The decision to leave one’s job is often the result of lengthy consideration. Understandably so, since job resignations are serious affairs and it must be taken with equal serious consideration. Employers rely on their employees to perform certain tasks on a daily basis. That is why it is only appropriate to properly notify one’s employer of one’s intent to leave the company. This is so because proper notification would help businesses proceed with their business operations without it being disrupted by a lack in manpower.You may also see resignation letter format

If you are planning to leave your job, make sure that you would submit a well-prepared resignation letter. To help guide you in creating it, download our resignation sample letters on this page.

Letter of Resignation Template

letter of resignation templates

Resignation Letter Going Back to School Template

resignation letter going back to school

Free Resignation Letter Format

free resignation letter format

File Format
  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


What Is a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter serves as the proper notification of an employee’s intention to leave his/her job position in a company. Resigning from one’s job is not an easy affair since most employees are bound by the rules and policies of a company on proper resignation. When writing a letter, it is important to create a resignation letter that fits the reason for one’s resignation.

Free Simple Resignation Letter Template

free resignation letter format

File Format
  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • Portable Documents


Free Sample Resignation Letter Template

free sample resignation letters 4

File Format
  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Job Resignation Letter Template

job resignation letter

File Format
  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Simple Resignation Letter Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


Simple Resignation with Two Weeks Notice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


Simple Job Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 178 KB


What Are the Reasons for Resignation?

The following are reasons that are commonly considered by most companies as valid:

1. It is valid when a tenured employee has reached the retirement age and has decided to retire from his/her position.

2. It is valid when an employee is suffering from a medical condition that has either partially or completely incapacitated him/her from the effective and excellent performance of his/her tasks.You may also see job resignation letters

3. It is valid when an employee has to take care of a family member who is suffering from a terminal illness or is in need of regular care and attendance.You may also see one day resignation letters.

If you want to know more about different types of resignation letters, feel free to browse through our wider collections on our page. You may also check out our collection of immediate resignation letters and professional resignation letters.

Security Guard Resignation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Simple Director Resignation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 140 KB


Simple Resignation Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 168 KB


Why Use Our Simple Resignation Letter Templates?

1. Simplicity.

Since our templates are simple and basic, it can be used for varying types of resignation letters. As mentioned, employees may choose to leave their jobs for different reasons. That is why our templates are specifically designed to cater to all reasons for resignation.You may also see manager resignation letters.

2. Specificity of content.

What we have on this page are templates that can provide you with a specific guide as to the proper content of your resignation letter. Each paragraph would have a particular purpose and you can avoid being superfluous in your resignation letter.You may also see writing an internship resignation letters

3. Accuracy of format.

Resignation letters are formal letters, therefore, it is of utmost importance that you will follow a standard format in your resignation letter. This standard format can be patterned from the ones used in our templates.You may also see resignation letter for family reasons

Aside from our simple resignation letter templates on this page, you can also refer to our other collection of resignation letters, which is the Job Resignation Letters. These templates can be accessible if you click on the link being provided.You may also see childcare resignation letters

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