Are you an intern? You must be aware of the immense importance of maximizing your internship experience. Your experience as an intern sets the tone for how you would fare in your future career. This is the time when you are able to immerse yourself in the realities of your dream career or profession. Furthermore, you may also use this time as your chance to build strong connections with the right people who may be able to give you a glowing job recommendation in your future career endeavors!

The first rule when it comes to an internship is to select a firm or company that best embodies all your values and aspirations for excellence. You have to make sure that the company you have chosen has the type of office culture that can mold you into the kind of professional you envision yourself to become in the future. However, despite your efforts at selecting the best company for your internship, you may find yourself in deep dissatisfaction in the one you have chosen. Perhaps you would realize that the company is not at par with your expectations; or worse, you would find yourself in a severely toxic work environment where office politics and harassment are the bread and butter of employees. Indeed, if you find yourself in uncompromising situations, your easiest solution would be resignation.

An abrupt resignation is frowned upon in the professional world. Even if you are still an intern, you are expected to observe the standard practices on the resignation. Since you are new to the process of resignation, we are here to help you! In this article, we discuss the steps you need to take before handing in your resignation letter. Moreover, we also provide you with a guideline on how to write an internship resignation letter. So what are you waiting for? Read on below and learn the basics of internship resignation. You may also download our internship resignation letter templates for reference.

Thankful Internship Resignation Letter

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Size: 25 KB


E-mail Internship Resignation Letter

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Size: 16 KB


Short Resignation Letter

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Size: 15 KB


Before Writing Your Resignation Letter

Do you find yourself replaying horrendous incidents that happened to you in your internship workplace? Perhaps you are starting to lose a lot of sleep ever since you started your internship at a company due to the heaviness of their demands? While it may be tempting to simply quit your internship as soon as possible in order to minimize the emotional damage it has caused you, it is not always a wise decision to do so. Before you can even decide to resign, you have to be careful and observe certain steps first.

The points below is an outline of the procedure you have to follow before writing an internship resignation letter:

  • Pause and reflect first. We all get tired of routinary work sometimes; even more so if routinary work is coupled with high pressure and tight deadlines. That is why it is perfectly understandable if you want to divorce yourself from all that stress. This doesn’t mean, however, that resignation is the best choice all the time. Remember that your internship record would be examined during job applications, especially during your first few job applications when hiring managers would have little to no source of background information on your work ethics and qualifications. Always be careful that you won’t resign for mere exhaustion. If a rest is what you need, then you can always take a day off from your internship rather than opt for resignation. Never make the decision to resign in a blink of an eye. You have to weigh the consequences first. There are several instances that are considered as justifiable if you resign and those are the following:
    • The company’s involvement in illegal practices.
    • The company’s continuous practice of unethical behavior and policies.
    • The extreme level of toxicity of the work environment wherein you are being harassed or discriminated explicitly.
    • The company’s decision not to pay for your services or at least to give you a sufficient sum as your allowance.
  • Talk to your internship adviser. Your internship adviser—we all have that. There would be no internship in the first place if you are not trying to finish your course or academic endeavors. Usually, there is one internship adviser who would track the progress of a student-intern, evaluate his/her performance, as well as give him/her grades. An internship adviser is the perfect person who can provide you with an objective and beneficial decision on anything pertaining to your internship. Be honest when telling him/her how things are truly going to your internship. When your adviser has a clear understanding of your situation, he/she would be able to give you an advice that is truly helpful.
  • Finalize your decision. After you have conversed with your adviser, take into consideration the advice that he/she has given you. For instance, if the source of your distress is the conflict you have with a workmate, then most likely your adviser would advise you to iron things out with such a workmate by taking the matter to your manager or to the human resource manager. After you have exhausted all the solutions you can think of to cure the source of your dissatisfaction or distress, only then can you decide to resign.
  • Read up on the internship agreement. You have finally made the decision to resign, and now, what next? Your next action should revolve around getting to know the proper method of internship resignation required by your firm or company. Do you remember the contract you signed before commencing your internship? That is your internship agreement. Read the terms regarding the proper way to resign from your internship position before the moment your internship contract has expired. Most companies would require you to hand in a formal resignation letter for record-keeping purposes. Also, you might also be required to observe a two-week notice period.
  • Set up a meeting with your manager. After you have read the internship agreement, you would then have an idea which person you need to talk to regarding your resignation. You may approach your immediate head, your manager, or the human resource manager and request for an appointment. During the meeting, don’t overshare your reason for resignation. Provide an honest reason why you want to quit your internship before the time that you are expected.


Generic Resignation Letter

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Size: 20 KB


Internship Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 31 KB


Basic Internship Resignation Letter Template

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Size: 23 KB


Guidelines in Writing an Internship Resignation Letter

Now that you are aware of the things you need to do when you are resigning from your internship, you are now ready to write your resignation letter. Do you need any help in drafting a proper internship resignation letter? Here are some tips that can help you cruise through the writing process easily:

  • Observe the standard letter format of business letters. This means that you have to use a letter-sized bondpaper and set 1-inch margins on all sides except for the top part of your letter, which should be 1 1/2–2 inches. The font size must be 12, and use Times New Roman as the font type. For the spacing rules, refer to the ones you can perceive from the internship resignation letter samples that we have on this page.
  • Start your letter with the heading.
  • Write the date when the letter is to be sent.
  • Write a formal salutation. Be careful that you address your recipient specifically. Never address them in a general manner such as stating, “To Whom It May Concern,” for such is truly unacceptable and a clear sign of the hurried way you have drafted your letter.
  • In your letter’s body, start it with a warm and short greeting. A mere “good day!” would definitely help set the conversational and positive tone of your letter considering the kind of news you are about to impart.
  • After the greeting, state your intention to resign right away. Since you’ve already conversed with your immediate head regarding your decision, then there’s no need for you to cushion the blow with flowery words.
  • State the reason why you are resigning. Make sure that your reason is compatible with the one you told your manager during your meeting or verbal notification of your resignation.
  • Specify the tasks you intend to do in order to make things easier for your colleagues when you are no longer there to perform the tasks that are normally expected of you.
  • Don’t forget to express your gratefulness toward your employer. Be genuine when doing so and avoid exaggerations as this would be taken negatively by the reader.
  • Lastly, close your letter formally using a polite remark.
  • Sign off your complete name and signature.


Student Intern Resignation Letter

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Size: 15 KB


Brief Resignation Letter Sample

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Size: 15 KB


Knowing how to write a proper internship resignation letter is a good way for you to ensure that you are able to leave your internship role gracefully. We hope that this article is able to enlighten you on the proper way to resign from your job.

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