A report from Career Planner says that there will be a 12 percent growth in acting employment between 2016 to 2026—a faster growth than most other occupations. That’s because the demand for actors and actresses are higher than ever. With film and television show directors and producers hunting for talent continuously, it’s a good time to have an acting career. One reason why movie and television projects come left and right is because of streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. They offer seemingly unlimited slots for movies and TV series to air. And that allows many directors and producers to bring their vision to our screens. But for that to happen, they require talented actors and actresses like you. So, to get an acting job, use our convenient acting resume templates!

Free Beginner Acting Resume Template

free beginner acting resume template

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Free Acting Teacher Resume Template

free acting teacher resume template

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  • MS Word

Size: A4 & US


Unique Skills For Acting Resume

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Size: 174 KB


Acting Resume Example

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Size: 1 MB


Acting Resume With Experience

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  • DOC

Size: 42 KB


Beginner Acting Resume

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Size: 44 KB


Acting Resume Format

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Size: 69 KB


Professional Acting Resume

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Size: 186 KB


Sample Theatre Acting Resume

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Size: 42 KB


How Can I Start an Acting Career Without Experience?

Acting is one of those career paths wherein you don’t need a college degree, diploma, or any sort of school certificate. All you need to qualify is having the talent and charisma to act and embody a character. Acting job descriptions vary, but talent and charisma is always a must. So, the answer is yes; you can pursue an acting career with zero experience. However, the road won’t be easy. Making it into the small screen or the big screen isn’t going to be a cakewalk. But anyway, for sure you know it’ll never be easy. So if you’re dead serious about becoming a pro actor or actress, here are some tips.

Study the Art of Acting

When we watch movies and TV shows, it would seem like acting is just as simple as memorizing some lines and articulating them when the director says “action.” Well, that’s one of the essences of acting, but there’s more to it. Acting is the art of embodying a character through your physical actions. It’s also about conveying body language aside from delivering dialogue dramatically.

Acting has a lot of tiny details. Studying them can enable you to be great at this craft. You can do your acting studies by buying a movie ticket to watch the latest film with Oscar-worthy performances. Or, you can watch classic Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and Leonardo DiCaprio flicks.

Don’t Rush Moving to the City of Dreams

Cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and London are where most famous A-list actors and actresses started making major marks in show business. If that inspires you to move to such cities, don’t rush doing so. Living there doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get an acting job right away. Plus, the living expenses in such cities are quite expensive, especially rent. So, don’t move to the big city if you don’t have the budget yet. Also, make sure you have a clear shot at an acting career before you reside there.

Attend Local Training and Auditions

Because moving to a big city isn’t practical right now, use the time to attend local acting workshops. Some of them are for free, and you can join in before or after your work shift schedule. If there are open auditions for local plays and improv theatre, go for it. Take every opportunity to hone your acting prowess without spending money.

Develop Other Skills

Casting directors search for actors and actresses who can portray a character flawlessly. For example, if the character is a piano player, they would undoubtedly prefer casting an actor or actress who can play the piano. With that in mind, try to learn other hands-on skills in your repertoire. It can help you to become versatile in acting. And it could win you many acting roles in the future.

Don’t Let Rejections Discourage You

Admittedly, you’re going to botch a lot of auditions, and that’s normal. You’re going to hear a lot of casting directors say, “Thank you for your time. Next.” We know that it sounds disheartening, but you shouldn’t let rejections stop you. Every actor and actress, including those who made it big in Hollywood, experienced failed auditions. Instead of letting them put you down, use them as a learning experience.

How to Make An Acting Resume

Just like any other job application, you also must have a resume to get an acting job. You’ll need it to maximize your chances of hearing a casting director say, “You’re who we’re looking for. You’re in.” So, now we’ll be showing you a few quick tips in making a proper acting resume format that sums up your acting prowess perfectly. Regardless of whether you’re making an acting resume for teenager or adult, this short guide can help you.

Don’t Use a Filtered Photo

Never use a filtered photo on your resume. It disappoints a casting director when he or she sees that you look different in person. Plus, it shows that you aren’t that confident with yourself. Some of them might feel cheated by you, and that could prompt them to reject you instantly. Simply put, using a filtered photo gives off a bad first impression instead of a good impression.

Highlight Your Other Talents

Some of your other talents, such as singing, dancing, and modeling, are huge plus factors. So, make sure to highlight them in your resume. This approach will help you if the acting role you’re auditioning is a character with the same talent you have in real life. This relates to what we mentioned earlier about learning other skills.

Emphasize Your Acting Background

Your acting background is also a huge plus factor. So include it as well. But if you’re a beginner, you can flaunt your acting training experience. And if it so happens that you were an extra in a commercial or music video, include that too. Even your experience in school plays will do.

Keep Your Resume Short

A resume layout doesn’t need to have multiple pages. In fact, a one-page resume would be better. Casting directors don’t have time to go over a multi-page acting resume. Some of them even only view the auditionee’s name and photo. With those said, keep your resume concise, especially if you’re making an acting resume for beginners.

That’s about it. You may also pair your acting resume with a cover letter if you want.

How much do average actors and actresses earn?

Ordinary actors and actresses earn an averaged $39.4 per hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the rate of their earnings depends on the projects’ size and how big their contracts or agreements offer. Of course, A-list actors and actresses earn millions from the movies they starred in.

Can I hone my acting skills all by myself?

Yes, you can enhance your acting skills by yourself. Reading scripts, doing solo dialogue, practicing monologues, and playing with narration are excellent means to become a self-taught actor or actress. You can also study the acting performances of great actors and actresses by watching their movies. However, it’s better to enroll in an acting workshop.

Is the talent of acting a natural trait to someone who has it?

All of us have acting talent. It showed when we were kids playing make-believe with our childhood friends. But some have a superior acting talent than others. However, even if you don’t naturally possess a high-class acting talent, you can become a great actor or actress through study and practice. So, make a checklist of areas of your acting prowess you need to improve on.

If you really love acting, pursue every chance to make a career out of it. Making one’s passion and profession is not a luxury that everybody gets. Even if you can’t join the ranks of Robert de Niro, Will Smith, Scarlett Johansson, and Robert Downey Jr., continue acting as long as it feeds your soul, and you earn a decent income from it. So, make use of any acting resume sample from us and start chasing your acting dreams.

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