Junior researchers usually possess much more time to dedicate to research but less experience and perhaps less chance for funding or industrial contacts. So if you’re new in this kind of work, you need to satisfy your intellectual curiosity by carefully finding a topic, identifying a research question and then making every endeavor possible to answer in a satisfactory way. In this article, we will provide some beneficial ways that you should learn and apply while creating your information sheet for your research work. Please continue reading!

FREE 10+ Research Information Sheet Samples

1. Research Information Sheet Template

File Format
  • Word

Size: 9 KB


2. Research Subject Information Sheet

File Format
  • Word

Size: 9 KB


3. Sample Research Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


4. Research Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 429 KB


5. Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 326 KB


6. Sample Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 369 KB


7. Formal Research Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 359 KB


8. Basic Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 337 KB


9. Participant Information Sheet Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 595 KB


10. Participant Information Sheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


11. Project Participant Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 145 KB


What is a Research Information Sheet?

The information sheet provides a clear, concise summary of the research project and its primary goals, outlining the whole research process in an easy to understand language to reach a non-expert audience. This document typically describes the essence of participation in practice, the time duration of participation, the specific location of the participation event, etc.

How to Create a Research Information Sheet 

What will be your research contribution and how do you ensure that it is enough? What kind of research method will you need to use? These are the typical questions that you need to consider while creating your information sheet when it comes to completing your research project. Below are important ways you can do while preparing this document:

1. Write your research goals and objectives

The first step in creating your information sheet for your research project is writing your research goals and objectives. These are significant aspects of your work as they guide you on what specific topics or issues that you need to assess in your research. Also, these are primary points you need to prioritize while completing your project.

2. Identify the essence of participation in your research

Why do you want to include participation in your research work? What kind of evidence do you want to demonstrate from the project? Identifying the essence or purpose of participation for your research work is very essential in accomplishing your work. Having participants like a human subject or an experiment, trial or study participants are helpful in obtaining access to the latest information for your research project.

3. Include the time duration of your project

Then, you must include the specific time duration allotted in your research project. Add the number of days, weeks, or months of the execution of various research methods and techniques such as data collection, analysis, participation like experiment, trial, or study, and many more.

4. Specify the location 

Additionally, you need to specify the location where the participation, experiment, or the study happened. Include the names of the places or describe the type of environment where the research trial or study takes place.


What does participant information mean?

An article explains that the participant information sheet is the document that clarifies the research project to possible participants and invites their participation. It is a key procedure for ensuring that consent is active, informed and voluntary.

The informed consent form for research should briefly describe the research. Use the second or third person perspective to showcase the study information. Avoid using the first person viewpoint. Also, write a statement of agreement at the end of the informed consent form.

How do you ensure confidentiality in research?

You may employ various methods to keep your subjects’ identity confidential. Keep your records secure by using password protected files, encryption when sending information over the internet, and you may use traditional locked doors and drawers as well.

Why is it important to write accurate information in a learner’s information sheet?

Information accuracy is a very essential factor in a learner’s information sheet because people’s lives depend on it similar to the medical information at the hospitals. 

Creating an information sheet is vital in creating knowledge as you clearly demonstrate the research process in details such as defining the research problem or objectives, using proper research methods, evaluating results and explaining the essence of the research. This document should clearly convey to a reader about the quality of the research project. Therefore, strive your best in finishing your research project for your business or company. To help you create an information sheet, click and download our templates here!

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