Warning letters are often required to keep the indiscipline workers and team members in check. These simple letters helps a manager to manage his team better, which otherwise has a disruptive behavior. However writing a warning letter can become very difficult and unpleasant. The warning letter templates provide a user with just the correct format and structure that can help you to write a perfect warning letter.

Download Warning Letter Bundle
Warning Letter For Misconduct
XYZ Enterprises
456 Corporate Avenue
Enterprise City, EC 67890
[email protected]
(987) 654-3210
July 9, 2024
Alice Johnson
Marketing Specialist
Marketing Department
Dear Alice Johnson,
Subject: Formal Warning for Misconduct
I hope this letter finds you well. It is with concern that I write to address a serious issue regarding your recent behavior at work.
On July 5, 2024, it was brought to our attention that you were involved in a verbal altercation with a colleague in the office. This incident included the use of inappropriate language and unprofessional behavior. Such conduct is unacceptable and goes against the company’s code of conduct and the standards we expect from our employees.
Maintaining a professional and respectful work environment is crucial for the well-being and productivity of our team. Your actions not only affected your colleague but also disrupted the workplace atmosphere.
This letter serves as a formal warning. You are expected to adhere to the following corrective actions immediately:
- Professional Conduct: Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor in all interactions with colleagues, clients, and supervisors.
- Conflict Resolution: Address any workplace conflicts through appropriate channels and in a constructive manner.
- Compliance with Company Policies: Adhere to all company policies and the employee code of conduct.
Failure to improve your behavior and comply with these expectations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
We value your contributions to the company and hope that this matter can be resolved promptly. Please take this warning seriously and consider this an opportunity to reflect on your actions and make the necessary adjustments.
A copy of this warning letter will be placed in your personnel file. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me directly at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Robert Brown
HR Manager
XYZ Enterprises

Warning Letter From Police
Greenwood Police Department
789 Law Enforcement Avenue
Greenwood City, GC 98765
[email protected]
(321) 654-9870
July 9, 2024
Michael Smith
456 Residential Lane
Greenwood City, GC 98765
Dear Michael Smith,
Subject: Formal Warning
I hope this letter finds you well. This letter serves as an official warning from the Greenwood Police Department regarding recent activities that have come to our attention and are causing concern within our community.
On July 4, 2024, it was reported that you were involved in a noise disturbance involving loud music and disruptive behavior at your residence. Such actions are in violation of Greenwood City Ordinance 1234, Section 5, and are disruptive to the peace and safety of the neighborhood.
As representatives of the law, it is our duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all community members. This letter is to formally notify you that such behavior is unacceptable and must cease immediately. Continued violations may result in more severe consequences, including but not limited to fines, legal action, or arrest.
You are hereby warned to:
- Cease and Desist: Immediately stop the behavior that has led to this warning.
- Comply with Local Laws: Adhere to all local laws and ordinances to avoid future incidents.
- Maintain Orderly Conduct: Ensure that your actions do not disturb the peace or safety of the community.
Please consider this letter as a serious notice. It is our hope that this warning will prompt you to rectify your behavior and contribute positively to our community.
Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact us at (321) 654-9870 or visit our office at 789 Law Enforcement Avenue.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Officer John Doe
Greenwood Police Department

Warning Letter For Absenteeism
XYZ Enterprises
456 Corporate Avenue
Enterprise City, EC 67890
[email protected]
(987) 654-3210
July 9, 2024
Alice Johnson
Marketing Specialist
Marketing Department
Dear Alice Johnson,
Subject: Formal Warning for Absenteeism
I hope this letter finds you well. It is with concern that I write to address a serious issue regarding your attendance at work.
It has come to our attention that you have been absent from work without prior notice or approval on multiple occasions, specifically on June 20, June 25, and July 1, 2024. This pattern of absenteeism is unacceptable and goes against the company’s attendance policy and employee expectations.
Regular attendance is crucial to the smooth operation of our team and the overall success of the company. Your repeated absences have disrupted workflows and placed additional burdens on your colleagues, impacting team morale and productivity.
This letter serves as a formal warning. You are expected to adhere to the following corrective actions immediately:
- Adherence to Attendance Policy: Ensure that you are present at work as scheduled and adhere to the company’s attendance policy.
- Notification of Absence: If you are unable to attend work for any reason, you must notify your supervisor as soon as possible and provide a valid reason for your absence.
- Improvement in Attendance: Demonstrate a significant improvement in your attendance record over the coming months.
Failure to improve your attendance and comply with these expectations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
We value your contributions to the company and hope that this matter can be resolved promptly. Please take this warning seriously and consider this an opportunity to reflect on your actions and make the necessary adjustments.
A copy of this warning letter will be placed in your personnel file. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me directly at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Robert Brown
HR Manager
XYZ Enterprises

Warning Letter For Insubordination
ABC Corporation
123 Business Street
Business City, BC 12345
[email protected]
(123) 456-7890
July 9, 2024
John Doe
Sales Associate
Sales Department
Dear John Doe,
Subject: Formal Warning for Insubordination
I hope this letter finds you well. It is with concern that I write to address a serious issue regarding your recent behavior at work.
On July 5, 2024, you were observed displaying insubordinate behavior by refusing to follow a direct instruction from your supervisor to complete the sales report by the end of the day. This conduct is unacceptable and goes against the company’s code of conduct and employee expectations.
Insubordination, defined as the willful disobedience of authority, disrupts the work environment and undermines the respect necessary for an effective and harmonious workplace. Your actions have not only impacted the team’s morale but also hindered productivity.
This letter serves as a formal warning. You are expected to adhere to the following corrective actions immediately:
- Compliance with Directives: Follow all lawful and reasonable instructions given by your supervisor or any higher authority within the company.
- Professional Conduct: Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor in all interactions with colleagues and supervisors.
- Communication: If you have concerns or issues with any instructions given, address them through the appropriate channels in a constructive manner.
Failure to improve your behavior and comply with these expectations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
We value your contributions to the company and hope that this matter can be resolved promptly. Please take this warning seriously and consider this an opportunity to reflect on your actions and make the necessary adjustments.
A copy of this warning letter will be placed in your personnel file. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me directly at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Jane Smith
HR Manager
ABC Corporation

Browse More Templates On Warning Letter
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What to Include in a Warning Letters?
- Header Information: Include the company’s name, address, date, and the recipient’s name, position, and department.
- Clear Subject Line: State the purpose of the letter clearly, such as “Formal Warning for [Reason].”
- Incident Description: Provide a detailed description of the misconduct or issue, including specific dates, times, and any relevant details about the incident.
- Reference to Policies: Mention the specific company policies or codes of conduct that were violated.
- Expected Behavior: Clearly outline the expected behavior or performance that the employee must adhere to going forward. You can also see more on Warning Letter for Bad Behavior.
- Consequences of Further Violations: State the potential consequences if the behavior is not corrected, including further disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- Opportunity for Response: Offer the employee an opportunity to discuss the matter further, providing contact information for follow-up.
- Signature and Documentation: Sign the sample letter and indicate that a copy will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Also, include the name and position of the person issuing the warning.
Employee Warning Letter

This template format can be easily downloaded from the internet. This template layout is available in the form of word document and PDF. The template has fully editable format that can be changed as per requirement. The structure is neat and simple. The background theme is also editable as per need. The template has an array of responsive features and it is also print ready. You can also see more on Formal Letters.
Final Warning Letter

This template can prove to be the perfect choice if you want to write a very professional and stern warning letter. This template can prove to be one of the most important disciplinarian tools of the company that can help to manage the employees of the company. The language of the Professional letter is simple and easy flowing. The tone is firm and definite. The letter is also very formal and professional in its tone.
HR Warning Letter

This template has a simple and minimalistic design. The layout has a great resolution range that enables the user to get a very good quality printout. The letter can support the information of the name of the employee to whom the letter is being served, the kind of circumstances or events for which the letter is being issued and also the date of issue of the letter. The blank spaces provided in writing letter are spaces that can be edited with ease and speed.
Warning Letter Example

Types of FDA Warning Letters

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues various types of warning letters to communicate violations of regulatory requirements. Here are some common types of FDA warning letters:
- Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Violations: These letters format are issued to manufacturers who fail to comply with GMP regulations, which ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.
- Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Violations: These letters are sent to clinical trial sponsors, investigators, and institutional review boards that fail to follow GCP guidelines, which are intended to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of trial participants.
- Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) Violations: These letters are issued to laboratories that do not adhere to GLP standards, which are designed to ensure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies.
- Labeling and Misbranding: These letters address violations related to the labeling of products, including false or misleading labels, inadequate instructions for use, or missing information.
- Adulteration: These letters are issued when a product is found to be contaminated or otherwise compromised, making it unsafe for consumer use.
- Marketing and Advertising Violations: These letters are sent to companies that engage in false or misleading advertising, including unapproved claims about the effectiveness or safety of a product.
- Post-Market Surveillance Violations: These letters address failures to comply with post-market surveillance requirements, such as mandatory reporting of adverse events or failures to conduct required follow-up studies.
- Import Violations: These basic letters are issued to companies that attempt to import products that do not meet FDA standards, such as unapproved drugs or medical devices.
- Unapproved Drugs and Devices: These letters address the marketing or distribution of drugs and medical devices that have not received FDA approval.
- Compounding Violations: These letters are issued to pharmacies or outsourcing facilities that fail to comply with regulations related to the compounding of drugs, which involves creating customized medications for individual patients.
Each type of FDA warning letter serves to alert the recipient to specific regulatory violations and provide guidance on corrective actions needed to achieve compliance. You can also see more on Employee Warning Notice.
Warning Letter Format

Warning Letter Template

Performance Warning Letter

Process of FDA Warning Letter

- Inspection or Investigation: The FDA conducts an inspection or investigation of a facility, clinical trial, or product. This can be routine or triggered by a specific complaint or issue. Inspectors assess compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Observation of Violations: During the inspection, FDA inspectors document any violations of regulatory requirements. These observations are typically recorded in a Form FDA 483, also known as an “Inspectional Observations” form, which is provided to the company at the conclusion of the inspection.
- Review and Evaluation: The FDA reviews the inspection findings and the company’s responses to the Form FDA 483. If the violations are significant and the responses are deemed inadequate or the violations are not corrected, the FDA will proceed to the warning letter stage. You can also see more on Behavior Warning Letter.
- Issuance of Warning Letter: The FDA issues a warning letter to the company, outlining the specific violations, referencing relevant laws and regulations, and providing a detailed account of the findings. The letter also outlines the required corrective actions and provides a timeframe for the company to respond and address the issues.
- Follow-Up and Compliance Verification: After receiving the warning letter, the company is expected to take corrective actions and respond to the FDA within the specified timeframe. The FDA reviews the response and may conduct follow-up inspections to verify that the violations have been corrected. If the company fails to adequately address the issues, the FDA may take further enforcement actions, such as product seizures, injunctions, or criminal prosecutions.
This process ensures that companies are given an opportunity to correct violations while maintaining regulatory oversight to protect public health. You can also see more on Written Warning.
Sample Warning Letter

Tenant Warning Letter

What is a Warning Letter Template?
This is a format that has a structure aptly suited for writing a formal warning letter to an employee or a team member. This format saves a lot of time and energy of the senior managers and the management body of the company. This template can also prove to be a beneficial tool for the HR of the company.
Who Uses Warning Letter Templates?
The Warning Letter templates have the company management, the senior managers, and the HR department as its premium audiences. These are the people who can make an active use of these template layouts. You may also like Resignation Letters No Notice.
How many warnings until termination?
The number of warnings before termination varies by company policy, typically ranging from one to three. Severe violations may lead to immediate termination without multiple warnings, depending on the employer’s disciplinary procedures.
Can you be fired after a written warning?
Yes, you can be fired after a written warning if the behavior or performance issues are not corrected. The written warning serves as a formal notice that continued violations may result in termination. You can also see more on Tenant Warning Letter.
Does a warning letter go on your record?
Yes, a warning letter typically goes on your personnel record. It documents the issue and the company’s response, which can be referenced in future evaluations or disciplinary actions.
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