A resume is a short description of your characteristics and your skills that could prove useful for the position you are applying to. The exact format of a resume is that it has to be formal at the same time extremely descriptive of your capabilities, that way the reader of your resume will have a clear idea of who you are and what you can do for the company.

Depending on your job application, you will need certain types of resume. The general resume types would be a basic resume with all of your information written within it. Information like your name, age, date of birth, educational attainment, experience, referrals, etc.

10 Tips for an Effective Resume

The best way to get to a job interview would be to write a great resume. So, searching for a guide to creating your own resume? Then look no further. We will be discussing the 10 things you should do on writing your resume. You will need to start off with the following:

  • Always keep the resume clear and without any unnecessary decorations or design. People prefer to hire someone who is professional when it comes to the submission of documents, so avoid adding stickers and drawings on your resume (unless the job you’re applying for is a type of artist job, then draw away).
  • When indicating information about your academic or educational attainment, identify the exact name of the schools you attended and what type of class you were taking during those school years. It is also favored upon to list the schools in a reverse chronological order, meaning to list first your most recent school history down to your earliest school history. This is so the reader of the resume can get an idea of your academic levels.
  • Add attachments as necessary. Some resumes may require you to attach documents like your school’s transcript of record or an application letter, or even your birth certificate so as to confirm your identity.
  • List down in the qualifications portion of the resume your accomplishments and your titles you have earned in your academic school life.
  • Identify any and all past work experience you may have.
  • When you’re done making your resume, proofread it or review it for any flaws and errors.
  • Everything in your resume should be 100% true.
  • Always stick to the standard format of a resume. If you do not know the standard format of a resume, then using a resume template should simplify it.
  • List down any expectations you have about the company.
  • List down the names and contacts of at least three referrals.

Resume Mistakes to Avoid

  • Never forget to add cover letters for resumes.
  • Avoid adding unnecessary objects to the resume.
  • Always follow a clean and correct format.
  • Avoid writing any obscenities and grammatical errors.
  • When sending your resumes, avoid sending it to multiple companies at the same time.
  • Keep your sentences in the resume short and on the topic at all times.
  • Avoid flooding your resume with too much information about yourself.
  • When writing your job objective, make sure it matches the job opening the company has to offer. Search for some resume objectives examples to use a reference.
  • Be open to sharing any and all awards you have earned.
  • Always use the latest resume formats.

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