Mistakes are inevitable. Every now and then, you will be able to commit mistakes and that’s fine. The only time mistakes will never be considered as fine? During a job search. Most importantly on your resume. Why do we say this? This is because mistakes on a resume are the perfect ticket for a job applicant to be easily screened out of the application process.

You see, hiring managers have been trained to have a keen eye in order to screen applicants properly. One little grammar mistake, one little typo, or one wrong indent can hurt your chances in getting a good job.

Make sure to read and remember these common resume mistakes. It’s high time we start avoiding these in order to increase our chances of getting better and long-term jobs.

Resumes in PDF

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If you want to see good breakdown of what good-looking resumes are and how they are drafted, definitely check out this document. It will give you resume examples of resumes that are presentable and not presentable.

Resume Samples with Outline of Information

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This document will give you a ton of resume samples for different kinds of positions. This will definitely be a good guide for you!

Mistakes to Avoid While Making a Resume

  • Making use of resume objectives. The good old days of objectives in resumes are long gone. It seems old-fashioned and obsolete. Instead of using an objective, try making use of resume summary, especially if you are in the midst of switching careers. Resume objectives typically talk about the job applicant’s objectives and not what he/she can do for the company. Career summaries can help you elaborate more on what you can do for the company given your skills and experiences.
  • Information is not updated or is incorrect. Every little detail of your resume should be on point. A simple mistake when it comes to contact details will get your resume easily shredded in the paper shredder. You should also include the correct information about previous jobs. You never really know when a company’s HR department is lenient or otherwise when it comes to background checks.
  • Resumes are not customized. Just like the reasons why you should customize your cover letter, your resumes must be custom-made and matched with the particular job position and company you applied for. Your resumes are not a one-size-fits-all type of document. Work on one job application at a time. List down all the possible companies you want to apply for and carefully work for your application documents for each company.
  • Too much information in one page. A lot of times, applicants would want to squeeze as much information in one page. There is a tendency for the resume format to be compromised, which should never be the case. If you want to insist on keeping your resume to only one page long, make sure you pick out the most relevant qualifications you have that are in line with the job position you are applying for.
  • Inconsistent formatting. Your resume’s format should be consistent all throughout, from start to finish. Make sure all indentations, bullets, and font style are the same. Eradicate any irrelevant factors that act as fillers, especially for the work experience part. Choose a theme that would best suit your personality.
  • Too vague. How can an employer possibly know what you have achieved if you are just going to be too general in your resume? The number one thing to remember about resumes? ALWAYS highlight your accomplishments.
  • Omitting employment dates. Never forget to include your employment dates from previous companies. It gives a bad impression as the hiring manager might think you left on bad terms or you are hiding something from them. It plays a good role when hiring managers are considering to see a candidate for an interview.
  • Missing to include skills. You have the option to omit the skills section but do not forget to incorporate your skills somewhere else. One good section of your resume where you can freely do so is on your career summary. Remember that being able to show the hiring manager what your skills are from the previous company gives them a better picture of how you can be a good addition to the company.
  • Unable to quantify accomplishments. Speaking of giving the company a better picture of what you can bring to the table, giving them concrete examples of how you showcased your skills and other qualifications will give your resume a better impact. It helps you stand out from the other applicants.
  • Forgetting to review your resume. This is probably one of the most common mistakes a lot of job applicants commit when it comes to resumes. If you do not review your resume, you will most likely miss out on some grammatical errors and misspellings. Have someone else read your resume and suggest some edits.

Documents to Help Identify Mistakes

The common mistakes we have mentioned are just some of the most common mistakes found in a resume. We’ll give you some documents that will give you a better overview of the common mistakes that can be found on resumes. All of these documents will give you tips on what you can do to avoid making mistakes in your resume.

Avoid the Top 10 Resume Mistakes in PDF

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Common Resume Mistakes in PDF

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6 Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

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Common Resume Mistakes

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5 Fatal Resume Mistakes to Avoid

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Size: 287 KB


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