A Payment Receipt is a proof that a person/customer gets in return for the payment made for a good/commodity. It is also a written acknowledgment/record which shows the tax amount that is received by the recipient on behalf of the government. It does not have a fixed format but mostly consists of the name of the items purchased, their respective prices, and the total of the prices along with some tax (if included) will be mentioned. Sales Receipt Samples are the best example of Sample Receipts.

Sample Restaurant Bill Receipt Template

sample restaurant bill receipt template

Simple Sales Receipt Template

simple sales receipt template

Sample Salary Receipt Template

sample salary receipt template

School Fee Receipt

school fee receipt

Deposit Receipt Word Template

deposit receipt word template

Medical Bill Receipt Template

medical bill receipt template

Sample Receipt Word Template

sample receipt word template

Simple Receipt Template Format

simple receipt template format

Final Payment Receipt Sample

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A sample Payment Receipt is issued after the sale of; say a building/land has been settled from the seller’s side which includes the full details of the sold building/land which may include their area in square feet or equivalent and other relevant details about the buyer.

Legal Receipt of Payment Example

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A sample legal receipt has a particular format to be followed, which includes the amount paid, payer’s name and signature, the date on which payment is made, the recipient’s name and signature.

Entrance Exam Payment Receipt in PDF

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A Sample Payment Receipt includes the amount and mode of payment by the applicant. It also consists of the applicant’s name, their application number and their postal address. These same details will be given in 3-part format of which one part to be saved by the applicant, another by the office of admissions and the other by the office of financial services.

What are the Uses/Benefits?

Keeping track of day to day expenses through the habit of bill keeping will help you realize where you are making unnecessary payments at the end of the month. To return /exchange a damaged/unsatisfactory commodity: Since Payment Receipts give you a full guarantee about the payment and purchase that you have made on a particular commodity you can use it as a tip for claiming an exchange or return of money of your unsatisfactory commodity.

To know if have paid the right amount: Payment Receipts clearly mention the respective price of each commodity it is easy for you to identify where you might have gone off a board with your payments if the bill they demand is more than what you might have expected. You can also see the Rent Receipt Samples.

Conference Payment Receipt in Word

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A sample conference Payment Receipt has the unique format and it includes the signature of the recipient, company’s name and the date of receipt. It also consists of a representation of payment of the respective items, their time of arrival, departure etc.

Hospital Payment Receipt Format

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This Payment Receipt gives the details about what type of patient has visited and under which category/disease, their charges, the insurance covered and the due amount. This is also a certification showing that the other end has made the full payment as per what has been demanded or agreed by the seller.

Electricity Bill Payment Receipt to Download

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Who is the Target Audience for the Payment Receipts?

The issuing of a receipt will help you keep track of the payments made by the dealer and hence in no way you will get the blame for being irresponsible or charging something extra to cheat on them. Keeping an electronic data about the payment and purchase receipts will easily help you configure the business status of you firm.

The Payment Receipt these days has become the guarantee of being genuine for any business dealings anywhere. Using the Payment Receipt, you can always argue for the claim, in case of an overpayment or other complaints brought up by the customers. You can also see the Sample Sales Receipts.

Printable Receipt for Partial Payment

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Card Payment Receipt Sample

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Free Sample Payment for Receipt of Funds

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Sample Bank Payment Receipt

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Hence, taking into consideration all the above mentioned benefits of receipt keeping it is always suggested to demand/ issue a Payment Receipt in the case of any official transactions made. You may take references from the Sample Payment Forms so as to create a professional and enhanced Payment Receipt for official purposes.

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