to monitor her symptoms and ensure she receives the appropriate care. According to Dr. Hart, Emma is on a course of medication, and we anticipate that she will be well enough to return to school by April 25, 2024.
Please let us know if there is any homework or assignments that Emma needs to complete during her time away from school. We will ensure that she stays on top of her studies and makes up for the missed school day.
Thank you for your understanding and for your ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of your students. We appreciate your support and will keep you updated on Emma’s recovery and return to school.
John and Mary Anderson
(Contact Info, if not email: (123) 456-7890)

School Excuse Letter For Headache
David and Laura Thompson
789 Residential Lane
Townsville, State 45678
April 23, 2024
Ms. Angela Martinez
Vice Principal
Townsville Middle School
123 Learning Avenue
Townsville, State 45678
Dear Ms. Martinez,
We are writing to inform you that our son, Lucas Thompson, a seventh grader in Mr. Brown’s class, was unable to attend school on April 22, 2024, due to a severe headache.
Lucas has been experiencing intermittent migraines, which unfortunately became particularly acute yesterday morning. Upon advice from our family physician, Dr. Emily Ward, we decided to keep him at home so he could rest in a quiet, dark environment and take the prescribed medication to alleviate his symptoms.
We are monitoring his condition closely and following all medical advice to ensure his quick recovery and to manage his migraine symptoms more effectively in the future. We anticipate that he will be able to return to school by April 24, 2024, feeling better.
Please let us know if there are any assignments or classwork that Lucas needs to catch up on during his absence. We will make sure that he completes his work promptly.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Should you need any further information or documentation regarding his condition, please feel free to contact us.
David and Laura Thompson
(Contact Info, if not email: (123) 456-7890)

Browse More Templates On School Excuse Letter
1. Free Formal Excuse Letter for Student

2. Free Formal Excuse Letter for Absence

3. Free Formal Excuse Letter

Tips For Writing a School Excuse Letter

Writing a school excuse letter is important for communicating your child’s absence from school. Here are some tips to ensure your letter is clear, professional, and effective:
1. Be Concise and Clear
Start your simple letter with a clear statement of purpose. Indicate that you are writing to provide an excuse for your child’s absence and include the child’s full name, grade, and class.
2. Specify Dates of Absence
Clearly state the date or dates when your child was absent or will be absent. This helps the school keep accurate records and understand the duration of the absence.
3. Provide a Reason
Mention the reason for the absence. Common legitimate reasons include illness, a family emergency, a medical appointment, or a religious observance. Be honest and straightforward, but you do not need to go into excessive detail about personal matters.
4. Keep the Tone Respectful and Polite
Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the letter. You are requesting an understanding of your situation, so it’s important to remain courteous.
5. Include Relevant Documentation
If applicable, mention that you are including supporting documentation such as a doctor’s note. This can help verify the reason for the absence and provides the necessary proof to excuse your child officially.
6. Request for Make-Up Work
If your child missed important assignments or lessons, request information on how they can catch up. Express your commitment to ensuring your child stays on track with schoolwork.
7. Offer Contact Information
Provide your contact information, including your phone number and email address. This makes it easy for the school to reach you if they need further information or clarification.
8. Close Formally
End your letter with a formal closing such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name. If the letter is written in a more formal context, you might also include your signature.
9. Proofread Before Sending
Before sending the sample letter, proofread it for any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written letter reflects your seriousness and respect for the school’s policies.
By following these tips, you can write an effective school excuse letter that communicates the necessary information respectfully and succinctly.
4. Sample Excuse Letter to Principal
5. Sample Permission to Excuse Letter Template
6. Sample Early Leaving Excuse Letter
7. Parent Excuse Letter Template
8. Excuse for School Absence
Importance of Writing a School Excuse Letter

Writing a school excuse letter is a fundamental part of ensuring clear and respectful communication between parents and educational institutions. Here are several reasons why these formal letters are essential:
1. Formal Notification
An excuse letter serves as an official notification to the school about a student’s absence. It helps the school keep accurate attendance records, which are often required for state reporting and can impact school funding.
2. Verifies Legitimacy
Providing a written explanation for an absence helps verify its legitimacy. This is particularly important for excused absences that allow students to make up missed work without penalty. Schools often have policies distinguishing between excused and unexcused absences, affecting students’ academic records.
3. Maintains Open Communication
Excuse letters foster open communication between parents and the school. They show that parents are attentive to their child’s education and committed to cooperating with school policies.
4. Supports Academic Performance
By informing the school about an absence through an excuse letter, parents can request assignments or materials missed during the absence. This supports the student’s continuous learning and helps prevent them from falling behind academically.
5. Builds Responsibility
Writing an excuse letter teaches students about accountability and the importance of following procedures. It sets an example of how to handle obligations professionally and respectfully.
6. Helps in Record Keeping
Excuse letters contribute to detailed record-keeping. In cases of frequent absences, these records can be crucial for identifying patterns that may indicate underlying issues, such as health problems or other challenges.
7. Ensures Compliance with Legal and School Policies
Many schools are bound by laws and regulations that require tracking student attendance. Excuse letters help ensure compliance with these laws and help schools demonstrate that they are enforcing attendance policies.
8. Promotes Respectful Relationships
Sending a well-crafted excuse letter can promote a respectful and cooperative relationship between families and schools. It demonstrates respect for the institution’s rules and an understanding of the educational process.
In summary, writing a school excuse letter is more than a formality—it’s a crucial element of educational etiquette that supports students’ learning, ensures compliance with school policies, and maintains effective communication between home and school
9. Excuse Request Letter Template
10. School Excuse Letter Sample
11. School Absence Excuse Letter
What Is an School Excuse Letter?
A school excuse letter is a type of formal letter that a student makes to explain the reason/s for being unable to attend class. This document can be addressed to the teacher, principal, or dean, depending on who needs to know the student’s absence. On the one hand, if the student is not capable of making the letter, then the legal guardian/s or parent/s can be the ones who will make the letter.
How To Make a School Excuse Letter
According to the National Association of Elementary School Principals, having bad grades and facing bullies are some of the six causes of chronic absenteeism. But, a chronically absent student can still be helped, especially by his or her teachers. One way to do that is by sending an excuse letter, which will also serve as a means to communicate and apologize for the absence. So, follow the tips below for you to make your letter now:
1. Start with a Draft
Writing a letter of excuse for your school absence requires you to be professional and formal in your letter’s content. So, the best way you can ensure that your letter is acceptable is to make a draft first. Simply state your reason, the date of your absence, arrange the contents, and finalize on what details you want to include.
2. Use the Right Format
Some schools will accept any letter format, but some don’t; so, ask for the format that your school prefers. On the one hand, if you aren’t sure, then just use the standard letter formatting, which includes an inch of margin, a proper indentation in each start of a paragraph, and the use of basic font styles. You can also add a letterhead if you want and a footer if your school includes it as part of the format to follow.
3. Clarify Your Reasons
Getting the flu or feeling ill can be a common excuse, but some teachers still want supporting information about it. So, you should be clear about your reasons and every supporting statement that you can provide. Also, if you were medically ill, then it means that you need to send a doctor’s excuse note along with your school excuse letter. Just attach the note with the doctor’s signature, and you’re good.
4. Include Suggestions
Being absent for a day in school means there were lessons, homework, and projects that you might have missed. So, you should include in the letter what you suggest you can do to compensate and make up for your absence. Also, be straightforward and realistic with your suggestions.
5. Review Your Letter
Before you send the school excuse letter, you should first check for errors and mistakes. Ensure that you have inputted the correct name of your recipient or letter receiver, along with the class schedule that you have missed. Also, don’t forget to add a thank you note to close the letter.
Why is a school excuse letter important?
A school excuse letter is essential because it allows the receiving party to know why the student’s absence occurred. Without the letter, the student may face detention or other sanctions, such as receiving a warning letter for bad behavior and unauthorized absence.
Can a teacher make a school excuse letter for a student?
Yes, a teacher can make a letter excuse for the student. However, this is only acceptable if the student was or will be with the teacher during the absence. For instance, if the student is an athlete and the teacher is the coach and will be attending a competition for a week, the teacher can submit the letter to the student’s other teachers.
Is it necessary to give the school excuse letter after my absence?
If your absence was unexpected, then you can submit the letter after you get back to school. But, if you have a plan to attend an event days before, you can send the letter before you leave school.
Skipping class or an entire school day can be difficult for both the student and the teacher. But, when a school excuse letter is present, then the teacher will know how to address and cater to the student’s needs. So, don’t waste any more time and start making a formal letter of excuse to inform your teacher about your absence with our free samples and templates now!
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