One of the first memories that we have when we were kids is teaching. We may not be the teachers, but we certainly are on their receiving end. Before we went to school, our parents, grandparents, and other older family members were our first teachers. They taught us from the formal letters in the alphabet, to counting numbers and identifying colors. And we went to school and learned a lot more.

Teachers help a lot in a person’s development. Thus, schools set standards in their screening process in looking for prospective teachers. Below are Sample Letters for teachers who can be recommended to land the job.

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Download Teaching Position Recommendation Letter Bundle

Teaching Position Recommendation Letter for ESL Teacher

[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[School/Institution Name]
[School/Institution Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[School/Institution Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of ESL Teacher at [School/Institution Name]. As [Your Title/Position] at [Your School/Institution Name], I have had the pleasure of observing [Teacher’s Name]’s exceptional teaching skills and dedication to students’ language development over the past [Number] years.

[Teacher’s Name] possesses a unique blend of creativity, patience, and an in-depth understanding of the nuances of language teaching. [He/She/They] has demonstrated remarkable ability in designing engaging lesson plans tailored to the diverse needs of learners, ensuring that each student makes significant progress in their English language proficiency.

One of [Teacher’s Name]’s most commendable qualities is [his/her/their] ability to create an inclusive, dynamic classroom environment that fosters a love for learning. [He/She/They] utilizes a variety of teaching methodologies, including interactive activities, technology integration, and real-world applications, to make lessons relevant and stimulating for students.

Furthermore, [Teacher’s Name]’s commitment to professional development is evident in [his/her/their] pursuit of additional certifications and attendance at ESL workshops. This dedication not only enhances [his/her/their] teaching repertoire but also positively impacts the entire educational community by introducing innovative teaching practices.

[Teacher’s Name]’s exceptional communication skills extend beyond the classroom. [He/She/They] consistently maintains open lines of communication with parents and colleagues, ensuring a collaborative approach to student education and well-being.

In summary, [Teacher’s Name] is an outstanding educator who brings a wealth of experience, enthusiasm, and dedication to the field of English language teaching. I am confident that [he/she/they] will be a valuable asset to your team and contribute significantly to the success of your ESL program.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address] if you require further information or a more detailed discussion regarding [Teacher’s Name]’s qualifications and achievements.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.


[Your Signature (if sending by mail)]
[Your Printed Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Your School/Institution Name]

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Teaching Position Recommendation Letter for Preschool

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Institution’s Name]
[Your Institution’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Position]
[Institution’s Name]
[Institution’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am delighted to write this letter in support of [Teacher’s Name]’s application for the preschool teaching position at [Institution’s Name]. As [Your Position] at [Your Institution’s Name], where [Teacher’s Name] has worked under my supervision for the past [Number of Years], I have observed firsthand [his/her/their] exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to fostering a nurturing and educational environment for our youngest learners.

[Teacher’s Name] possesses a deep understanding of early childhood development, combined with an innate ability to connect with children on a personal level. [His/Her/Their] teaching approach is characterized by creativity, patience, and an emphasis on promoting positive behavior and social skills among students. [He/She/They] consistently develops and implements lesson plans that are not only educational but also engaging and fun for children, making learning an enjoyable experience.

One of [Teacher’s Name]’s most admirable qualities is [his/her/their] dedication to creating an inclusive classroom. [He/She/They] excels at adapting teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of all students, ensuring that each child feels valued and supported in their learning journey. [His/Her/Their] communication with parents is exemplary, providing regular updates on their child’s progress and offering strategies for reinforcement at home.

Furthermore, [Teacher’s Name] is a proactive team member who contributes valuable insights during staff meetings and collaborates effectively with colleagues to enhance the overall educational program. [His/Her/Their] commitment to professional development is evident in [his/her/their] eagerness to stay current with the latest educational research and teaching strategies.

In conclusion, [Teacher’s Name] is a highly skilled and compassionate educator who would be an excellent addition to your preschool team. [His/Her/Their] passion for early childhood education and ability to create a warm and productive learning environment make [him/her/them] an ideal candidate for the position.

Please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] should you require any further information or wish to discuss [Teacher’s Name]’s qualifications in more detail. I am confident that [Teacher’s Name] will make a significant positive impact at [Institution’s Name].

Thank you for considering this recommendation.


[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]
[Your Printed Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Institution’s Name]

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Recommendation Letter for a Teacher from Principal

[Principal’s Full Name]
[Principal’s Title]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title or “Hiring Committee”]
[Institution or School Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or “Members of the Hiring Committee”],

I am writing to you with great enthusiasm to recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the teaching position at your esteemed institution. As the Principal of [School Name], I have had the distinct pleasure of observing and evaluating [Teacher’s Name]’s remarkable teaching skills, dedication to student development, and contribution to our school community over the past [Number] years.

[Teacher’s Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in creating engaging, innovative, and inclusive lesson plans that cater to the diverse needs of students. [His/Her/Their] commitment to fostering a positive learning environment has significantly enhanced our students’ academic achievements and personal growth. [Teacher’s Name]’s approach to teaching goes beyond traditional methods by incorporating technology, hands-on activities, and real-world applications, making learning both effective and enjoyable for students.

Beyond [his/her/their] pedagogical expertise, [Teacher’s Name] has shown outstanding leadership qualities by leading our [specific project, e.g., literacy program, science fair], which resulted in notable improvements in student engagement and learning outcomes. [His/Her/Their] ability to collaborate with colleagues, communicate effectively with parents, and contribute ideas for school-wide initiatives has made [him/her/them] an invaluable member of our teaching staff.

[Teacher’s Name]’s dedication to professional development is also worth mentioning. [He/She/They] regularly attends workshops and seminars to further enhance [his/her/their] teaching skills and stay abreast of the latest educational trends and best practices. This dedication to lifelong learning not only benefits [him/her/them] but also enriches the educational experience for our students.

In [Teacher’s Name], you will find a passionate educator who is ready to make a meaningful impact on your students and school community. [His/Her/Their] professionalism, creativity, and dedication to excellence in education are qualities that I am confident will make [him/her/them] a standout addition to your teaching team.

Please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or via email at [Email Address] should you require any further information or wish to discuss [Teacher’s Name]’s qualifications and achievements in more detail. I am confident that [Teacher’s Name] will be an exceptional fit for your institution and eagerly anticipate the positive contributions [he/she/they] will bring to your team.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.


[Your Signature (if sending by mail)]
[Your Printed Name]
[Principal’s Title]
[School Name]

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Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Colleague

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your School/Institution]
[School/Institution Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name or “To Whom It May Concern”]
[Recipient’s Position or School/Institution Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or “To Whom It May Concern”],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend my esteemed colleague, [Teacher’s Name], for a teaching position within your organization. Having worked alongside [Teacher’s Name] for [number of years] years at [Your School/Institution], I have had ample opportunity to witness [his/her/their] exceptional teaching skills, innovative approach to curriculum design, and unwavering dedication to student success.

[Teacher’s Name] possesses a unique talent for engaging students and fostering a love of learning. [He/She/They] consistently creates dynamic lesson plans that not only meet curriculum standards but also cater to the diverse learning styles and needs of our students. [His/Her/Their] ability to integrate technology and hands-on activities into the classroom has significantly enhanced student interaction and learning outcomes.

Beyond [his/her/their] instructional expertise, [Teacher’s Name] is a natural leader and collaborator. [He/She/They] has played a pivotal role in our school’s professional learning communities, often leading initiatives that focus on improving teaching practices and student achievement. [His/Her/Their] enthusiasm for professional development and willingness to share knowledge with peers is truly commendable.

[Teacher’s Name]’s empathy and understanding extend beyond the classroom. [He/She/They] consistently demonstrates genuine care and concern for students’ academic and emotional well-being, often going above and beyond to provide support and encouragement. [His/Her/Their] rapport with students, parents, and colleagues alike is built on respect, kindness, and a deep commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive school environment.

It is without reservation that I recommend [Teacher’s Name] for a teaching position within your esteemed institution. I am confident that [he/she/they] will bring the same level of excellence, innovation, and dedication to your team and make a significant impact on your students’ educational journey.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address] should you require any further information or wish to discuss [Teacher’s Name]’s qualifications and contributions in more detail.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.


[Your Signature (if sending by mail)]
[Your Printed Name]
[Your Position]
[Your School/Institution]

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Browse More Templates On Teaching Position Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter For Teacher Applicant Template

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Recommendation Letter For Teaching Position Template

recommendation letter for teaching position

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Key Points in a Letter of Recommendation

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A Letter of Recommendation is a crucial document that vouches for an individual’s skills, character, and achievements. Here are the key points to include for it to be effective:

  1. Introduction: Start with how you know the candidate, your professional relationship, and the length of time you’ve known them. Explicitly state that you are recommending them.
  2. Qualifications and Achievements: Highlight the candidate’s relevant qualifications, skills, and significant achievements. Be specific and provide examples where possible to illustrate their capabilities.
  3. Professional Skills: Detail the candidate’s professional skills pertinent to the position they are seeking. This can include technical skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving capacity, and adaptability.
  4. Work Ethic and Attitude: Describe the candidate’s work ethic, reliability, dedication, and attitude towards work. Mention any instances that showcase their commitment and professionalism.
  5. Interpersonal Skills: Discuss the candidate’s ability to communicate and work with others. Highlight their teamwork capabilities, empathy, and how they interact with peers, clients, or students.
  6. Unique Qualities: Point out any unique qualities or strengths that set the candidate apart from others. This could include innovative thinking, creativity, or specific expertise.
  7. Impact and Contributions: Mention the positive impact the candidate has had in previous roles or projects. Detail how they contributed to the success of a team, project, or organization.
  8. Recommendation Statement: Conclude with a strong endorsement of the candidate for the specific role or opportunity they are applying for. Make it clear that you confidently recommend them based on your personal and professional observations.
  9. Contact Information: Offer your contact information for follow-up questions, underscoring your willingness to further discuss the candidate’s qualifications.
  10. Professional Closing: End the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name, title, and signature (if sending a hard copy).

Incorporating these key points will ensure your Letter of Recommendation provides a comprehensive and persuasive overview of the candidate’s suitability for the position they are applying for.

Letter Of Recommendation For Teacher

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How to write a recommendation letter for a teaching position?

To write a recommendation letter for a teaching position, follow these steps:

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a formal salutation and introduce yourself. Mention your position and relationship with the candidate.
  2. Express Your Recommendation:
    • Clearly state that you are writing to recommend the candidate for a teaching position. Be direct and positive in your endorsement.
  3. Provide Context:
    • Briefly explain how you know the candidate and the context of your relationship. Include the length of time you have known them and in what capacity.
  4. Highlight Qualifications:
    • Focus on the candidate’s relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences. Provide specific examples of their teaching abilities, classroom management sample, and any notable achievements.
  5. Personal Qualities:
    • Discuss the candidate’s personal qualities that make them well-suited for a teaching role. Include traits such as dedication, enthusiasm, communication skills, and adaptability.
  6. Accomplishments:
    • Mention any specific accomplishments or projects the candidate has undertaken in the realm of teaching. Highlight their impact on students and the school community.
  7. Address Weaknesses (if any):
    • If the candidate has any weaknesses, address them diplomatically, and explain how they’ve worked to overcome or improve in those areas.
  8. Comparison (if applicable):
    • If you have experience with other teachers, you may compare the candidate’s performance and qualities to others in a positive light.
  9. Closing Statement:
    • Conclude the letter by summarizing your sample recommendation and expressing confidence in the candidate’s ability to excel in a teaching position.
  10. Contact Information:
    • Include your contact information in case the recipient has further questions.
  11. Closing:
    • End with a formal closing phrase, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards.”

Sample Letter Of Recommendation For Teacher Template

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Letter Of Recommendation Template For Teacher

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Tips for Writing Teaching Position Recommendation Letter

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  1. Start with a Strong Opening: Begin your letter by stating your intention to recommend the individual clearly and unequivocally. Mention your professional relationship with the candidate and the length of time you’ve known them.
  2. Tailor the Letter: Customize your recommendation to the specific teaching position. Highlight skills and experiences that directly relate to the job requirements, emphasizing how the candidate’s background makes them a perfect fit for the role.
  3. Include Specific Examples: Support your praises with concrete examples. Describe instances where the candidate demonstrated exceptional teaching abilities, innovative lesson planning, successful classroom management, or any other relevant achievements.
  4. Discuss Teaching Style and Philosophy: Provide insights into the candidate’s teaching style and educational philosophy. Explain how these have positively impacted students’ learning experiences and outcomes.
  5. Highlight Interpersonal Skills: Mention the candidate’s ability to interact effectively with students, parents, and colleagues. Emphasize qualities like empathy, patience, communication skills, and teamwork.
  6. Mention Professional Development: If applicable, include the candidate’s efforts towards professional growth, such as pursuing advanced degrees, certifications, attending workshops, or contributing to educational publications and communities.
  7. Conclude with a Strong Endorsement: Reiterate your strong recommendation of the candidate in the conclusion. Make it clear that you believe they will be an asset to the hiring institution and contribute positively to their academic community.
  8. Provide Your Contact Information: Offer to provide further information if needed. Including your contact details makes it easy for the recipient to reach out with any questions or follow-up and adds credibility to your recommendation.

Following these tips will help you craft a compelling and persuasive letter that highlights the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the teaching position, making your recommendation a powerful tool in their application process.

If you are applying for a teaching position, there are various ways on how you can land the job. It can be through your documents, an interview, or even a demonstration—one of which is through a recommendation letter sample.

A teaching recommendation letter is a written document from a person of sample reference describing an applicant’s qualities, abilities, and education qualifications that make him/her suitable for the job. These include the following facts:

  • A recommendation letter contains a person’s factual information. These are collected before the writing of the letter. This may be collected through your curriculum vitae, application letter, and/or interview.
  • A person who will write your letter will open up with a bit of praise, a show on how he/she is enthusiastic to recommend you for the position.
  • He/she will also describe how you are related to each other or how he/she has come to know you.
  • Your values, accomplishments, skills, and other necessary qualifications will be written as well.
  • Aside from that, he/she will convey your eagerness to learn and the areas where you can improve.

A recommendation letter is very important since the person who writes it is knowledgeable and reliable on what kind of person would be perfect for the job. This will serve to convince the committee for the application processes. In case you are looking for more details, you may see our samples of Job Recommendation Letters and Teachers Letters of Recommendation.

Letter Of Recommendation For Teaching Position

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A school relies upon its teachers. After all, it encourages and gets students, and they should hardly learn anything without teachers. But there are also qualities that every teacher must possess, from her personal attributes down to her professional. These are what hiring committees are looking for—knowledge, skills, and character outline sample.

A person’s life is a constant learning, not just mathematics and numbers or science, language, poetry, or history. There are things that one can learn not just from the books and the blackboards. These are things that come from words of wisdom and experience. And it is every teacher’s job description to impart what he/she know to his/her students. Moreover, as a teacher, it is your work and utmost commitment to bring out every person’s talent and potentials, to make him or her believe in himself or herself. Teaching is a perennial profession. It has existed for generations, and as long as there are people, it will continue to do so.

For more samples on recommendation letters, you may browse through our website. We also have Letters of Recommendation for Student in case someday the need will arise.

What is a letter of recommendation for a teacher?

A letter of recommendation for a teacher is a written endorsement that assesses a teacher’s qualifications, character, and abilities. Typically requested by educational institutions or employers, it serves to provide an in-depth perspective on the teacher’s teaching skills, professionalism, and impact on students. The letter format may highlight their classroom management, subject expertise, teaching methods, commitment to students, and contributions to the school or community.

How to start a letter of recommendation?

To start a letter of recommendation, address the recipient, express your willingness to recommend the individual, and briefly mention your relationship or context of knowing them.

What makes a good teacher recommendation letter?

A good teacher recommendation letter is personalized, specific, and highlights the student’s qualities, achievements, and potential. It should also reflect the teacher’s credibility and unique insights.

What is a letter of recommendation for elementary teachers?

A letter of recommendation for elementary teachers should emphasize their teaching skills, classroom management review, rapport with students, and ability to create an engaging and positive learning environment.

What is an example of a testimonial letter for a teacher?

A sample testimonial letter for a teacher may express gratitude, highlight their teaching impact, and mention specific qualities like dedication, enthusiasm, and the ability to inspire students to excel.

What should I write to my teacher for recommendation letter?

When requesting a recommendation letter from your teacher, it’s essential to be respectful and provide them with the necessary information. Here’s a sample template that you can use as a guide:

In conclusion, this recommendation letter underscores the exceptional qualities of the candidate, expressing confidence in their ability to contribute positively to any teaching position.

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