Population density, geographic locations, and economic statuses are all considered data. With these, a person can conduct research that will aid in providing solutions for relevant problems. But, what if a researcher would need the help and the collected data of another researcher? What should be done? Well, aside from verbally negotiating for the information exchange and disclosure, the involved researchers need to put it in writing. In specific, a research data sharing agreement will be a necessary document that they have to sign.

FREE 10+ Research Data Sharing Agreement Samples & Templates

1. Research Data Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • Word

Size: 11 KB


2. Sample Data Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • Word

Size: 25 KB


3. Research Data Sharing Agreement Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 152 KB


4. Data and Material Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 286 KB


5. Research Data Use Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 388 KB


6. Data Sharing Agreement Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


7. Master Data Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 365 KB


8. Clinical Data Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


9. Research Data Sharing Agreement Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


10. Basic Research Data Sharing Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 353 KB


11. Data Sharing Agreement for Research Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 174 KB


What Is a Research Data Sharing Agreement?

A research data sharing agreement is a type of form that researchers and authorities use to document the agreed terms and conditions about how pieces of data and information will be shared to the involved parties. One of the purposes of the agreement is to ensure that data protection and distribution protocols get established and implemented.

How to Make a Research Data Sharing Agreement

Data sharing is essential in the field of science and research. According to Ecologist Thomas Crowther, most researchers want their collected data to be used for their own studies. Nonetheless, some value publicizing every data and information they have acquired. So, if you are willing to collaborate on what you have researched, studied, and collected, our tips below will help you make a research data sharing agreement with ease:

1. Negotiate with the Involved Parties

You should not be making the agreement form on your own, especially if you’re not the only one sharing data. So, negotiate and talk with the involved parties, researchers, scientists, and data providers. Also, document all the negotiations and ask questions that you need answering.

2. Know the Language

There are many branches of science, technology, and also many different types of research. And each type has its own language. For example, physical sciences use terms that include inertia, isotopes, sublimation, and ohms, while earth science uses the terms ablation, adiabatic, and stratify. Both branches may be related to science, but they use varying terms and language. That’s why you should know what the other involved parties of your agreement use so as to avoid confusion and a delay in delivering the right information due to the need to define such terms. You can also add a definition of terms section to ensure that everyone will understand the words that will be present in the agreement.

3. Set the Rules

The terms and conditions, policies, provisions, obligations, and the limitations that the involved parties will have to follow should be clearly indicated in the agreement. You must also include statements about the data privacy and confidentiality and boundaries of data sharing. Moreover, don’t forget to list the penalties in the event of a breach of contract, or if one fails to meet his responsibilities.

4. Detail the Financial Responsibilities

According to Market Connections Inc., there’s a lot to consider when determining how much researching costs. In specific, there’s the safety, safe, type, target audience, and the research period as one of the essential factors. And pertaining to sharing data for researching, the costs can include the delivery of the data and information and the price of any printed material. So, make sure that you detail the financial responsibilities, such as a research budget for the materials, manpower, and others.

5. Include the Governing Law

Just like any other contract and agreement forms, it’s essential to indicate the governing law regulating the agreement’s terms, legality, and implementation. You should also ensure that the law that you are indicating is accurate to the state where the agreement will be established.


It depends on the state where you’re in. Some states require a legal notary to sign and seal agreements, while others do not. However, having the presence of the notary and having the seal on the agreement form just proves to show that the named parties indeed presented themselves as the actual parties who will participate in the agreement.

What happens if I don’t make a research data sharing agreement?

You’d be navigating the research journey with a lot of risks, and some you may not know. The agreement for your research data sharing will help you discuss and layout what all the involved parties want and need, acting like a service request form or an intake document. However, unlike a service request and intake form, the agreement is legally binding and will state more than just the wants and needs and the rules, regulations, collaborations, and obligations of each party.

Do I have to print out the research data sharing agreement or not?

It’s better that you have two options present: printed and electronic. The electronic option is for distribution purposes so that all parties can have a copy of the agreement. On the one hand, the printable agreement or the printed one will be what you will use for discussing and officially establishing the agreement.

Researchers and their research studies and projects are all essential, especially when it’s done for the world to benefit from it. So, don’t waste any more time and download our free agreement form samples for your research data sharing now!

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