Meetings are an inevitable part of business management in which team members, with their team leaders or superiors, discusses business plans, business goals, customer service management, employee performance, and other topics that are related to company or business operations. Although it is an essential factor in managing a business, it is also can turn out unproductive and ineffective if not planned accordingly. With a meeting plan, you can establish what agenda to be discussed and what needs to be accomplished before, during, and after the business meeting.

10+ Meeting Planner Samples

1. Meeting Planner Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


2. Meeting Planner Management

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


3. Student Organization Meeting Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


4. Club Meeting Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


5. Advocacy Meeting Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 23 KB


6. Meeting Planner Guide

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


7. Meeting Planner Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


8. One-to-One Meeting Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


9. 5-Minute Meeting Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


10. Corporate Meeting Planner Package

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 42 KB


11. In-Person Meeting Planner


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


What Is a Meeting Planner?

A meeting planner is a worksheet or template that helps in simplifying the task of organizing and managing an upcoming meeting. This template is mostly used by individuals who are professionally trained in event management in which they conduct event planning, determining the extent of an upcoming meeting’s success. A meeting planner contains all the activities and steps the people involved have to accomplish to deliver a successful event or meeting. 

How to Create a Meeting Plan

The word “meeting” is a broad team that is used to define all types of different-sized events with different purposes and formats. A corporate meeting can include lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, congresses, and conventions, tradeshows, and exhibitions. A meeting planner is a tool used to organize these events which covers essential points such as the things to be accomplished during a meeting, the meeting agenda, who will be the attendees, and how long the meeting will take.

Step 1: Provide a Goal Statement for the Meeting

Start by determining the meeting’s goal statement and what you want to accomplish after the meeting and decide on the achievable goals and action plans to maintain the focus of your meeting. Include necessary information on the tasks you want to accomplish like a development plan, solving an issue, conducting risk assessment, and more.

Step 2: Include a List of Participants

As you plan your meeting goals, determine who will be the most appropriate people to attend the meeting, and then establish your list of participants. You can decide who will be participating by determining who needs to be informed on the topics that will be discussed, who will provide guidance and insights, who has the most experience, and who will be responsible for implementing the solutions and other tasks.

Step 3: List Down the Topics to be Discussed

The meeting must be direct. Hence, you must specify all the essential topics that need to be mentioned and discussed during the meeting. This will enable your audience or participants to have a clear understanding and idea of what the meeting is about and be prepared for it accordingly.

Step 4: Determine the Timeframe of Each Topic

To ensure that the meeting will be able to cover all the necessary topics, you have to make sure to consider the availability of time for its discussion and plan the meeting accordingly. To do this, define your goals, evaluate their complexity, and include it in your meeting plan. 


What are the best practices when planning a meeting?

When you are planning a meeting, decide whether the meeting is necessary or not, establish the structure of the meeting, include and attach the necessary supporting documents, be sure to start the meeting on time, keep it short and to the point, seek feedback from team members, summarize the discussion, and be sure to finish on time.

What should be included in a meeting planner?

A meeting planner should include a section for time to ensure that the year, month, and date are clearly mentioned to prevent fault, venue of the meeting, agenda, guest of honors, transport details, and entertainment.

What are the tips for meeting planning?

When establishing a meeting plan, maintain effective communication among different parties, familiarize yourself with the audience, draft and follow your budget plan, create different drafts of your timeline to avoid collisions during the event, and send your invitations in advance.

A meeting planner template is a tool used by event organizers or managers to thoroughly plan an upcoming meeting or event. This template contains the details of what the meeting wants to achieve, its agenda, the people involved, and how long the meeting will take. With a meeting planner, company meetings will be conducted with a structured plan which will maintain the focus of the meeting, resulting in a productive and efficient meeting.

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