A receipt is a document that serves as the solid proof that a transaction is valid and tracking records and sales in your business. This is also where the costumers identify the amount cost of the item or services he/she received from a company. Luckily we have here downloadable receipt templates for your official receipt.

A company receipt format is very important in the company simply because this could track down your company’s market sales record. This is also a solid record to support the transaction on that particular day and the services or items purchased by the consumers.

Moving Company Receipt Template

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Size: 139 KB


Towing Company

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Size: 91 KB


Roofing Company

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Size: 31 KB


Construction Company

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Size: 44 KB


How to Make a Company Receipt Template

In creating your own company receipt template, you must include the following:

  • Date. The date is one proof that the transaction was made on that particular date. In this, your company could trace all the sales and records on that date. And if your company wanted to review all previous sales, you can easily identify the records according to its date.
  • Company name. Include your company’s names so that the client will be aware of your company. This is also a strategic way of marketing your company, just like in a Vehicle Payment Receipts.
  • Signature. This to provide evidence that both individuals witness the exchange of services or items or payments.

Uses of Company Receipt

Your business must have an official receipt so that there are valid documents for a particular or specific transaction; you have solid proof that the transaction was made on that day if there are any errors or issues in the business or any failure in the system (see also Sample Receipts).

  • Payment. This is common in your daily market sale. Like in the store, you must provide a receipt to your costumers in order to have a valid and legal purchased document.
  • Property. This very common inside the company, like the property of a particular working area. This receipt is like an evidence or inventory that you all have that kind of items inside with the specification of that item and the date of the property issued.

Company Property Receipt

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Size: 186 KB


Company Payment Receipt

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Size: 37 KB


Limited Company

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Size: 208 KB


Cleaning Company

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Size: 81 KB


Blank Company Receipt

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Size: 2 MB


Advantages of Company Receipts

  • This would help you make preparations for your business accounts at the end of the year.
  • This would help you to identify if your business is running in good condition and gives you information that you need in making progress.
  • It is also helpful for you to make a plan for paying the tax to identify if your business is liable for paying tax.
  • This would help you in analyzing the progress of your business such as the weaknesses and strengths of your business.
  • It is useful in making an improvement or any changes for the good of the business.
  • This would help you in planning if your business could pay such financial commitments like paying employees and creditors.
  • This could also identify your tax payment to bypass under/above tax payments.

Therefore, your company must keep all the records such as payments, receipts, credit purchased and sales, assets, and liability in order to have all the solid proof for the existence of a transaction (see also Receipts Form, Receipt Templates).

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