So you just graduated from nursing school and have received your license as a registered nurse. What now? Now you are ready to go out into the real world and apply all the skills and knowledge you have learned from school. You may be surprised, however, to see that the job market, specifically the nursing job market, is a tough place to be in.

When you just graduated from nursing school, that means you don’t have much experience. However, you need to make your resume stand out from the rest in order for you to get the job. These Sample Resumes will give you an idea on how to craft that resume that immediately grabs attention.

New Graduate Nurse Resume Samples

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  • PDF

Size: 146 KB



New Nurse Practitioner Resume

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Size: 19 KB


New Registered Nurse Resume in Docx

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  • DOCX

Size: 5 KB


New Nurse Resume Format

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Size: 881 KB


New Nurse Resume Tips

You may have heard reports about the nurse shortage happening throughout the world. And then you hear of new nursing grads remaining unemployed after getting their license or you may be one. Being employed as a nurse means you have to craft a resume that stands out form the rest. Here are some Registered Nurse Resumes you can use as a guide in making your resume.

  • Highlight your educational honors. Being a new grad means you don’t have much experience. You can counter this lack of work experience with academic honors. It is also a good idea to put your GPA when it is 3.5 or higher. Don’t forget to include the honors you received at your graduation.
  • Put in your work experience. You may have worked as a nursing aid. Put that in your resume. Even when you have worked other jobs not related to nursing, you can put that there too. You have gained nursing-relevant skills while working on them also.
  • Tweak your resume content to match the job you applied for. You need to put keywords that are related to the job. You may need to check Nurse Job Description Samples to see the responsibilities and duties needed. Putting in words you see on there on your resume will surely be noticed.

New Nurse Resume Samples

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  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


New Nurse Graduate Resume Example

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Size: 257 KB


Entry level Nurse Resume Sample

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 11 KB


Example of Nursing Skills for New Nurse Resume

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  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


What to Include in a New Nurse Resume

You just graduated and got your license as a registered nurse. Now you have to make a resume to send to your potential employer. When first approaching the task, you may be wondering what to put in there. Below is a list of the things you need to include in your resume.

  • Contact Information – Place your full name in the resume together with your current phone number so the potential employer knows how to contact you. Also include a professional email address.
  • Resume Summary – This part should be concise and effectively capture who you are. You can include here your years of relevant experience, your working style, qualifications and characteristics that make you a good fit for the job, etc.
  • Work Experience – Include your most recent work experience and jobs where you gained some relevant skills to the job you are applying for.
  • Skills – Include here computer skills. When you have tried working with a hospital charting system, include that as well.
  • Education – Make sure to put your school and the degree that you finished.


When you are a new nursing graduate first entering into the job market, you will immediately find out that competition is tough. These sample new nurse resumes, together with Sample Nurse Cover Letters, can be used as your guide in order for you to get that job you want.

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