Are you well-informed with the current marketing trends that can garner more profits for any type of business? If you think you possess the necessary business advertising skills to increase a company’s customer base, then perhaps you can work as a marketing assistant.

If you have already decided that a marketing assistant position is best for you, then you need to submit an effective resume to attract the attention of your hiring manager. To help guide you in your resume-making, download our marketing assistant Sample Resumes. These are available in PDF and Word formats, thus making it easier for you to access and store these in your devices.

Entry-Level Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 145 KB


Executive Assistant Resume

Experienced Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 47 KB


Sports Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


Marketing Research Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Digital Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


Can You Perform the Job Functions of a Marketing Assistant?

Before you make your resume, assess yourself first whether or not you are fit for the marketing assistant position. A few of the job functions that you will be required to do if you will be qualified for the position are as follows:

  • You need to immerse yourself with the items and materials that are used in marketing activities and processes. If you will be hired as a marketing assistant, it is most likely that you will be tasked to edit the marketing and advertising tools that will be used by the company.
  • Assure that you are aware of the marketing activities that the company is known for. Marketing is a part of allowing people known the brand of the business. Hence, all the marketing activities and tools must be cohesive, aligned, and appropriate to the way that the company wants to be perceived by the consumers.
  • You need to apply your communication and interpersonal skills in presenting the company to both the loyal clients of the business and the new market area that the business wants to penetrate. You will be tasked to talk to different stakeholders, which involves the employees of the business, the investors of the company, and the employees that practice their purchasing power in acquiring the products and services of the business.


Other than our marketing assistant resumes, you may also want to download our templates of Sample Marketing Resumes and Professional Resume Samples for additional references.

Professional Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


Real Estate Marketing Assistant Resume Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Marketing Assistant Resume Objective Format

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Administrative Marketing Assistant Resume

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Guidelines in Creating a Marketing Assistant Resume

  • List down all the technical skills that you have. It is very important for the company to know that you can deliver the job functions that they expect from you.
  • Aside from your technical skills, the knowledge that you have regarding marketing and the activities that are attached to it is also essential to be discussed. This can be done by listing down the seminars that you have attended, the training that you have been a part of, and the conventions that you have arranged either for the company or for other bodies of entities.
  • Your experiences in the field of marketing is very important to be highlighted. Create a chronological list of the job functions that you have handled and the description of your work on a daily basis in your previous companies.


If you think that you have already gained enough knowledge about the creation and usage of a marketing assistant resume, then you may download our templates of Executive Resume Examples for you to know more information about a different kind of resume.

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