Many business firms and professional organizations have always maintained minutes to serve as an explicit record of different types of conferences and meeting proceedings. So, appropriate documentation of meeting minutes is a very fundamental skill for professionals and other working individuals. If you’re working as a secretary or the one who records the minutes for your research meeting, we have some downloadable safety meeting minutes to guide you. Keep on reading!

FREE 10+ Research Meeting Minutes Samples & Templates

1. Research Meeting Minutes Template

File Format
  • Word

Size: 14 KB


2. Research Business Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • Word

Size: 5 KB


3. Research Portfolio Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


4. Formal Research Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • Word

Size: 140 KB


5. Basic Research Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 160 KB


6. Research Meeting Minutes Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


7. Research Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 462 KB


8. Research Meeting Minutes Checklist

File Format
  • Word

Size: 44 KB


9. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


10. Research Meeting Agenda

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


11. Formal Research Committee Meeting Minutes

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB



What is Research Meeting Minutes?

Minutes are the real-time written record of a certain meeting. When doctors, physicians, laboratory scientists, scientific academic researchers, statistical data collectors, sales researchers, and many other business professionals conduct their research conference or meeting, the record keeper includes the list of attendees, issues raised, associated responses, and concluding decisions taken to address the mission, goals, and plans from the research meeting.

How to Write Research Meeting Minutes

Studies have shown that comprehensive meeting minutes are beneficial as they convey the actual and real information being discussed in the meeting. So, the minutes play a significant role as a vital communication tool to be one of the legal documents and historic records for researchers. Below are some useful tips in writing meeting minutes: 

1. Jot down your rough draft 

Be attentive and listen carefully to what is being mentioned and classify the valuable information from invaluable ones, think harder about concepts and the framework through which the minute of the discussion will be recorded. Use a pen and notebook or an online note-taking app in jotting down the rough draft of significant data. We suggest that you create a digital document of the minutes that you can store in the cloud like in Google Drive. 

2. Prioritize the essential points

You need to focus and prioritize on writing the essential points of the research meeting. Make a list of all the meeting attendees. Record any documents being distributed in the research conference.  Explain all of the decisions made at the meeting. Identify and track action items and plans that are discussed, specifically any significant due dates.

3. Keep your notes simple and clear

Take your rough draft and arrange your notes by using abbreviations or acronyms in labeling the significant portions. Number each item and give it each heading while allowing some spaces in between each one item so that you can easily incorporate other points. To guide you in underlining and highlighting the main points from the research meeting, use color-coding effectively. Create columns for recording other essential data.

4. Write the final minutes  

When writing down the final minutes, include key decisions and the key person or people for the specific tasks in the research project. Make a concise summary of the discussion. If you’re using a traditional notepad or notebook, type and save your notes in digital document apps like Samsung Notes, Evernote, or Google Docs. 


What are the different types of meeting minutes?

There are three styles of minutes: action, discussion, and verbatim. Each style has a unique use.

What should not be included in minutes of a meeting?

Avoid writing a transcript, and personal comments of the meeting attendees or participants. 

What is the most difficult part in writing the minutes of the meeting?

The most difficult part in writing the minutes of the meeting is  knowing what to write down and what to leave out. Always remember that you don’t try to write everything down because you only need to record the essential points of the main topic being discussed in the meeting.

What is the difference between meeting minutes and the report of a meeting?

The difference between minutes and reports of a meeting is that minutes are more comprehensive and detailed, and a report is shorter and only covers the main points.

Research experiences and feedback may be obtained from different kinds of group meetings, conferences, and papers. We observe that meetings continue to become a place where stories are told and information is shared and revealed. Through research meetings, the activities and other tasks for project implementation can be discussed. Plus, the information can be recorded by writing the minutes. So, we bring you some downloadable and printable meeting minutes samples here in different formats. Just click the templates in this article and start downloading now!

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