When you are in charge of the content for a specific website, you are most likely to be associated with the search engine optimization (SEO). However, you do not have enough experience about it and how to work on it. Don’t lose hope! Whether you are still in the improving state or still starting your SEO strategy, learning the basics is not that hard. In fact, they are just created for using your common sense. There are also people who have a high level of expertise when it comes to SEO. Of course, we need them. They are valuable individuals. You don’t have to master SEO just to make sure that the website you are currently working on is well-positioned. There are actually a lot of ways to build a strong SEO marketing strategy. But before we discuss about it, let us first deal with what SEO marketing strategy is really all about.

SEO marketing strategy is defined as something that deals with delivering relevance to searchers and brand protection. It helps in ensuring that any types of searches related to any brand or products remain positive. One of the benefits when it comes to having SEO marketing strategy is the fact that it presents your brand to every stage in the customer journey. In exchange, your company will become trusted for consumers no matter what level they are in the purchase funnel. It is highly essential to define your objectives before you are going to engage in SEO initiative. Without having a clear goal, your SEO activities will not have a measurable return on investment.

6+ SEO Marketing Strategy Samples

1. SEO Application Marketing Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 926 KB


2. SEO Marketing Budget Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 586 KB


3. SEO Marketing Case Study Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 386 KB


4. SEO Internet Marketing Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 653 KB


5. Paid SEO Marketing Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 355 KB


6. SEO Content Marketing Strategy

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 154 KB


7. SEO Digital Marketing Strategy

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 17 KB


Steps for a Solid SEO Marketing Strategy

  1. Know the keywords – this takes a little bit of research. You have to assume that you are your customers. What could you possibly search in the search engine? How would you find for best solutions to the problems? However, you should not only settle to what is in there. Look for related words.
  2. Write high quality content – make use of your marketing sense in trying to engage in your content. Having a valuable content helps in answering your customer’s questions. This will also help in providing them with insights and knowledge so that they will know exactly what else they can do.
  3. Use keywords in your website page URLs – your page URLs are also essential in your SEO. This is where you can keep your keywords come in handy.
  4. Don’t overlook the page titles – make sure that your page title can grab the attention of your target market. You might consider asking yourself about what benefit can your customers get from the content on your page. Make sure that your keywords are also included in the headlines and/or in the subhead.
  5. Make sure to review every page for additional keyword placement – try to review everything you wrote in your page. Look for more places where you think you can place your keywords. Do several reviews as possible. You might not know how many opportunities you have missed.
  6. Improve user experience – having a good user experience is becoming more essential when it comes to SEO rankings. In this case, it is much better to work with your web developers to make sure that your website is easier to navigate and works well with the visitors in terms of any type of information they are trying to look for.
  7. Hire an expert – it is preferred to hire an SEO expert if you can afford it. This is to ensure that your website will be fully optimized.


What are the two SEO tactics?

It is the on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO are strategies that happen on your website, while off-page SEO are strategies that happen off your website.

What are some elements that you should add to your SEO marketing strategy?

It includes long-tail keywords, quality site content, fast-loading website, user focused design, responsive design, voice search optimization, local SEO, and SEO analytics.

If you want to see more samples and format, check out some SEO marketing strategy samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.

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