You probably have already seen the movie Up. It’s about a Boy Scout named Russel, who, for his desire to help an old man, unexpectedly had the journey of his life to Paradise Falls, South America. One of the things that made the movie unsurprisingly heartwarming is the sincerity of the kid to help and bond with the old man, which was seen at the end of the movie, despite initially doing it for a badge.

Whether or not we have a scout’s honor, like Russell, helping other people is important. It is a good and noble act that makes other people’s lives easier. Aside from helping the elderly, one of the most common acts of helping is setting up charity events and giving donations. Below are Sample Receipts you can download for free if you are thinking about either giving or organizing.

Sample Charitable Donation Receipt

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Size: 214 KB


Sample Charitable Donation Receipt in PDF

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Size: 95 KB


Free Charitable Donation Receipt Sample

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Size: 36 KB


Charitable Donation Receipt Format

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Size: 55 KB


Simple Charitable Donation Receipt

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Size: 283 KB


Charity events are happenings organized for an intended cause. One of its goals is to gather and encourage as many people as possible to collect donations. And like any other event, it comes with preparations and paperwork. Here are some of the things that you must remember for the preparations:

  • Determine your mission. You have to identify the people or problems that you wish to help and address to. For instance, you may want to help out school children, or perhaps the old people at the local home for the aged.
  • Think of fund-raising ideas. Think of activities where you know you can gather a lot of people.
  • Compute your budget. Money matters, stick to your organization’s budget.
  • Spread the word. People should know about your event, they make the donations after all. You can make use of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to do so.


Now let’s go to the forms and papers side of this. A charity is expected to bring in money. Either you are selling cupcakes, concert tickets, or pre-loved items likes books and clothes, transactions are transactions; thus, forms such as receipts must be complied.

A charity donation receipt is a document that records a donor’s information and transaction. Specifically, it has the following details:

  • the organization—its name and other details (may include tax number);
  • the name of the donor;
  • the form and value of the contribution;
  • the name and signature of the authorized representative; and
  • if the person has received something in return for the contribution (tokens or products). If the products are not directly sold or given and will be delivered in a certain period, you may want to check out our free Delivery Receipt Sample.

Charitable Donation Receipt Example

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Size: 224 KB


Printable Charitable Donation Tax Receipt

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Size: 143 KB


Everybody has problems, it’s just that some are bigger than others’. Some may have a hard time going to school because of financial issues, some may have trouble eating three meals a day, others may be suffering from an abuse of some sort. For us who don’t have it as rough, we can use our extra resources—money, time and energy—to help those who badly need them.

There is a popular saying that says, “No man is an island.” In a world where there is an estimated 7.4 billion population, nobody is really alone. Which means, we can help. We don’t have to be millionaires to do so. Our energy and enthusiasm can already make a difference.

Charities are not the only ones with receipts. We also have other free stuff like Contractor Receipt Sample.

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