One of the most important documents to prepare during a job search is your professional resume. It is either the first or the second document that employers see, so you have to make sure that it makes a good first impression.

Not a lot of job seekers know this but there are 5 specific items that an employer wants to see on your resume. Do you want to know what they are? Then lucky are you for stumbling upon this article! We will let you in on what these 5 things are! Check them out on this very article!

Guide and Samples for Resumes

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This guide will basically give you tips and tricks, the dos and don’ts, as well as the common mistakes that you can find. You can even find a few basic resume samples that is great for beginners or entry-level job seekers.

Graduate School Resume Sample

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In need of sample graduate school resumes? This document will be a great download! It will give you a good description of each section of a resume as well as how to consistently format your resume.

Resume Guide and Samples

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Need an extensive guide on how you should format your resume? This will be a good document for you! It even gives you examples of resumes you should never follow just so you never make that mistake of making a bad resume.

Perfect Resume Kit

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Once you download this document and follow the ten steps to writing the perfect resume, you are sure to end up with a resume that employers will not be able to resist!

Internship Resume Sample

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If you are looking for internship resume samples that would help you land a good internship, this document would be great for you. Check it out!

What Do Employers Want to See?

When you write your resumes, you have to think of yourself as a product. You are a product who wants to get sold and your resume is your marketing plan outline that will help you get sold to the employer—who is the buyer in the case of your job search.

As we have promised, we will help you get sold! We did mention that there are 5 things employers tend to look for in a resume. We’ll give you a quick gist of what it is about: it all lies on the what is the format of a resume. Still no clue? No worries! We will give you a quick breakdown about what we are talking about.

  • Titles. By title, we mean your job title. It may be a simple thing that a lot of job applicants usually have the tendency to look over. Employers would want to know this information in order to assess whether the nature of your current job is related or is similar to the nature of the job you are currently applying for.
  • Benefit. Never sell yourself short whether you have an extensive work experience or otherwise. Let the employers know how you can be a good addition to the company. Demonstrate what you can offer the company through examples of what you have done during your previous work or from your internship.
  • Strengths. Let the employer know what are the things that you consider yourself to be good at and what are the other skills you have that are considered to be relevant to the position you applied for. Again, do not forget to give out any specific example for these strengths.
  • Uniqueness. What makes you different from the other job applicants? Focus on what your achievements are that can be easily related to leadership.
  • Contact information. Of course, you want to make it easy for the employer to get in touch with you. Leave all of the necessary contact details you have such as your mobile number and primary email address. You wouldn’t want to leave this little bit of information out, especially if the employer is already considering to invite you for an interview.


Resume Presentation Sample

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All the basics about resumes can be found in this article. From the header to how you should end your resume, it’s all in this document.

Resume Ebook with Samples

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This document is highly informative and descriptive. Each section of the resume is found here with samples included! You will never be confused about what to put in your resume.

The Perfect Resume Sample

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Just like the previous sample presented, this also has great examples included. Some are sample objectives on resume and some resume profile examples.

Perfect Resume Checklist

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You do not want to miss anything important on your resume, right? This printable checklist for writing your resumes will be very helpful!

Effective Combination Resume Sample

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Thinking about what the best resume format to choose is? This is just one example you will find. It also has functional resume samples, as well as chronological resume templates.

We hope that you have a better idea on which parts you should focus on. Following the tips is sure to catch the attention of multiple employers. Your phones will surely be blasting with interview invites soon!


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