More than $40 billion each year are given to grant recipients, according to the Foundation Center. The grants also vary depending on what the grantor or the supporting organization supports. But, one thing is for sure, grant applicants succeed when they have a well-written proposal. So, if you need help in crafting one, then our free research grant proposals are for you!
FREE 10+ Research Grant Proposal Samples & Templates
1. Trainee Research Grant Proposal
2. Research Grant Request Proposal
3. Research Planning Grant Proposal
4. Student Water Research Grant Program
5. Research Grant Proposal Form
6. Professional Research Grant Proposal
7. Research Grant Proposal Sample
8. Research Grant Proposal Questionnaire
9. Research Grant Proposal Overview
10. Simple Research Grant Proposal
11. Research Foundation Grant Proposal
What Is a Research Grant Proposal?
A research grant proposal is a document intended to persuade grantors and organizations to support and fund a research project. It will highlight the details of the project and the plans of the grant applicant that will prove his ability to succeed in the project.
How to Make a Research Grant Proposal
Yale University, Ohio State University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are included in the top 20 universities who get the most money from the US federal government, according to Microsoft News. Of course, one of the highest funds given to them is for research and development purposes. But, it doesn’t mean that you have to be a part of an institution to get funded, especially if you have a research plan that’s beneficial and sustainable to the grantors. You also need more than just a plan, but also a proposal that will gain the interests of your targeted grantors, and you can do that with the tips below:
1. Identify Your Bull’s Eye and Do Your Research
Ask yourself who your target is and be specific. In general, your target audience should be the grantors and their organization. Take note that every grantor is different, so it’s best that when you identify who you want to persuade into supporting your research project, you should proceed to research their background as well. Also, don’t forget to know what the grantor’s objective and goals are so that you will be able to determine if your project is relevant to him or not.
2. Show that You Are Credible
The least a grantor wants is to support someone who does not even know about the research project. That’s why you have to prove to the grantor that you are reliable and that your project is feasible, possible, and important. You can list your achievements, work history, and association with other organizations that aim for your project’s same purpose and goal.
3. Go Direct to the Point
Don’t overboard your proposal with unnecessary words and metaphors; instead, state your point and prove them worthy to the grantors. Also, make sure that you are following the proposal format that your grantor wants and prefers. You can check and verify the format by contacting the grantor and asking for the requirements that you have to fulfill.
4. Proofread Your Proposal
Treat your research grant proposal like it’s the stepping stone towards getting your research budget, which it is, so make it perfect with correct spelling and grammar. Keep your layout and words professional as well. And if there are terms that you have to define, state a clear definition or have a separate sheet or section for the definition of terms. That way, you will be able to have an organized and easy to understand proposal.
What are the common elements of a research grant proposal?
A research grant proposal’s common elements are as follows: a title page and the proposal cover letter, an abstract, an institutional background, needs assessment, the outcomes, and methods, as well as the budget and evaluation plans. Also, you can attach the letters of support from affiliated organizations, your researchers’ resumes, and the proof of status.
How long should my research grant proposal be?
The maximum number of pages that your research grant proposal should have is twenty-five. But, you should know what the grantors prefer, especially since some want summarized versions, which are mostly five pages long. Regardless of the number of pages, your research grant proposal should have enough information to convince your targeted grantor.
How much can I ask for in my research grant proposal?
The limit of financial support that you can ask for in your research grant proposal depends on the requirements of the grantor and the amount that you need for your project. For instance, if you have deliberated that you need $1000 as your project budget, and the grantor only promises $500, then you will get the $500 budget. But don’t worry if you need more, since most grantors are willing to raise and negotiate the amount, especially when they see that your research project is relevant.
What file format is the best for my research grant proposal?
When deciding on the file format, you should first ask yourself how you will send the proposal to your grantors. Are you going to send the proposal via email? Then make the proposal in PDF! Are you going to send the proposal personally to their office or by direct mail? Then make a proposal in MS Word or DOC format. But, then again, ask your grantor what they prefer regarding the file format and how you can send your proposal to them along with other research and supporting documents.
Creating a research grant proposal can be mind-boggling and daunting, especially since its approval is the key to the start of your research project. But, aside from the proposal’s contents, make sure that you keep in mind the date of its deadline, too, for a proposal will be no less than a sheet of paper if it does not meet the deadline. So, don’t waste any more time and start writing the proposal for your research grant budget right now! Just choose from our free downloadable research grant proposal samples and templates above, and you’ll be ready in no time.
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