Teachers play a vital role in molding students. They are one of the major people that influences the way a child thinks and they also help to enhance the learning skills of a student. A formal thank-you letter may not feel like it is not a big deal but it does make the teacher feel that what he/she has done has made an impact on the student or the parent of the student.

It has been proven that drafting a thank-you letter to someone whom you want to show appreciation to can help you express your feelings in a clearer and more sincere manner. If you are currently on the fence about what you have to include in your teacher thank-you letter, we are here to help you out with a few tips and sample letters that you would definitely find as useful references for when you start writing your thank-you letters. You definitely have to check out all that we have to share with you. Keep reading this article to find out more.

Thank-You Letter to Teacher from Student

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Size: 150 KB


Sample Thank-You Letter to Teacher

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  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Thank-You Letter to Teacher from Parent

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 15 KB


Recommendation Thank-You Letter

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  • DOC

Size: 13 KB


Thank-You Letter from Student

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  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Writing a Thank-You Letter to Your Teacher

Here are a few tips for writing a thank-you letter to teacher that you can follow if you want to tell your teacher just how thankful you are for all the wonderful things he/she has done for you and your classmates.

Write Your Letter by Hand

Handwritten thank-you notes will be highly appreciated by your teacher. However, you may also have your letter printed to ensure uniformity when it comes to spacing and size of the letters.

Write Down Notes

Before you get started on the professional thank-you letter, think about how your teacher has made an impact in your life as a student and list down words that you will use to describe him/her. A few pointers that you might find helpful are the following:

  • Be sincere and put your heart into it.
  • Do not be redundant and stop stating the obvious.
  • Be straight to the point and just immediately thank them in the first part of your letter.

Start Writing Your Letter

Greet your teacher formally and address them the same way you would do in class. Make use of Dear as it is more formal compared to Hey! or Hi! Plus, it feels more professional and it also shows that you respect your teacher.

Express Deep Gratitude

Establish in the first few sentences of your letter that the sample letter you are writing is indeed a thank-you letter. However, you need not be too obvious about it. Instead of saying, “I am writing this thank-you letter…,” you can directly say “Thank you for…” This way, the teacher who will be reading the letter will immediately know that the letter is a letter of thanks. Ensure that you also make use of specific examples and instances in order to make your letter more powerful. Plus, it adds a more personal touch your letter.

Make a Connection

Let your teacher know how much their class has made an impact on you. By doing so, it helps your teacher know how that they matter and that everything they have done in class did not go to vain.

Keep in Touch

Tell your teacher that you would like to continue being in contact with them. Let them know what are the most convenient ways for them to get in touch with you.

Close and Sign Your Letter

Provide an appropriate closing to your general thank you letter such as the following:

  • Sincerely
  • Truly yours
  • Respectfully
  • Warm regards

A few spaces after the closing, type your name and affix your email signature on top of your typed name. You can add your contact details after your typed name.

Time to Deliver

Delivering your letters by hand is by far the most personal of all delivery methods. You may also opt to send it via regular mail if you cannot personally deliver it or you may also choose to thank you email your letter especially if there is a chance where you might not see your teacher for quite sometime.

Adding a Personal Touch

Making your letters more personalized is a great way to make sure that the relationship you have with your teacher will be maintained. Moreover, it will remain a good read in the years to come. Check out how you can personalize your thank-you letter format.

Add Quotes

If you happen to know what the favorite book of your teacher is or if there was a book in class that has made an impact on you, stating a few anecdotes from that book can help to make your letter memorable.

Include Funny Moments

If you happen to remember something funny from class, you can choose to include this in your letter as well. Your teacher will probably find this funny as well and laugh as he/she reads through your letter.


You can include a few things that you remember about the first day of class, your first serious talk, or some of the most memorable encounters that you had with the teacher. Walking down memory lane regarding class in your point of view gives them a good insight about what he/she is like as a teacher.

Thank-You Letter for Kindergarten Teacher

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Short Thank-You Letter to Teacher

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


End of the Year Thank-You Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


High School Student Thank-You Letter

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Former Student Thank-You Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Writing a Thank-You Letter to Your Child’s Teacher

If you happen to be a parent of a child whose teacher has done an exceptional job for the school year, we have a few tips for thank you letter that we would like to share with as to how you will be able to show the teacher that you deeply appreciate the efforts that he/she has done. Read on!

Start from Scratch and Brainstorm

Think of the teacher and write down the words that come to mind when you think of your child’s teacher. Write this down on a piece of paper or have your laptop’s notepad ready. This will make it easier for you to organize your thoughts before you start writing the sample thank-you letter and get to the point of the reason why you are thanking the teacher in the first place. A few of the things that you might want to think about during the brainstorming part of writing the thank-you letter are as follows:

  • What your child has told you about his/her teacher.
  • The interactions that you had with the teacher during evaluations and PTA meetings.
  • What you know about the teacher.
  • How would you describe your child’s teacher to someone else.


A handwritten free thank-you letter will give a more personal touch compared to a printed or emailed letter. You can get your hands on cheap and nice stationery that will make your letter look more sophisticated. You can also make your own stationery by designing a blank paper appropriately or you can have your child draw a little artwork for your personalized stationery.

Formally Address the Teacher

Being more professional with how you start your letter will help you be more on the safe side when you are writing the letter. It would be good to address the teacher by the name the students address him/her with.

Start Writing the Letter Proper

Take a look at the notes that you have to help you out with writing the letter. Make use of words that you are comfortable with and ensure to keep your sentences short. Use simple language to ensure that it will be easy to understand.

Sign the Letter

Make sure to close the thank you letter appropriately and that you affix your signature on the letter. Some of the most appropriate closings that you can use are the following:

  • Sincerely
  • Warm regards
  • Yours truly
  • Our deepest thanks

Enclose Tokens (optional)

If you want to, you can definitely add in a few small gifts to the letter such as flowers, a goody bag, or gift cards. It does not have to be expensive and you do not need to cash out a lot of money for the gifts you would like to include.

Deliver Your Letter

You can either send the letter by hand or through snail mail. Whatever platform you feel is most convenient for sending the letter is fine.

We hope you have learned a few things about the guidelines for thank-you letters that we have shared. It is now time to start telling your teacher or your child’s teacher that you appreciate all the effort that they put out to ensure quality education.

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