Within the terms of a professional world, being a fresh college graduate is considered to be in the middle line of everything. It is the point of someone’s life where he or she has already finished the required educational attainment but has no working experience that can give him or her better chances of being hired.

With those in mind, a college graduate resume will help improve the chances of getting an employer. It is on how well you present yourself and the things that you can provide the company that a decision to hire you even without prior job experience may take place.

If you are a fresh college graduate, you may look at our Sample Resumes to help you draft your first resume.

Sample College Graduate Resume

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Size: 931 KB


Recent College Graduate Resume

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Size: 33 KB


College Graduate Accounting Resume

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Size: 38 KB


College Graduate Functional Resume

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Size: 33 KB


Since a college graduate still does not have any work-related experiences, I suggest that the resume that you are to do have the following items:

  • School events experience. An employer who can see that you have co-curricular activities may think that you are a people person and can work with groups.
  • Practicum trainings. Whether you are paid or not, practicum experiences can provide information that you have already worked in a professional environment as a trainee.
  • Leadership skills. As the saying goes, “A good leader is a good follower.” Rank-and-file positions are also hard to get nowadays. You need to assure that you are a cut above your competitors, and leadership skills can show maturity even at a young age.
  • Organizations where you are a member of. Being involved in organizations has a very positive impact, as it means you are willing to do programs and activities for a better change.
  • Achievements. A good academic track record and awards gathered because of it is a great addition to your resume. Awards from different activities heavily matter too.
  • Seminars attended. You may not have work experiences yet, but learning from those speakers who are already making waves in their chosen field is a plus factor during application.
  • Skills. Capitalize on your skills, as it will make up for your lack of professional experience.

It may not be that much compared to a resume of someone who already has a wide professional experience, but it sure will set you to a good start.

If you have already finished an advanced academic program but have no work experience yet, you may look at our Sample Graduate School Resumes or Sample Resumes For Graduate School suited for your type of need.

College Graduate Entry Level Resume

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Size: 285 KB


College Graduate Profile Resume

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Size: 162 KB


College Graduate Resume Example

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Size: 14 KB


College Graduate Engineering Resume

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Size: 38 KB


College Graduate Nursing Resume

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Size: 150 KB


If you are still a fresh graduate, do not be afraid to go out there and compete with people who have professional experiences. Remember that if you know that you can do the job, there is no reason to not try to apply.

It may be hard and overwhelming at first. Yet, if you already get the gist, you can already have that confidence needed to ace every interview that you are to go to. Moreover, a resume that has all your qualifications and gives excellent highlights on your strengths can provide you with a step or two above other applicants.

If you are already on your way of creating a resume, you can go to College Graduate Resumes to help you even further.

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