If you are a working professional, you must be well-equipped with sufficient knowledge regarding the different kinds of formal letters written in the professional setting. Almost every process in any company, organization, or educational institution requires the usage of formal documents. This results to the wide usage of work letters in the process of communicating information within an organization or in between two companies or any other external entities.
If you are a hardworking professional aspiring to climb the ladder of success, then you must learn how to write the different kinds of work letters. For your convenience, we are providing you with a variety of work letters that you may download easily. These templates are ready to use with its easy-to-edit features wherein you can simply fill in your letter specifications.
Return to Work Letters
Return to Work Letter from Employer
Early and Safe Return to Work Letter
Injured Employee Work Letter
Phased Return to Work Letter
Proof of Work Letters
Proof of Work Experience Verification Letter
Leaving Work Letters
Leaving Work Letter Sample
Farewell Work Letters
What Are Work Letters?
You would find it easier to wade through your working life if you are aware of the different kinds of work letters that are constantly churned out in the corporate and organizational arenas. Work letters are those letters that are written with the purpose of fulfilling any objective that is related to a business deal, an employment, or any professional objective.
What Is the Importance of Writing Working Letters?
The following are the reasons why it is essential to write working letters in the professional arena than to rely on mere verbal communication:
- Work letters are in written format thus making it easier for individuals to communicate with each other all the details that are pertinent to whatever issue they are discussing.
- It also provides them with a wide avenue for discussion since a work letter can have as many pages as the nature of its type can formally allow.
- It allows the individuals involved in the issue that is presented in the letter to gauge which course of action to take. Furthermore, a work letter due to its timely delivery, makes it easier for the individuals involved to send an appropriate and prompt response.
- Work letters can also serve as valid and legally admissible documents in case there will be disputes in the future such as but not limited to
- compliance of a resignation to proper resignation requirements and procedure,
- proper grounds for the termination of an employment,
- the terms of a business partnership contract,
- the payment or non-payment of goods, and
- the veracity of a claim regarding an employment.
- In the future when a business owner has found a need to implement more groundbreaking policies, goals, and marketing strategies, he/she would need all the sources of company data available. It is for this purpose that work letters must be stored in an organized archive so that it would be easy to pull these out for business analysis.
When Can You Write a Work Letter?
As discussed, a work letter is any kind of letter written in the professional setting. The following are the various circumstances that lead to the writing of a work letter:
- When a business owner or a manager wants to impose new rules, policies, regulations, and procedures to be followed by his/her employees or staffs.
- When an employer or manager wants to express his/her appreciation for an employee who has contributed greatly to the productivity and success of the company.
- When an employee wants to notify his/her employers or managers that he/she plans to resign.
- When an employer wants to notify an employee that his/her employment must be terminated due to some legally valid reasons.
- When a job seeker or job applicant wants someone to write a work recommendation letter in order for him/her to have a higher chance at getting accepted in the company he/she is applying to.
- When an employee is applying for credit or for a right to rent an apartment or house and is required to provide a tangible proof of his/her employment in order to assure the prospective loaners and prospective lessor that he/she is financially capable of fulfilling his/her financial obligations should he/she be given the right to whatever it is he/she is applying for.
Sample Work Letters
Sample Return to Work Letter
Work Experience Letter
Sample Work Resignation Letters
Work Notice Resignation Letter
Excuse from Work Letters
Medical Excuse from Work Letter
Work Experience Letters
Request for Work Experience Letter
Work Experience Thank You Letter
Work Experience Reference Letter
Proof of Employment Letter
Have you ever tried passing by a stately apartment compound or a posh village with maximum security and exemplary facilities, and it made you think to yourself that you want to live there no matter what it takes? If yes, then you must be familiar of the fact that most owners of apartment units, condominium units, and houses are very selective when it comes to choosing which individuals are allowed to rent their properties. Naturally, this selectiveness is not merely an act of formality. In fact, the reasons why they are being selective are quite important. The following are the most notable reasons:
- Security. Most of the time when you rent a property, you have neighbors who are renting another unit or house just like you are. In such cases, these neighbors are renting properties that are owned by the same individuals or corporations who own the property that you are renting. Hence, it is the owner’s prerogative to make sure that they retain all their lessees by ensuring them that they are safe from harm in the place that they are renting. In order to do this, property owners would assess the character and background of each person renting their property. Through a proof of employment letter, the property owner can contact the employees of the rent applicant in order to make a brief and thorough assessment of the applicant’s character in the job arena.
- Maintenance of the property. Another important concern of the property owner is to make sure that the buildings, fixtures, equipment, and facilities in their properties are being maintained and taken cared of by the lessees.
- Ability to pay rent. Lastly and perhaps the most pertinent function of a proof of employment letter is to ascertain the fact that the rent applicant is capable of keeping up with his/her rental payment obligations in the future. A proof of employment letter thus contains the following basic information:
- the name of the applicant’s employer or employing company;
- the address and contact number of the company or the location of the place of business;
- the position title of the applicant and his/her job functions;
- the applicant’s monthly salary;
- a brief statement describing the applicant’s stability when it comes to handling his/her finances;
- a brief statement extrapolating the applicant’s characters, his/her level of trustworthiness, and other important aspects that the property owner may find useful in his/her assessment.
Work Reference Letters
Social Work Character Reference Letter
Work Notice Letter Samples
Work Termination Notice Letter
Work Resignation Notice Period Letter
Work Recommendation Letters
Work Experience Recommendation Letter
Character Reference For Work Visa
Construction Work Letters
Construction Stop Work Letter
Construction Work Completion Certification Letter
Work Letter of Intent
Sample Social Work Cover Letter
Sample Work Letter Format
Formal Work Letter Format
Social Work Cover Letter
A social work cover letter is the letter that is sent by a social work applicant to the hiring manager or recruiter. Social work is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage, passion, and empathy to even want to work as a social worker. This is because social work naturally involves humanitarian causes and hence, requires the worker to perform not only clerical and research analysis task but also to do fieldwork in whatever segment of the society they are charged to take care.
When you are writing a social work cover letter, you have to make sure that you are able to include all the necessary information. Here are some guidelines for you to follow when you write a social work cover letter:
- You must mention your educational background and as much as possible, make sure that you are able to make a clear connection between the course that you have taken to the type of social work that you are applying for. For example, if you are seeking to do social work for victims of abuse, then it would make the hiring manager more inclined to accept your application should you have a degree in Clinical Psychology or Counselling.
- Provide a brief discussion about your research skills and strong analytical skills. This is extremely helpful in social work since you are often made to make assessments of the people’s conditions during field work. Then afterward, you are required to make an analytical report regarding it and it falls upon you to make suggestions as to how to appropriately combat their problematic situations.
- Most importantly, you must mention your passion for social work by describing how much you find the act of helping alleviate other people’s sufferings and discomfort a meaningful and fulfilling task.
For more reference regarding the inclusions of a social work cover letter, check out our collection of social work cover letters. Simply click on the link provided.
Work Notice Resignation Letter
If you are planning to leave your job in a company, you must be able to do the following:
- Check the laws of the state regarding the proper process of resignations. This is also important in order for you to know if you have the right to a separation pay among other things.
- Learn about the procedures prescribed by your company on how to properly tender a resignation.
- Assess whether or not the reason for your resignation is considered as a valid ground for resignation by your company’s policies and laws.
To have an in-depth understanding of work resignation letters, browse our website for more templates!
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