Before you can go up to that podium and receive your diploma in your academic regalia, there are questions that makes us more nervous than possibly tripping over as you go up or accidentally knocking off your principal’s mortarboard as you receive your certificate. Like, what are your plans after graduation? Have you found a prospective job? Are you prepared to take the next big step? These questions would often occupy our minds as we reach our senior year of college.

Sample Resumes is an article that could help you in creating your own. It is of importance that you have a resume prepared as earlier as possible, may it be for internships, fellowships, assistant-ships and part-time or temporary jobs, having a resume will be beneficial in the long run.

College Student Resume Example Experience

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Size: 280 KB


Basic High School Student Resume for College

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Size: 95 KB


College Student Resume with Work Experience

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Size: 909 KB


Printable Resume for College Student Internship

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Size: 288 KB


Standard Freshman College Student Resume

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Size: 127 KB


When you create your resume, it is important that you highlight the most important information in a way that interests your reader—keep it simple and direct to the point. This allows your reader to fully understand and see all of the accomplishments you have accumulated over the years. While having a two-page long resume that surely contains a lot of great information, but because of it being crowded, your reader may not even have the time to locate it. Check out the Resume Examples for Job, it provides templates that you can download for free and use as a reference material to create your own.

Why Having a Resume Is Needed

During college days, most opt to ignore the fact that we need to create a resume until we reach our senior year, but what most don’t know is, having a resume prepared at an early time benefits you in the long run. Having one already made allows you to just keep updating it when needed. It also saves you the time to write and remember all of your credentials, accomplishments, and experiences.

Here are a few tips on what you should focus on when creating your resume:

  • Clear objective. Always have a clear objective in your resume. It allows your reader to know how well informed you are about the position or career you are trying to apply for.
  • Chronology works wonders. When it comes to stating your educational background, doing it in a chronological outline helps the reader to know your highest attainable educational background and schools you have attended.
  • Experiences. List down all of your work, school and other extracurricular experiences you have accumulated while still in school. It is important to include your experiences at it tells the reader a bit about who you are.
  • Skills. If you have skills or other unique skills that you think may help you land a job, incorporate them into your resume by listing them down. Try to focus on skills relevant to the career path you are aiming for; however, adding extra skills outside that can also be beneficial.


College Student Resume in PDF

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Size: 829 KB


Engineering College Student Resume Example

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Size: 277 KB


Free Resume Objective for College Student

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Size: 285 KB


Sample First Year College Student Resume

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Size: 32 KB


Fresher College Student Resume in Word

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  • DOCX

Size: 8 KB


Creating a resume may be time-consuming and frustrating, there’s no need to fret, Simple Resume Formats can help and guide you in creating and giving you more ideas on creating your resume. We have also provided in this article some sample templates of resumes specifically to help college students a better idea on how to create one by just clicking the download button. You can use the samples as reference material or guide for free in PDF format.

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